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In DC World With Marvel Chat Group : Table of Content/Chapter List


Until the moment Alberto spoke up, Savage realized that his personality was entirely different from what was described in the Materials he obtained from the Batcave. It was almost the opposite.

According to the Materials, Evans was an introverted personality, inclined towards artistic pursuits, favoring thoughtful and deep contemplation over quick thinking. He wasn't good at on-the-spot reactions and preferred to express his thoughts through various media.

Such a personality wouldn't easily fit in among the Gangs. However, his privileged background had provided him with a comfortable life.

But this privilege could also become his downfall. Coupled with his eagerness to prove himself, Savage could tell that his relationship with Godfather's son was at a delicate juncture.

If someone approached him now and offered help, even if he knew not to trust them completely, he wouldn't likely pass up on the opportunity. In this situation, any source of power would enhance his sense of security.

An unwanted heir who understood his precarious position, with a king and father who held the power of life and death over him, would eventually make a decision that left him with nothing.

No one could endure such pressure, and he should be desperately seeking a lifeline right now. So, Savage had no qualms about taking an initiative to reach out to him. It wasn't a handout; it was assistance when needed.

But when he laid eyes on Alberto, he knew that the situation might be different from what he had imagined. At first glance, he could tell that Alberto wasn't the artist-type personality; he was a born competitor, a fierce beast.

Alberto gestured to a chair opposite him and said, "Please, Mr. Savage, if you insist on talking, we can temporarily set aside unnecessary formalities and discuss what truly concerns you."

Savage sat down, appearing relaxed on the surface, but inwardly, he wasn't as confident. The other's demeanor wasn't what he had hoped for, which meant he couldn't establish an absolute advantage. Nevertheless, he was determined to try. The resources of the entire Gotham Gang were quite tempting.

"Hello, Mr. Falcone. My name is Vandal Savage, hailing from an ancient era you might find unimaginable," Savage began, setting the tone. He had to bring out the scripted lines he had prepared for the third and fourth steps to pique the other's curiosity.

"Oh?" Alberto looked at Savage with some interest. "An ancient era? How ancient?"

"I have danced with Neanderthals, witnessed meteor showers, and countless prehistoric creatures from history books ran past me. The currents of time brought me here," Savage spoke with an ancient, melodious tone, reminiscent of historical relics one might see in a museum.

"If I had ample time today, I'd be delighted to hear your stories from the past," Alberto said, glancing at his watch. "But I have other matters to attend to shortly. Let's start with the present. These goods in the refrigerated warehouses arrived only yesterday, and you appeared here today. We've confirmed that you don't belong to any Gang in Gotham, but that saved your life."

Alberto's tone grew colder as he continued, locking eyes with Savage. "If you were a member of any Gang controlled by the Twelve Families, you'd already be meeting your maker."

"I'm older than any god you believe in. The faith that spreads among mortals is nothing more than a gambler's scam," Savage stood up confidently.

A gunshot rang out, and Savage swiftly lifted a chair, knocking down the Gang members behind him. He then bent low, evading a fist swung at him. Several more gunshots followed, shattering glass and splintering wood in the room. In a flash of light, Savage disappeared.

Alberto remained calm throughout, gently caressing his watch's dial. "It's been a long time since anyone dared to make a move here. Whether he can teleport or not, if I don't see him tonight, this matter will be left to Godfather to decide."

With that, Alberto turned and left the room. The remaining members of the Gang, including Copperpot and other leaders, wore cold expressions. One of them approached Copperpot and asked, "What's going on, Oswald? Why is the young master so angry?"

Copperpot shook his head and replied, "Lately, he needs an internship, spending too much time at the hospital, keeping him busy into the late hours. Last night, that fool barged into Falcone Family's important storage area in the middle of the night, disturbing his rest."

The other Gang leaders nodded, reaching a consensus that the new Godfather was following in his father's footsteps, and perhaps he would do even better.

Back at his hotel, Savage wore a stern expression. He realized that the intelligence he held might be flawed. What puzzled him was why, if the Materials were a deception or a trap, the other party had provided such detailed information.

The detail wasn't in the volume of content but in the meticulous logical connections. The strategy to deal with Falcone involved exploiting his son, his only weakness.

Every step of this plan was elaborated upon, along with the reasons and potential outcomes, written out clearly. If it was indeed a trap, then the other side was a master of creativity.

Savage wasn't foolish; after being caught once, he wouldn't fully trust the Materials. He planned to set it aside for now and consult with a few trusted individuals. However, as he flipped through a few pages, he came across a familiar name – "Schiller Rodriguez."

The name "Schiller Rodriguez" had been mentioned previously by Mirror Master and Captain Cold, whom Savage had sent out for information. Savage knew that Schiller was a professor working at Gotham University, specializing in psychology. The reports from Mirror Master and Captain Cold had described Schiller in a terrifying manner.

