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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


As soon as Sun Cheng and his team entered the tunnel he had blasted open with the Plasma Cannon, they were greeted by a scene of devastation, even worse than the previous battles.


Debris everywhere!

On the original floor of the tunnel lay countless shattered Cybertronians and Predacons, scattered all around.

"The battle before the ancient times was truly devastating!"

The sight before them made Sun Cheng couldn't help but reach out and gently touch his mechanical body's chest.

On this new mechanical body, there still remained an identical claw-shaped indentation, just like the one caused by an unknown force when he attempted to explore the [Leadership Module] in the unknown temple. It was said that six Primuses of the Cybertron Planet sacrificed themselves to protect the [Leadership Module], ensuring that the precious artifact was not seized by Lord Fallen. They created a tomb that could never be found.

This was the closest Sun Cheng had come to death, and he felt that facing death there was even closer than when he confronted Lord Fallen.

To remind himself of that feeling, he deliberately kept this wound.

Sun Cheng never doubted the power of Primus, but the Primuses they encountered back then were clearly not at their peak.

Therefore, he lacked a clear understanding of how powerful a peak Primus could be.

Although there was no evidence yet that Liege Maximo, one of the Thirteen Primes of Cybertron Planet, had personally intervened, the corpses here, judging from their mechanical bodies, included formidable warriors among the Cybertronians.

Many of them seemed to have been killed with a single blow, leading him to suspect that Liege Maximo might have personally taken action.

The tunnel was not as deep as the previous one, and after advancing a few hundred meters, they came across a large alloy door with a massive breach created by energy weapons.

Sun Cheng approached, tapping his fingers lightly on the remaining damaged part of the door.

Instantly, the part corroded by years of extreme cold easily shattered like a block of ice.

Looking up at the massive alloy door, Sun Cheng tightened his grip on his weapon and walked in without hesitation.

After stepping through the gap in the alloy door, they entered a space that was utterly destroyed.

This was a space of about seventy to eighty thousand square meters, not as spacious as the underground space outside.

Underneath the thick ice crystals, besides debris, there were also some strange-looking machines.

"The laboratory of Liege Maximo, the Emperor..."

Sun Cheng's eyes brightened, but then dimmed immediately.

Through the ice, it could be vaguely seen that almost all the equipment had been deliberately destroyed.

Even if the devices here were intact, being frozen for countless years and corroded by the bitter cold, these machines would be impossible to use without special thawing methods.

And Sun Cheng and his Decepticon engineers did not possess the specific thawing technology required, at least for now.

"It seems difficult to salvage anything from here!"

After a thorough inspection of what seemed to be a laboratory in the underground space, several Decepticon warriors returned to report to him.

"Commander-in-chief, no other entrances have been found; this is the end of the line here!"

Sun Cheng nodded, his gaze sweeping around once again before turning towards the passage they had come through.

Cybertronians were a race full of contradictions. They could create great cities like Ironforge, design a series of formidable fortresses and defenses. However, most of the time, Cybertronians were utilitarian supremacists.

Like this laboratory built by Liege Maximo, although it might seem impressive to humans in terms of engineering, being located in the deep underground with several large underground spaces, the underground laboratory lacked any aesthetic appeal or architectural artistry. It was far from the various research laboratories that filled Skyfire's memories from the time of the Cybertron Council of Primes.

This sentiment lingered with Sun Cheng until he returned to the previous underground space and, shortly after, blasted open another collapsed passage using the Plasma Cannon.

Leading the team once again, preparing to explore the remaining passage.

After Sun Cheng blasted open the entrance of the passage, he walked a few steps forward and sensed something unusual.

The Core inside him suddenly issued a warning, and the Spark autonomously burned fiercely.

"Stop, all Decepticons, retreat!"

Glancing at the rapidly freezing ice on his mechanical body, Sun Cheng's expression changed abruptly.

The temperature dropped too quickly. Shortly after entering this passage, he felt the temperature around him rapidly decreasing, breaking through minus eighty degrees Celsius in no time and still dropping.

At this temperature, even advanced Decepticon warriors couldn't endure it. If they continued forward, they would have to constantly consume the energy in their Sparks to generate heat to sustain their mechanical bodies.

When Sun Cheng noticed it, another group of Decepticons, who were about to follow him into the passage, also sensed the change.

Seeing their mechanical bodies gradually being frozen, the feeling was terrible.

Therefore, upon receiving his command, all Decepticons immediately and silently retreated from the passage.

Sun Cheng, relying on his boldness, continued to move deeper into the passage.

This passage was much longer than the one leading to the laboratory next to it.

However, Sun Cheng walked quickly because, although his mechanical body had been reinforced against harsh environments, it was still affected.

This passage was more severely damaged than the one next to it, with collapses occurring frequently, all of which were directly blasted open by Sun Cheng using the Plasma Cannon.

After advancing more than two kilometers at a downward slope, another damaged alloy door appeared in Sun Cheng's field of vision.

The large hole blasted open on the alloy door was now blocked by ice.

Sun Cheng raised the Plasma Cannon, aimed at the gap, and fired again.

Accompanied by the splattering ice fragments, a hole appeared on the frozen alloy door, allowing him to pass through.

Sun Cheng tightened his weapon and quickly entered through the hole.

The next moment, he felt a sudden brightening in front of him.

So vast!

What he saw was an seemingly endless, enormous underground space. It wasn't dim; some of the bioluminescent microorganisms that had appeared in the previous underground space were more abundant here.

They continuously flickered within many ice pillars and walls in this huge underground space. Thanks to this, Sun Cheng didn't need to emit electromagnetic waves for detection; he could clearly see things near him.

And dozens of meters ahead of the alloy door was a massive yet mirror-like ice lake.

Sun Cheng approached a bit more, subconsciously looking towards the ice lake.

The next moment, he tightened his grip on the Plasma Cannon.

Underneath the ice, there were a pair of enormous and hollow eyes, looking eerie and monstrous!

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 881: Ancient Titans and Shadow Guardians 


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