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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


At this moment, the Spaceport, after a period of planning and construction, still appeared quite spacious.

Currently docked at the Mars Spaceport were less than a hundred Spaceships in total, mostly dominated by the Golden Eagle series of armed transport ships and destroyers, supplemented by a batch of Hope-class modified small cargo Spaceships.

The only medium-sized cargo Spaceship for exploration was the one Sun Cheng used when transporting goods from Earth this time.

This type of Spaceship had concentrated all his resources, and only four had been constructed so far. Leaving one on Mars was feasible, but using it required caution.

After spending some time at the Spaceport, Sun Cheng proceeded to the next destination.

Before leaving Mars, he needed to inspect two places, with the Spaceport being the first and the second being the arms factory.

To be more precise, it was a combat Robots factory.

The Robots factory on Mars was also located within the Mariner Canyon, just 23 kilometers away from MarsBase One. It was built inside a natural cave formation discovered in the canyon.

It was the earliest factory constructed on Mars.

Initially, it produced various engineering Robots. However, with the establishment of several other Robots factories, this factory underwent upgrades under Sun Cheng's orders and became specialized in producing combat Robots.

And now, he was ready to receive the results.

On Mars Base, it seemed to be greatly influenced by Sun Cheng, with a building style that focused on concealment and practicality.

Therefore, this combat Robots factory was not as extravagant.

After entering a large gate built on the cliff of the canyon, there was a tunnel inside that was several hundred meters long, with three dust-interception gates.

Further inside were three parallel cave spaces. The one in the middle was the main workshop of the combat Robots factory, covering an area of about 30,000 square meters.

On the left was the metal processing workshop, and on the right was the Robots weapon production line. These two spaces were slightly smaller, around seven to eight thousand square meters each.

Teams of Robots came in and out of the combat Robots factory, and six Decepticon Engineers were enough to maintain and operate all the production equipment here.

They worked non-stop for twenty-four hours, converting minerals mined on Mars into various metals, first manufacturing components and weapon equipment for Robots, and then assembling them into combat Robots.

Afterward, all the manufactured combat Robots were piled up in the central cave space, directly connected to a massive warehouse located further inside the canyon.

Sun Cheng didn't stay long inside the combat Robots factory. Similar factories and production lines with central control bases on Earth existed, but none matched the scale of this one on Mars.

Guided by the Decepticons responsible for managing the factory, he walked towards the rear of the facility.

The warehouse was enormous, as it had to accommodate the massive number of manufactured combat Robots.

Although Mars's resources were not as abundant as Earth's, the raw materials used to manufacture combat Robots, except for a few rare types, could all be found here.

And because of the large-scale use of Robots for underground mining, when the mining costs were carefully calculated, they turned out to be even lower than on Earth.

This was also why Sun Cheng started demanding the mass production of combat Robots on Mars.

Although these creations couldn't compare to Decepticon warriors and were even inferior to Liege Maximo's Shadow Guardians.

However, Sun Cheng couldn't temporarily do without them!

The atmosphere on Earth was becoming increasingly oppressive, and it was estimated that it wouldn't be able to hold much longer before war broke out.

The Skytiger Legion, the Autobot faction, the local forces on Earth, and Sun Cheng's own faction—all four powers. Among them, he could probably only engage in a conventional war with the local Earth forces.

However, if the other side were to use nuclear weapons, with the limited number of Small Tactical Nuclear Bombs at his disposal, not only would he be at a disadvantage, but it would be a significant setback.

Of course, if Sun Cheng were to conflict with the Earth's local nations, he would definitely take the initiative to strike and disable the opponent's strategic nuclear retaliation capability before any signs of an attack.

But this still couldn't escape an awkward fact: compared to the Skytiger Legion and Autobots, he and his forces were not on the same level.

However, compared to them, Sun Cheng was not entirely without comparison.

At the very least, his faction, while not entirely united, currently had a single voice internally.

In contrast, the Skytiger Legion had Megatron, Shockwave, Starscream, and various other factions, making their power scattered and unfocused.

Even on the Autobot side, there were Sentinel Prime, Optimus Prime, Royalist Faction, Democratic Faction, and various liberals.

In his mind, some chaotic thoughts continued to flash and quickly disappear.

Sun Cheng looked at the warehouse filled with combat Robots. Two beams of azure light shot out from his eyes, swiftly checking the status of all the Robots within the thousands of square meters of the warehouse. Then, he moved in another direction.

Not long after, with the completion of the final batch of Robot status checks, he nodded in satisfaction.

"The production plan has been executed well. I'll take this batch of Robots with me!"

Before departing for Mars this time, Sun Cheng considered that the war clouds on Earth were already heavy.

Being someone who liked to plan for the worst, in addition to sending some production lines and more Decepticons to Mars, he also stored most of the materials in his Spherical Space into the warehouse on Mars.

Moreover, recently, perhaps due to absorbing a considerable amount of energy liquid, Sun Cheng's Spherical Space inside his body had expanded a bit more.

Therefore, accommodating this batch of combat Robots was not difficult at all.

"It's just right to integrate them all into my private Legion!"

The private Legion was a project Sun Cheng had been preparing for a long time, using the Spherical Space inside him to carry a large number of troops and deploy them immediately in times of battle.

In his plan, having his private Legion would be equivalent to commanding an army by himself.

However, that was under the most ideal conditions, and the actual implementation would be quite challenging.

Firstly, although Sun Cheng no longer cared about using Spherical Space in front of his subordinates, describing this technology as a 'Space Bridge,' and even if his Decepticons suspected, none dared to question him due to his authority within the faction.

However, the Spherical Space was still his biggest trump card, involving secrets of crossing two worlds. He couldn't trust and certainly couldn't place any Decepticon inside it, even if they seemed utterly loyal.

So, combat Robots became the only choice.

"With the corpses of Shadow Guardians obtained in Liege Maximo's experiment, I believe my group of Decepticon engineers will soon be able to research useful technologies to further upgrade combat Robots..."

When that time comes, Sun Cheng's private Legion will be able to avoid the fate of being mere cannon fodder on the battlefield.

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