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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Above the Red Sea, with a command issued, the two U.S. Military aircraft carrier battle groups that had been gathering in the Middle East for the past half month finally sprang into action.

Six Arleigh Burke-class destroyers and two Ticonderoga-class cruisers revealed their deadly arsenal.

One after another, Tomahawk cruise missiles ascended from the fleet and swiftly homed in on the city of Cairo.

On two Nimitz-class aircraft carriers, two Wasp-class amphibious assault ships, and two Tarawa-class amphibious assault ships, ground crews were making their final preparations.

On the decks, fighter jets were ready to take flight.

As soon as the first wave of missiles had hit the ground, they would ascend rapidly, coordinating with their eight warships to unleash a relentless bombardment on the cybertronians in Cairo.

The command to take off was quickly relayed from the flagship, and one by one, the fighter jets, loaded with ammunition, took to the skies, poised to unleash precise airstrikes on Cairo.

Having received an invitation from the Egyptian authorities, the U.S. Military was accustomed to acting without restraint and did not concern itself with the potential casualties in Cairo caused by their actions.

Meanwhile, within the U.S. Military base in Saudi Arabia.

Six B-52 strategic bombers, dispatched in haste, had completed their ammunition replenishment and were now taking off, heading towards Egypt.

While the U.S. Military may not have as many warships as the Europe Joint Fleet, they were, without a doubt, the most powerful military force on Earth. Their warships surpassed those of European nations by at least half a generation in various aspects, and in some cases, they led by two generations.

So, even though their numbers were smaller, the damage they could inflict surpassed that of the Joint Fleet.

After all, many major warships in Europe were only 3,000 to 4,000-ton frigates, primarily equipped with short-range anti-ship and anti-air missiles, with limited capabilities to engage targets hundreds of kilometers away.

When the Howling missiles struck again, many Vehicons, driven more by madness than reason, were caught off guard, as they had easily evaded the previous attack.

While most Vehicons still attempted to dodge the incoming missiles, it was clear that the U.S. Military's missiles possessed greater firepower and accuracy than those of the Europe Joint Fleet.

In the midst of the howling, the missiles drew closer, and soon they were detonating over Cairo.

In an instant, hundreds of missiles exploded in succession on the streets and alleys.

Sentinal Prime raised his shield and abruptly intercepted a missile aimed at the skyscraper he was in. The shockwave from the explosion pushed him back a few steps.

He looked coldly in the direction from which the missile had come. "Useless Decepticon!"

With a snort, he extended a hand and touched his ear.

Instantly, Sentinal Prime entered a specially constructed communication channel. "How much longer until the positioning and teleportation devices are fully awakened?"

Before long, messages from all directions appeared in the channel.

"I've awakened 7!"



"Your Majesty, we've awakened a total of 71!"

After receiving these messages, a faint smile returned to Sentinal Prime's face.

"Speed it up; we don't have much time left!"

Just after giving the order, Sentinal Prime suddenly sensed a cold gaze fixed on him.

He followed the gaze's direction and his faint smile turned into a sneer.

On a street hundreds of meters away, a powerful Mechanical Warrior with red and blue markings stood, gazing up at him.

"My student, you've finally arrived!"

Sentinal Prime murmured softly and then leaped into action. He thrust his longsword into the wall of the skyscraper, sending sparks flying as he descended rapidly to the ground.


Optimus Prime gazed calmly at his familiar yet unfamiliar mentor. Not long ago, Sentinal Prime had ruthlessly attacked him, leaving him thoroughly disappointed in his former teacher.

But as a staunch advocate for peace, Optimus still wanted to make one last attempt.

"You once praised me for rebuilding New Iron Fortress City, saying that it showed you the future!"

Sentinal Prime, equally calm, looked at Optimus Prime with great confidence in his own abilities.

"No, Optimus Prime. That was just a glimpse of the future. Have you seen this city? Humans squander their precious resources on useless constructions. They can't even step out of their own planet, yet they proudly call us 'Machines'!"

Optimus Prime continued to watch him, refusing to back down. "But this is their home planet, and we are outsiders. We need to proactively show our goodwill to the people of Earth in order to gain a larger living space, even a New Home!"

"Then why not take it by force? Isn't the Earth civilization based on the principle of 'survival of the fittest'? We are stronger than them, so why shouldn't we take control of everything, instead of letting them continue to waste and abuse Earth? What sets us apart from the Decepticons if we follow the same path?"

"Teacher, you have taken the wrong path. Even a little one like Frenzy, who betrayed the Skytiger Legion, managed to seize a continent on Earth and establish a new power. Why, then, do you want to confine yourself and the Autobots within New Iron Fortress City?"

Sentinal Prime's ears twitched, and a cold smile returned to his face.

He turned suddenly and hurled his longsword in one swift motion, and with a cry, he sliced Shake in half.

"So many years, and no progress at all!"

He taunted, then drew his Universe Rust Gun.

Optimus Prime's expression turned serious. He had personally witnessed the power of this weapon. He summoned his shield and aimed his energy cannon at his mentor.

"You all, retreat and deal with the Decepticons in the city!"

A shot from Optimus Prime stopped Sentinal Prime, who had attempted to shoot Shake. He shouted his orders loudly.

Several Autobots had tried to assist him, working together to confront this Superior General.

But Sentinal Prime's combat experience was simply too rich.

Shake had inadvertently crushed a small rock earlier, creating a disturbance that Sentinal Prime immediately detected.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 920: Irreconcilable Differences 


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