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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


It had been four days since they had completely repelled the Decepticon assault.

"In the past four days, Commander-in-chief, we have encountered attacks from Skytiger Legion Vehicons in 17 different regions," Thunder reported.

"We eliminated a total of 762 attacking Vehicons, but we lost 4 advanced warriors, 347 regular soldiers, and 2792 combat Robots."

"In addition, we lost seven mines, two factories, four hydroelectric power stations, three mobile detection stations, and one Drone."

"We've expended 1775 rounds of various ammunition and 422 missiles," Thunder continued.

Sun Cheng sat back in his chair in the conference room, which was dominated by his massive metallic seat. He listened quietly to Thunder's report, not feeling much anger but rather growing perplexed.

"What exactly are Starscream and Skytiger Legion thinking?" he wondered aloud.

An attack of this magnitude could potentially wipe out any country on Earth, except for the Five Big Bullies, and even the Two European Fallen Powers would be at risk, aside from their strategically vast regions.

However, even if the attack was increased tenfold, Base Two could likely withstand it. The resulting losses would undoubtedly be more than ten times what they were now, though.

But what was the purpose of all this?

If it was merely to test the waters in South America and assess their control over the continent, Sun Cheng knew that Starscream would have sent out more Vehicons, deployed forces beyond advanced warriors, and might even have unleashed horrific war monsters like Hercules.

Yet, in the past four days of attacks, none of these had appeared.

The losses incurred by Base Two were relatively insignificant, akin to a superficial wound.

In Sun Cheng's view, most of their losses should never have occurred. They were fighting on their home turf, with intelligence, manpower, and material resources fully buffed, yet they still suffered significant losses.

This situation taught Sun Cheng and Base Two a harsh lesson. Their problems were substantial, and a significant portion of their losses stemmed from the fact that South America had enjoyed too much peace, leading to insufficient combat experience among their Decepticon soldiers.

In terms of defensive warfare and war preparedness, Sun Cheng and his team had encountered significant issues.

While he still couldn't fathom Starscream and Skytiger Legion's intentions, they needed to address the problems within their own ranks.

"For now, we can set aside what Skytiger Legion is plotting. However, this invasion of South America has revealed many issues within our base," Sun Cheng remarked, addressing Thunder, a commander he was currently focusing on for development. "Tell me, what problems have you identified?"

Without much hesitation, Thunder rose from his seat, bowed slightly, and began to speak.

"Commander-in-chief, I have currently identified three issues. Firstly, Base Two is responsible for managing and controlling an excessively large area. Although we've divided the entire South American continent into 100 regions and have deployed Decepticon patrols and guards in each one, our numbers are still too few considering the vast territory of over 1.7 million square kilometers in South America."

Sun Cheng nodded slightly, acknowledging that the shortage of personnel was indeed a significant problem.

"The war is getting closer, and it seems we need to find a way to address this issue," he remarked.

While they had made some advancements in Decepticon breeding techniques obtained from Scalpel, it was clear that these improvements would not be sufficient to meet the growing demands of the impending war, especially as it continued to escalate.

In his mind, images of Skyfire and the Forge of Solus Prime quickly flashed. These were the only two possibilities Sun Cheng could think of to help them solve this problem. Skyfire, a renowned scientist from the peak of Cybertron civilization, had limited memory access due to a special protective mechanism within his mechanical body. Although Sun Cheng had gained some memories from Skyfire, he hadn't found any relevant information about Decepticon breeding techniques. However, this didn't mean that such information didn't exist in the memories he couldn't access.

As for the Forge of Solus Prime, it was a weapon associated with Solus Prime, one of the Thirteen Primes of Cybertron. This weapon possessed a powerful self-awareness surpassing even the Requiem Blaster. Sun Cheng suspected that it might contain the consciousness of Solus Prime. If his hunch was correct, even if the consciousness within the Forge of Solus Prime wasn't complete, the strength of the Thirteen Primes in the past led him to believe that it had a high probability of holding knowledge related to breeding techniques. After all, in Cybertron's ancient mythology, Solus Prime was a master weapon forger and was even mythologized as one of the creators of the Cybertronians.

Despite some reservations, Sun Cheng believed that it was time to have a proper conversation with the consciousness within the Forge of Solus Prime.

As his thoughts raced, Sun Cheng continued the meeting with his subordinate commanders. "I will urge the engineers to find a solution to this issue. Please continue."

"Yes, Commander," Thunder responded. "The second issue I've identified is that our warriors lack practical combat experience. I've reviewed numerous combat data, and although we may have been at a numerical disadvantage at the beginning of each engagement, our equipment and mechanical body strength surpass that of the Vehicons. However, our regular soldiers have suffered heavy casualties, and even some advanced warriors were lost. It appears they overestimated themselves and underestimated the combat capabilities of the Vehicons."

"Very well," Sun Cheng said with satisfaction. "Thunder, it's good that you've identified these problems early. Now, it's up to you and the others here to figure out how to address this issue."


After a unanimous response from the commanders, Sun Cheng gestured for Thunder to continue.

Thunder nodded and, after briefly collecting his thoughts, continued, "The third issue I've found is that our patrols in the South American region have been too relaxed. Perhaps no one had considered that Skytiger Legion would send troops to directly invade South America. Although we increased patrols in advance, we were still... Well?"

Before Thunder could finish his sentence, it seemed like he received some information, causing him to abruptly stop speaking, his expression shifting to one of attentive listening.

All the Decepticons in the conference room sensed the presence of communication signals, but none of them attempted to forcibly intercept it, including Sun Cheng himself. This was the communication link between the Central Main Control AI and Thunder, the base commander personally appointed by Sun Cheng, and Sun Cheng respected the rules he had established.

The communication quickly ended, and Thunder turned to Sun Cheng, his voice filled with disbelief.

"Commander-in-chief, a massive number of Decepticons has just been detected landing in the West African region via one of our SpiesSatellites. Without a doubt, it appears to be a military operation targeting Optimus Prime!"

With those words, Sun Cheng had a sudden revelation.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 902: Lightning Strikes 


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