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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


When Sun Cheng laid eyes on the colossal creature beneath the icy lake, he felt a momentary pause in the rhythmic pulsing of his internal Spark.

What a monstrous entity!

Even though it was encased in ice beneath the frozen lake, just its head alone appeared to have a diameter of nearly a hundred meters.

Those two cavernous eyes resembled deep, dark caves. Sun Cheng couldn't help but wonder if, with his current mechanical body, he could actually fall through those eye sockets if the ice beneath him suddenly thawed.

"Ancient Titans?!"

After a brief exchange of gazes with the enigmatic giant, whose state of existence remained uncertain, Sun Cheng shivered involuntarily and shifted his gaze elsewhere.

Simultaneously, memories of the warnings written in Cybertronian script by ancient Cybertron warriors outside this laboratory flashed through his mind.

"Is it really Ancient Titans? Has Liege Maximo hidden one here?"

Ancient Titans were colossal warriors that appeared in the ancient era of Cybertron, with only a few known names such as Omega Supreme, Guardian Titan, and Garuda.

These Ancient Titans had briefly appeared in Cybertron's history a few times, with the most recent occurrence being millions of years ago during the onset of the Cybertron Civil War.

Legends about Ancient Titans on Cybertron Planet were abundant. Some believed they, like the Giant Fierce Beasts, were among the earliest life forms on Cybertron. Others claimed they were the ultimate creations of the Quintessa civilization, which had once colonized Cybertron, designed as powerful weapons of war.

Even in the ancient myths of Cybertron, they were revered similarly to the Cybertron Thirteen Primes, as creations meant to assist in resisting evil forces attempting to destroy the Universe.

The size of these three Ancient Titans was immense, comparable to a towering mountain. In the central library of Cybertron during the Council of Primes era, contradictory data about them was recorded in ancient books and documents.

Some ancient records stated their height exceeded a thousand meters, with some even mentioning terrifying figures in the tens of thousands of meters.

Unverified documents even suggested they were embodiments of Cybertron's giant cities, giving them alternative names: Giant Titans or Citybots.

While history couldn't be fully trusted, Sun Cheng, despite only glancing at the massive head submerged in the icy lake, felt a chill as if the air around him was freezing his Spark within his chest.

"How did Liege Maximo manage to bring in such a colossal creature back then!"

With two azure beams emanating from his eyes, Sun Cheng assessed the thickness of the ice beneath the lake and the surrounding temperature.

Setting aside whether the gigantic Cybertronian creature beneath the ice was alive or dead, Sun Cheng, with his current strength and influence, felt somewhat inadequate facing such a powerful Cybertronian creature from the legends. Moreover, whether Mars Base and Base Two's current technology could ensure the survival of the colossal creature beneath the ice remained an unknown variable.

The underground ice lake was extraordinarily vast, with a conservative estimate of its surface area being at least several dozen square kilometers.

As an underground lake, this icy expanse was already quite extensive. However, beyond the space near the entrance, the depths of the underground lake were unusually narrow. The height decreased to around five or six meters at lower points, and the average cavern height did not exceed ten meters. In some places, columns of ice formed by seeping groundwater from above had completely fused with the ice lake.

Advancing less than a kilometer on the solid and thick ice surface of the lake, Sun Cheng found himself unable to continue. The caverns ahead became increasingly low, and the thick ice columns connecting the lake's surface to the overhead rock walls began to coalesce into walls.

After a brief inspection, he shifted his gaze to the side, attempting to find another passable route.

Soon, the probing waves emitted from his eyes detected something unusual about three to four hundred meters away. Some ice columns, originally fused with the overhead rock walls, appeared damaged by some sort of energy weapon, with a pile of shattered ice chunks nearby. Between the ice chunks and columns, a slender passage of about four meters in height and three meters in width remained intact.

While pondering this discovery, the echoing sound of heavy footsteps suddenly resounded in the spacious underground lake.

Sun Cheng tensed, tightening his grip on the Plasma Cannon in his hand. Following the direction of the sound, he quickly scanned the area, and his expression changed drastically.

A group of five Mechanical Warriors, all dark gray in color and bearing menacing appearances, were patrolling as if on guard. They were advancing along the artificially carved passage between the ice columns and ice chunks towards him.

As soon as they noticed him, the leader of the Mechanical Warriors emitted a sharp and piercing howl.

The crimson electronic eyes of the five Mechanical Warriors all focused on Sun Cheng. Without any communication, they immediately launched a coordinated attack, charging at him with Ramjets.

"What in the world are these things? Each one possesses the strength of an advanced warrior..."

Sun Cheng remained calm. When he detected these Mechanical Warriors, he had already inferred their strength from the energy fluctuations emanating from them.

"Fierce Ramjets, fearlessly charging... devoid of any rationality, with the sole purpose of inflicting severe or lethal damage on the target... even at the cost of harming allies..."

After confirming the opponents' strength, Sun Cheng retracted the Plasma Cannon. Wielding a well-balanced heavy sword, he engaged in combat with the Mechanical Warriors.

In the midst of the battle, he continuously knocked one mechanical warrior after another away with blunt force, only for them to tenaciously return.

He picked up one Mechanical Warrior and used it as a shield. However, its companion unhesitatingly pierced its chest with a weapon, leaving a dent on Sun Cheng's mechanical body.

Nevertheless, he felt increasingly delighted because Sun Cheng had realized what he was facing.

These were the Shadow Guardians, legendary combat robots created by Liege Maximo Emperor based on Cybertronians. They lacked any rationality, not even possessing the simplest thought logic.

The birth of Shadow Guardians was for slaughter and combat. Liege Maximo Emperor imprinted his hatred for life deep within the essence of Shadow Guardians. As a result, they would go to great lengths to kill anything visible in their line of sight, especially Cybertronians.

What Sun Cheng faced now was undoubtedly the dangerous Shadow Guardians that ancient Cybertron warriors had mentioned outside the laboratory gate, left uncleared.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 882: Preparation for Return 


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