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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Having personally experienced it, Optimus Prime had developed a deep fear of Sentinel Prime's weapon, the Universe Rust Cannon.

So, after stopping himself from striking down Shake, he quickly accelerated, brandishing his heavy sword as he closed in on Sentinel Prime.


Sentinel Prime easily blocked Optimus Prime's sword with his shield, but his expression subtly changed.

He was uncertain if his student had used his full strength, but in that moment, he had almost stepped back half a step.

Even though Sentinel Prime himself was not taking the fight seriously at the moment, his student's power had already become a threat to him.

"Teacher, you've made too many mistakes. It's not too late to turn back now!"

Optimus Prime once again closed in on him, continuously striking with his sword, forcing Sentinel Prime to put away the Universe Rust Cannon and engage in close combat with his long knife.

At the same time, he continued to persuade his teacher with words. "Look at this city you've destroyed with your own hands. I've been here before. This ancient city has a history of thousands of years, and every inch of it carries the glory of a past civilization."


Sentinel Prime exerted force with his long knife, pushing Optimus Prime back half a step. He coldly looked at Optimus Prime. "Is it me who's wrong, or have you forgotten your true identity?"

His extensive combat experience allowed him to quickly counterattack after gaining a brief advantage.

With a swing of his long knife, he unleashed a burst of power. Optimus Prime tried to block it with his long sword, but Sentinel Prime's face twisted suddenly.

In the next moment, his body was sent flying by the sudden surge of power.

"You are an Autobot, not an Earthling."

Sentinel Prime once again chased after him, attempting to stab Optimus Prime's Spark in the chest, but Optimus Prime narrowly blocked it with his shield.

However, even so, the tremendous force of the blade hitting the shield instantly left a deep dent on one side of the shield. In the center of the shield, a crack appeared from the impact.

Sentinel Prime's face contorted as he tried to pierce the shield with the blade, while Optimus Prime stood his ground and exerted all his strength to support the shield.

The concrete road beneath their feet soon cracked due to their struggle.

Sentinel Prime had used all his strength, and he could see that his young student was struggling, but he could still hold his own.

With determination, Sentinel Prime lifted the shield from his left hand and swung it towards Optimus Prime's waist.


The shield struck Optimus Prime heavily, leaving a curved wound on his waist.

The force of the shield's impact was immense, causing Optimus Prime to lose his footing and almost fall to the ground.

"You are not my match!"

Sentinel Prime quickly caught up and swung his long knife at Optimus Prime again.

But at that moment, the second wave of attacks from the U.S. Military arrived.

"Swoosh... Swoosh... Swoosh..."

The noise of missiles gliding through the air and descending could be heard.

Sentinel Prime keenly sensed the danger and looked up, only to find that seven or eight missiles were simultaneously locking onto their location and rapidly approaching.


He snorted, then pointed to the sky. "Optimus Prime, these are the Humans you want to befriend, a gift for you!"

With a leap, Sentinel Prime displayed astonishing speed in a short moment. Just before the missiles hit them, he jumped up, briefly hovered in the air, landed, and then leaped again. In just three to five seconds, he had moved sixty to seventy meters away.

Almost as soon as he turned around, the missiles struck the ground.

It was clear that these seven or eight missiles had intentionally targeted Sentinel Prime and Optimus Prime. The shockwaves from the explosions caused the nearly thirty-ton Sentinel Prime to shudder uncontrollably.

The ground cracked, and stones flew in all directions, like bullets piercing through nearby trees and buildings.

The impact on Sentinel Prime's mechanical body produced a crackling sound, like fireworks.

"Too bad!"

Through the thick smoke, he soon saw what was happening in the flames.

In that area, although the flames were still raging, and even a crater had appeared after the successive missile strikes, there was no sign of Optimus Prime. It seemed that his student, who was closing in on him, was much more formidable than he had imagined.

As he remained vigilant, another group of dark dots appeared in the distant sky.

Sentinel Prime looked up and his expression turned colder.

"The Humans' aerial forces?"

In the sky, U.S. Military aircraft that had departed from the Red Sea had finally reached the airspace above Cairo.

"Swoosh... Swoosh... Swoosh..."

Missiles quickly locked onto the city, continuing to wreak havoc and vent their anger on the Decepticon Vehicons.

Sentinel Prime watched this scene with indifference, then shifted his gaze to the other side, where Optimus Prime had also escaped the missile attack.

"Do you see, Optimus Prime? These are the Humans... After I woke up, I investigated the history of Humans."

"They have the same flaws as the Decepticons - arrogance, belligerence, and insatiable greed."

"While their civilization has only been around for a few thousand years, their history is one of continuous expansion and conquest."

"In just a few thousand years, they have reached heights that took us millions of years to achieve."

"Especially in the last two to three hundred years, the so-called industrial revolutions that the Earthlings admire so much... each one was built on countless acts of slaughter and piles of corpses."

Optimus Prime remained silent, gazing at the sky. He still held onto his belief in seeking peace with the Earthlings.

However, at this moment, he had no way to refute his teacher's words.

Because, indeed, Human history was a history of warfare.

The words on every page of the history books only recorded what the rulers wanted others to see, but what was hidden between the lines were the countless piles of bones.

Optimus Prime had arrived on Earth earlier than Sentinel Prime and had a deeper understanding of Earth. He undoubtedly knew more than Sentinel Prime, especially after repeatedly being stabbed in the back and betrayed while cooperating with the United States to form the Sound Nest unit. Even with his kind nature, he had accumulated a lot of frustration.

After a long silence, Optimus Prime sighed and looked at Sentinel Prime. "Teacher, not all Humans are arrogant and belligerent. Just as within the Skytiger Legion, there are Decepticons like Skyfire and Frenzy who detest unjust wars. Even within our Autobot ranks, there are those skilled in plotting, deception, and scheming, Autobots who enjoy intrigue."

"Every species has the right to evolve, and while their methods may be despicable, they are not shameful when used for survival."

Sentinel Prime's face twisted. "In that case, allow me to show you what is truly despicable in their eyes!"

With a powerful push of his feet, he lifted his long knife and charged at his former student.

The conflict of ideologies between teacher and student had long become irreconcilable.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 921: Day of Tribulation 


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