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In DC World With Marvel Chat Group : Table of Content/Chapter List


The previous day's failure hadn't left Savage disheartened. After all, the Falcone Family was the most prominent gang in all of Gotham, wielding vast power. If they were easy to deal with, Savage would have suspected a trap.

Savage decided to take another stroll in the vicinity to confirm that he hadn't chosen the wrong location the previous day. As long as he had his lantern with him, he could leave at any time. Besides, he didn't believe that a few gang members could best him.

Savage possessed exceptional combat skills, and his physical prowess surpassed that of ordinary humans. His reaction time, agility, and flexibility were at their peak.

This time, he had learned from his past mistakes. To avoid instantly teleporting into a cold storage room like last time, he chose a landing spot on the adjacent street. As it turned out, his choice was the right one.

The moment Savage touched the ground, he saw the brilliant lights on the opposite street. Initially, he thought that was his destination, as an entertainment street like this should be bustling with activity all night long.

However, upon closer inspection, he realized that the source of the light wasn't neon signs, and the heavily armed figures patrolling the streets weren't nightclub bouncers.

The dazzling light emanated from searchlights mounted on armored vehicles, and the elite gang enforcers patrolling were armed to the teeth. If this were truly a game, none of them would have a level lower than 100.

If it were just these gang enforcers, Savage wouldn't be too concerned, as the crowd wasn't dense, and he could easily push through.

The problem was that each gang member was fully armed, wielding automatic weapons, and some even had rocket launchers. Groups of three surrounded armored vehicles, and to make matters more absurd, there was a light tank parked at the end of the street.

As Savage was gazing in that direction, he saw a helicopter landing on a rooftop. A diminutive figure descended from the helicopter.

Beside him, a towering gang enforcer brandished a megaphone and shouted, "The unwelcome guest who trespassed Falcone Family's territory last night, you've already violated the rules. If you don't want your gang and family to suffer, come over and talk. May God bless you forever..."

Savage noticed that the diminutive figure coming down from the helicopter entered a building through the rooftop door intentionally. He did this to convey the message that he could be found in that building.

It was a very obvious trap, one that most people wouldn't fall for. However, Savage didn't need Falcone Family's goods; he had come here to have a conversation with young Falcone.

From the intel he had gathered, the Godfather's family wasn't known for brutality. On the contrary, Gotham's Italian community preferred negotiations.

Without the negotiation step, opening fire directly would be seen as a breach of etiquette. Even non-Italian gang families had begun adopting this approach. The upper echelons of Gotham's gang society were quite civilized.

Armed with this knowledge, Savage felt confident that he had the upper hand. As long as he could meet young Falcone, he was sure he could persuade him to stand against his father.

Savage suddenly appeared outside the doors of the two buildings. The guards at the entrance immediately pointed their guns at him. Savage raised his head and said, "I'm the person your boss is looking for. Take me inside."

Although Savage didn't make any threatening moves, his presence was imposing, and his aura was formidable. This manner of appearance alone was enough to leave an impression.

The gang members exchanged glances, unsure of how to proceed. However, at that moment, a waiter came out from the building, saluted Savage, and said, "Please come in, sir. Mr. Oswald has been expecting you for a long time."

With that, he led the way, and Savage followed.

As they passed through the doors, Savage furrowed his brow. There was no indication that they intended to search him, not even for the lantern he carried openly in his hand. From the moment he entered the building, no guns were pointed at him. The gang members stationed on the staircase didn't even glance his way. The waiter smiled and held the door open for him.

In Savage's experience, gangs were chaotic and rowdy, often found in groups, shouting in the streets, waving guns, and grabbing others by the collar.

Even the more sophisticated ones behaved like rats, engaging in drug smuggling and illicit activities, evading the authorities, and rarely showing their faces.

In truth, his impressions were correct. Most gangs around the world were like that. To make more money, there was no need to wear a false mask for too long. In the end, it was a battle for survival, where "kill or be killed" was the norm.

And the reason why Gotham's gangs could maintain such dignity was that the cake here was truly enormous. Their cooperative relationships far outweighed their competitive ones. Even if there were friction, it was merely minor clashes at the bottom.