The mysterious informant had provided detailed information about Schiller's background, highlighting that he had been involved in solving serial murder cases multiple times as both a detective and a psychologist. Furthermore, the Materials suggested a theory that Schiller might have a shocking criminal history and had come to Gotham to escape prosecution.

As Savage read through Schiller's background, he couldn't help but be impressed. In his long life, he had encountered countless deranged killers, but most of them had committed their crimes only a few times. Even the most famous serial killers had concentrated their activities within a few years.

However, the lengthy description in Schiller's background detailed his busy life over the past decade and more. If all of this was true, Savage had to agree with the Materials' author: Schiller couldn't just be a detective; he must have been a killer.

Savage didn't particularly enjoy dealing with individuals like Schiller. They were rarely motivated by worldly gains and were solely driven by their criminal desires. Still, if he could use them to sow chaos, Savage could regroup.

Meanwhile, Schiller, entirely unaware that Savage had him in his sights, was in a classroom tutoring Jason on basic grammar.

"Look here, you need to get used to using guiding words. It will make your logic clearer," Schiller pointed to a sentence in the grammar book. "Correct, you can omit it, but also, be mindful that omitting it may lead to hurried speech and lack of pause."

"In the process of conversation, you should focus on self-expression as much as possible. It's correct to be good at listening to others' thoughts, but if your logic isn't coherent to yourself, you'll have a hard time convincing your patient."

Jason nodded as he continued to concentrate on the grammar book. He was one of the few to speak up. "Is this response acceptable? Won't it come across as too rude? And isn't the interjection he used a bit too radical?"

"No, it's actually a form of self-suggestion. You should elevate your state, maintain enthusiasm during the conversation. Use exaggerated interjections and gestures to infect the other person with your positivity," Schiller explained.

Schiller and Jason engaged in a smooth and productive conversation. In less than half an hour, Schiller closed the book and said, "All right, today's lesson is over. Will you be heading back to the dormitory, or..."

"Oh, I have to pay a visit to the Red Hood Gang. I heard Big Head wants to see us, and the others can't make heads or tails of the situation, so it's up to me," Jason replied.

Schiller leaned back in his chair, visibly relaxed, and said, "Thank goodness it was you giving the lesson today. If it were Bruce..."

He instinctively wanted to utter some less-friendly words but seemed to remember Bruce's current situation and chose not to continue. At the mention of Bruce's name, Jason wrinkled his nose.

"What's wrong?" Schiller asked. "Why that expression?"

Jason scoffed and said, "Isn't he the villain who likes to kidnap kids? I've heard that several children have gone missing at his hands. I must have been mistaken about him before. Next time I see him at school, he's in for it."

Clearly, Jason had learned about Batman's scandal. He knew that Batman was Bruce Wayne, so he spoke freely. However, Schiller inquired, "Heard from whom?"

"In the newspapers," Jason answered.

"Who writes the newspapers?" Schiller asked again.

Jason thought for a moment and then shook his head slowly. Schiller said, "Newspapers are written by people too. As long as it's a human, there's always some bias. Imagine if the head of your Red Hood Gang worked at a newspaper. How do you think he would write about you?"

Jason immediately wore a disgusted expression. "That guy would definitely spread rumors. Last time, he falsely accused me of withholding commission, when it was him who pocketed even the small earnings of children."

"Jason, don't rely on hearsay, don't rely on others' perspectives to understand a person. You should do your own homework and form your own opinions. Just like your homework, you have to do it yourself. Copying someone else's work is the same as cheating," Schiller said with a smile.

Jason pursed his lips and said, "But if what the newspapers say is true, then won't I..."

He was about to hesitantly nod when Schiller seemed to recall something suddenly. His attitude did a 180-degree turn, and he said, "Your impression of Bruce is correct. You should stay away from him. He loves bringing kids home, making them wear tight suits, and putting on masks to become Robins."

"Listen, Jason, although it's your freedom to wear whatever you want, sometimes, the theme of eccentric outfits may stem from a mental issue. We call it paraphilia."

"Of course, if he has paraphilia himself, we can't stop him. But if he wants to dress others up that way, it's simply causing trouble for no reason."

"If he tells you he needs an assistant, wants you to become a hero, help him fight criminals, and so on, don't believe a word!"

Jason widened his eyes, apparently not understanding why Schiller was saying this. Nevertheless, Schiller continued to caution him:

"If you see someone on the road with green hair, always laughing for no reason, make sure to stay away, no matter what they say. And don't trust anyone who approaches you on the road, even if they look exactly like me."

Jason looked utterly perplexed.

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Next Chapter>>Chapter 807: Red Hood (Part 1) 


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