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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


In the spacious underground chamber, the extremely low temperature had caused a thick layer of ice to form on the ground.

The ground emitted a vast expanse of white cold air.

Following a cry of surprise, Sun Cheng looked toward the Decepticon who had discovered something unusual.

His eyes radiated a brilliant blue light, easily penetrating the nearly two-meter-high cold mist on the ground to see the indicated spot.

There lay two corpses entwined with each other, having slept in the thick layer of ice for an unknown number of years.

As Sun Cheng approached, he could see them clearly.

These were two cybertron beings entangled in a fierce battle, ultimately leading to their mutual demise.

Judging by their sizes, one was about eight meters tall, likely an Elite Warrior.

The weapon in his hand pierced through another cybertron being with a more ferocious appearance, whose claws, almost simultaneously, plunged into his chest.

"What a brutal battle!"

Sun Cheng raised his hand, and the alert Decepticons immediately spread out, searching in this underground space.

"Commander-in-chief, we found something here!"

"More corpses over here!"

"So many... so many corpses!"

With hundreds of Decepticon warriors dispersing to search, in no time, the battlefield where a fierce battle had taken place was exposed to everyone.

"Long before, at least sixty or seventy Elite Warriors attacked this place... engaged in a life-and-death struggle with Liege Maximo Emperor or his experiments!"

Standing in front of the corpses that were clearly different from other Decepticons, Sun Cheng, gazing at the thick ice layer beneath his feet, containing two cybertron lives that hadn't transformed before being killed, his eyes shone with a bright blue light.

Combining the warnings left at the laboratory's entrance, his understanding of the ancient cybertron civilization, Sun Cheng could almost reconstruct this piece of history.

This was a buried unknown history. In the early days of the ancient cybertron civilization, after the Thirteen Primes collectively defeated an unknown terrifying entity, the Thirteen Primes who had once united against their enemies, split apart due to the lure and provocation of that terrifying entity.

Liege Maximo Emperor, skilled in manipulating conspiracies and minds, was probably the first Primus to fall under the influence of the terrifying entity.

He incited internal conflicts among his companions, leading to the death of Primus Solus Prime and the corruption of the most powerful warrior, Megatronus Prime.

Subsequently, the awakened Thirteen Primes immediately selected a group of elite followers and initiated a pursuit against Liege Maximo Emperor.

The battle that occurred in this ancient era on Mars was probably just one instance of the pursuit against Liege Maximo Emperor.

A squad of followers of the Thirteen Primes discovered this place and launched a raid on this laboratory.

They eventually emerged victorious but clearly paid a painful price.

In this underground space, the powerful cybertron warriors' corpses, hidden in the ice for countless years, provided the best evidence for Sun Cheng's speculations.

Moreover, he had identified these strange cybertron life forms that had fought against the followers of the Thirteen Primes and inflicted heavy damage on them.

They were monstrous beasts, some resembling prehistoric saber-toothed tigers and lion-like creatures on Earth, but much larger and emitting a metallic luster throughout their bodies.

In the vast underground space, a thick layer of ice covered the ground due to the extremely low temperature.

Some of the monstrous beasts resembled bears, while others looked more like apes, but every fierce creature had two common features—they were immensely large and constructed of metallic bodies.

"These should be Predacons... In Skyfire's memory database, there are indeed historical records. In ancient times, Predacons existed on Cybertron, possessing both beast and combat forms, much like Cybertronians!"


"In the ancient legends of Cybertron, Onyx Prime should be the one who created and commanded the Predacons... Commander-in-chief, how could Predacons appear in this laboratory of Liege Maximo Emperor? Moreover, they seem to have mastered the ability to transform and engaged in combat with the Cybertron warriors hunting down Liege Maximo Emperor?"

The experiences of being enslaved by the Quintessons led to the destruction of much of Cybertron's early history. Even without the prolonged Civil War between the Skytiger Legion and the Autobots, during the pinnacle of Cybertron civilization's Council of Primes, many aspects of the history involving the Thirteen Primes and the even more ancient Cybertron history had turned into untraceable myths.

Only in some ancient murals and stone tablets hidden on Cybertron Planet could fragments of information be found.

Sun Cheng frowned. Skyfire had a keen interest in Cybertron's early history and had spent considerable time attempting to explore the ancient civilization of the Thirteen Primes. Although Skyfire failed, his knowledge of even older Cybertron history surpassed that of other Cybertronians.

In Skyfire's memory data, Predacons, life forms born on Cybertron long before Cybertronians, were often considered a group created by Onyx Prime, one of the Thirteen Primes. Onyx Prime was said to be the only Primus among the Thirteen Primes who possessed a beast form.

In Cybertronian mythology, his beast form was that of a giant phoenix with enormous, black flame-like wings.

"So, why would Predacons pledge allegiance to Liege Maximo Emperor?"

This question, as more and more corpses were discovered, began to take root in Sun Cheng's mind and quickly grew.

As his Decepticon warriors continued their search, more secrets hidden underground were unearthed.

"Commander-in-chief, we found a passage here, but it has been destroyed. We need some engineering robots to reopen it!"

"Commander-in-chief, another passage has been found, but it's also sealed!"

This vast underground space was not the entirety of Liege Maximo Emperor's laboratory.

With the discovery of the two collapsed passages, Sun Cheng, looking down at the corpses lying in the thick ice, quickly made a decision.

"Inform the Mars base to send more Decepticon engineers and engineers here for reconstruction!"

This was Liege Maximo Emperor's laboratory, and even though it had been damaged, there should still be remnants of something valuable.

The Primus skilled in manipulating conspiracies, seemingly like Onyx Prime, likely possessed the ability to cultivate Predacons and modify them.

Even technology that Sun Cheng himself, or Megatron, Optimus Prime, Shockwave, and others, might find alluring.

In the ancient days of Cybertron, Cybertronians waged a fierce war lasting countless years against the naturally born Giant Fierce Beasts and Predacons to claim more living space.

If Sun Cheng could gain a glimpse of some technology from this place, it would likely propel him and his faction to significant advancements in power.

Thus, Sun Cheng quickly made up his mind.

He summoned his Plasma Cannon with his right hand, aiming at a sealed passage. The cannon's muzzle lit up with a brilliant blue energy wave, firing and easily destroying a section of the collapsed passage entrance with a resounding blast.

"All Decepticons, follow my lead and continue the exploration!"


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Next Chapter >>Chapter 880: Underground Ice Lake 


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