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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


The sealed laboratory of Liege Maximo Emperor undoubtedly sent shockwaves through the Mars base. Despite the presence of the Shadow Guardians, they couldn't fully unlock the ancient lab that had been sealed for who knows how many years.

However, at Sun Cheng's personal request, a portion of the resources began to tilt towards this direction. Sun Cheng personally supervised the laboratory for over half a month until the vast underground space was cleared. The Decepticons had a foothold, using it as a starting point to collect and experiment with technology from the remains of the Cybertron civilization frozen for millennia.

Seeing things settling into place, Sun Cheng finally left the laboratory. As the most crucial force for their faction, Sun Cheng couldn't stay away from Earth for too long.

But before departing, there was one more place on Mars he had to inspect.

The first stop for Sun Cheng was a Spaceport situated somewhere in the Mars Grand Canyon.

As the name implies, a Spaceport is a port for docking spaceships. This Spaceport, located in a relatively flat area within the Grand Canyon, covered an area of about 70 square kilometers.

Decepticon engineers had long been smashing rocks and hardening the ground. The spaceships that flew from Earth to Mars were all docked here.

During Sun Cheng's last visit, he didn't inspect it thoroughly. This time, on his special inspection, he truly saw many things.

"Commander-in-chief, the Spaceport dock has been planned, and the command tower construction is complete. It can simultaneously accommodate 12 Decepticon technical officers for spaceship docking guidance!"

"The Spaceport's automated Anti-air gun emplacements are planned in four locations. The first one has been completed, featuring 96 sets of an improved version of the Anti-air system from the database. It can simultaneously launch 384 Anti-air missiles... The other three are still under construction, expected to be completed in 73 days!"

"We did consider equipping plasma Anti-air guns directly, but due to unresolved energy system issues, we can only temporarily use a more outdated Anti-air system."

"Considering Mars is different from Earth, our Anti-air system, apart from being equipped with a large number of highly accurate regular missiles, also includes Electromagnetic Pulse Bombs and Small Tactical Nuclear Bombs previously listed as cautious use on the Earth base. They are also included in the standby system."

Upon hearing this, Sun Cheng nodded slightly.

The Decepticons had long acquired the technology related to Small Tactical Nuclear Bombs, thanks to Polar Bear. Like a certain Far East country, Polar Bear had procured advanced equipment and components in their collaboration over the past few years.

Just as Polar Bear had been wary of the Decepticons, not only globally searching for their whereabouts but also deploying nuclear bombs domestically, pointing directly at North Dovinsk for 24 hours, to prevent the worst-case scenario from happening.

Sun Cheng also commanded his Decepticons to meticulously embed various backdoors in the equipment and components sold to Polar Bear, exploiting every opportunity to gather all the technology upgrades from the former Soviet Union and even Polar Bear.

Batches of military technology, considered strictly confidential and forbidden to leak by various countries, fell into the hands of the Decepticons. Though many of them seemed not advanced in the eyes of the Decepticons, Sun Cheng ordered his technical staff to absorb and integrate them after a comprehensive assessment.

The reason was simple: this was a complete technological system created by Earthlings.

Despite lacking comparability with the illustrious history of the Cybertron civilization, which had already become a joke due to countless years of Civil War turning their home planet into a dead star, Sun Cheng tried to plug the holes and master the technology from the peak period that dominated more than half of the Milky Way's resources.

Soon realizing the difficulties, he chose a different path.

Now, Sun Cheng based his advancements on the technological system created by Earth's civilization. Continuously using the Cybertron technology he possessed to enhance and upgrade this seemingly immature civilization.

The results were not miraculous overnight, but progress was rapid.

Seemingly aware of Sun Cheng's interest, a Decepticon guiding him through the inspection of the Spaceport defense system commanded a few engineers, escorted by warriors, to bring over two Small Tactical Nuclear Bombs, each over two meters long.

"Commander-in-chief, these improved Small Tactical Nuclear Bombs have power equivalent of around 800 tons of TNT..."

Small Tactical Nuclear Bombs, along with Electromagnetic Pulse Bombs, served as standby weapons for the Anti-air system, to be used only when the situation became irreversibly unfavorable.

As for the defense target, apart from the Skytiger Legion on the Moon, led by Shockwave, which was about to reach the Solar System, there was the Skytiger Legion Major.

After a brief glance at the Small Tactical Nuclear Bomb, Sun Cheng nodded and continued walking forward.

The Decepticon guiding him through the Spaceport continued with the explanations.

"In terms of defense, currently, there's only one advanced warrior leading a squad of Decepticon warriors in charge of the Spaceport... With no indigenous inhabitants on Mars, it's currently sufficient!"

"This Spaceport, with the planned maximum docking capacity, can accommodate spaceships of up to a million tons..."

"We have received complete exploration-class cargo Spaceship technology from the central control base and are intensively constructing more Spaceships, including the Golden Eagle series, to facilitate mining in the Asteroid Belt!"

The Asteroid Belt is an area densely populated with small asteroids located between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter in the Solar System. There are various theories about its formation among Earth's astronomers, but the Decepticons care little about it. The Belt is rich in mineral resources, with many asteroids composed entirely of metal or other valuable materials.

Mars, with its limited resources, can't compete with Earth. Although some resources, such as iron ore, might be more abundant than on Earth, they are far from sufficient to support a civilization's upgrade to the space age. Therefore, concentrating resources and strength to build cargo Spaceships for mining in the Asteroid Belt, then returning to support the Mars base, is the correct path.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 884: Robots Legion 


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