While the underlings fought over things amongst themselves, the leaders would sit together, light a cigar, clink glasses, and say, "The lower ranks don't understand." That would usually settle the matter.

Once they returned to their respective homes, they wouldn't be angry that the underlings hadn't won. Instead, they would consider it a breach of etiquette and a loss of face.

Because the interests the underlings fought over were something the leaders didn't really care about. In an era where resources were not yet depleted, and the upward path was wide open, Gotham's gangs valued rules and honor above all.

Savage realized that his imposing demeanor had no effect here; the gangs in this place adhered to stricter rules.

After entering, he encountered a slender man, or rather, a boy. Copperpot took out a handkerchief from his suit pocket, covered his mouth, and coughed twice, saying, "Hello, sir, how should I address you?"

"Vandal Savage," Savage directly stated his name. Copperpot nodded, walked up to Savage, and looked him in the eye, saying, "So, Mr. Savage, can you tell me why you appeared on this street yesterday?"

"What kind of relationship do you have with young Falcone?" Savage didn't give a straightforward answer to Copperpot's question but instead posed another question.

Copperpot squinted slightly but didn't show surprise. He replied, "Mr. Savage, it seems you came prepared. Speak plainly, what do you want?"

"I want to talk to young Falcone," Savage looked into Copperpot's eyes and said, "If you are his subordinate, I hope you can contact him for me. Trust me; I have good news for him."

"But you already brought bad news for him by trespassing into Falcone Family's territory, alerting everyone here, and still refusing to state your purpose..."

"My purpose is to have a conversation with young Falcone," Savage said directly.

Copperpot took a deep breath, feeling like he was dealing with someone unintelligent. Why did this towering man before him not understand what he was saying?

After spending a long time in the upper echelons of the gang world, everyone was well aware of the rules. Regardless of the reason or urgency, it was not allowed to casually intrude into another family's territory. Therefore, one had to take a step back before the conversation could continue.

In general, if such an incident occurred, the person involved would approach a higher-ranking member of the other family to apologize.

And if it involved the leaders of two major families, they would arrange to meet in the wronged family's mansion. If the situation was very complicated, they might even invite a third family, or even the Godfather, to the dinner table to discuss the matter.

But no matter what, the side that didn't adhere to the rules was undoubtedly in the wrong. Yet this Savage seemed to be unable to understand, as if taking a step back didn't mean bowing and apologizing but merely saying, "God bless the Godfather."

Upon further inspection of Savage, Copperpot noticed that his clothing had some ethnic flair. Although the style was unique, the materials used were exceptionally expensive. This indicated that the man before him was not a street thug who didn't understand the rules.

Of course, he also realized that Savage was an outsider. Outsiders might not know the rules, but the problem was that a newcomer who had just arrived in Gotham, unfamiliar with the rules, and immediately wanted to meet Falcone Family's only son was absurd.

Copperpot was growing impatient but decided to try one more time to probe the situation dutifully. If the other party still couldn't understand the signals, he would have to forcibly remove him.

As for meeting Alberto? That was out of the question. This young Godfather, disturbed in his rest last night, was still in a bad mood. Copperpot didn't want to provoke him.

Alberto and Evans were complete opposites. Alberto was just like the Godfather in his youth, and now, with two Godfathers in the family, two towering figures, Copperpot had to be careful with his words and actions. After all, he needed to uphold the honor of the Oswald family and take it even further.

He didn't want to offend Alberto for the sake of a crazed stranger who had appeared out of nowhere. When Savage refused to speak, Copperpot waved his hand. Guns were raised, and outside the window, the armored helicopter's roar sounded like a storm. Countless barrels were aimed at the room, and before the firefight even began, the smell of gunpowder grew intense.

But just then, footsteps approached from the door. Alberto walked into the room, paused by the door, straightened his tie, and without looking at Savage, said to Copperpot:

"Don't be like this, Copperpot. Our guest has come from afar. Let's hear what this gentleman has to say..."

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Next Chapter>>Chapter 806: Outdated Strategies Have Their Consequences (Part 2) 


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