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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Onslaught was indeed not as familiar with Megatron as Starscream!

He wasn't sure where Starscream's confidence came from, but he could sense it.

Since Starscream wasn't worried, Onslaught didn't press further on this topic.

"Disengage Fusion!"

He shouted over the control channel. After Warbot Team merged into Fusion Leopard, although each of the five members retained their individual consciousness, Onslaught was in control of the main body.

With his strength and computational abilities closely approaching that of a Leader-class warrior, he could indeed handle this responsibility.


The other four members of Warbot Team had no objections to Onslaught's request to disengage Fusion.

In Fusion Leopard state, even if they stood still, the energy consumption within their bodies per minute was comparable to a small-scale battle.

After all, giant Combiners were just a technological shortcut. Starscream and Shockwave were inspired by the existence of giant creatures, Giant Fierce Beasts, and Ancient Titans on the ancient Cybertron Planet to create this technique of combining several Decepticons into a giant warrior.

However, when it came to the most mysterious Spark, even in the peak era of Cybertron civilization, countless Cybertron scientists delving into it only gained a limited understanding, much like how humans could regenerate a heart through cell cultivation but couldn't enhance its blood-producing function.

Regardless of Starscream, Shockwave, or Autobot scientists, none surpassed their predecessors in Spark research.

Therefore, whether it was the First Generation or the Second Generation giant Devastator, their weakness lay in insufficient energy supply.

Having a powerful mechanical body was one thing, but supplying energy to the giant mechanical body formed by merging several different Decepticons was no easy task for their respective Sparks.

A burst of azure arcs flickered, and soon the five Decepticons of Warbot Team disengaged Fusion, some awkwardly falling to the ground.

"So, is there no way to adjust this disengagement method?" Swindle, who suffered the worst fall, asked Starscream with a face full of annoyance, being pressed under Blastoff's posterior.

Starscream smiled, glancing at Swindle as if he didn't remember what he had done to him before, not saying a word.

In the past, to punish Swindle, Megatron handed over his memory data to Starscream. Since then, Swindle had been repeatedly bred into various Vehicons, dying in battle repeatedly for the benefit of the Skytiger Legion.

Over half a year ago, to recruit Onslaught and involve him in the Fusion Leopard plan, Starscream copied Swindle's memory data and even provided the materials needed for Swindle's current mechanical body.

Because Starscream tampered with Swindle's memory, Swindle dared to face Starscream so directly now.

Starscream, however, wasn't worried about Swindle's future reaction when he learned the truth. During this time, with the cooperation of Warbot Team, he had collected enough data.

Although this data wasn't enough for Starscream to recreate an equally powerful Warbot Team, a weakened version was already sufficient.

Onslaught seemed very satisfied with Fusion Leopard entirely under his control. He had carefully inspected it many times and, so far, had found no hidden threats that Starscream might have left behind.

So, his attitude towards Starscream had improved significantly compared to a few months ago.

"Great cooperation!" he said with a smile, taking the initiative. "This invincible giant that we've created together will surely shock everyone!"

"Invincible?" Starscream thought sarcastically, even though the manufacturing technology of Fusion Leopard came from his hands. But from the beginning, he never believed it was an invincible giant.

At least, Starscream's spies, planted around Shockwave, had recently brought him some secret information when they arrived with the vanguard team.

After the end of the Civil War, Shockwave had ceased the modifications and enhancements to Predaking in recent years and had instead initiated the development of the third-generation giant Devastator.

According to intelligence gathered by his spies, although Shockwave's research progress was not entirely smooth, he had made some achievements.

It was said that, based on the technology related to Hercules and Predaking, Shockwave simultaneously studied two third-generation giant Devastators, naming them [Highcloud] and [G-hos-to].

Although it was uncertain when the third-generation giant Devastator would appear, Starscream was certain of one thing.

The Fusion Leopard he had created probably couldn't match up to Shockwave's ongoing research on the third-generation giant Devastator.

Whether it was Fusion Leopard controlled by Onslaught or the future Fusion Leopard obeying Starscream himself, neither would do.

However, Starscream didn't pay much attention to this.

Because his attitude towards giant Devastators, whether it's the Predaking transformed by the Flying Tiger Team or the Fusion Leopard formed by the Warbot Team, was entirely different from Shockwave's.

"Whether it's the Predaking transformed by the Flying Tiger Team or the Fusion Leopard formed by the Warbot Team, they are both uncontrollable headaches, far less convenient than Hercules to use."

This was Starscream's attitude towards giant Devastators. What he wanted was the most loyal tool, not an unstable factor that could turn its barrels toward him at any moment.

So, from the beginning, Starscream never thought of competing with Onslaught for the leadership of Fusion Leopard.

Because he had already obtained what he needed, and there would be a continuous stream of slightly weaker but more obedient Fusion Leopards in the future.

Although he hadn't thought of competing for the leadership of Fusion Leopard with Onslaught, he had created this powerful giant Devastator from scratch.

Although it was not perfect, its formidable combat power even surpassed Predaking and Defensor.

If one day Onslaught and his Warbot Team clashed with him again, it would be troublesome.

Starscream also didn't want to be targeted by the behemoth he had created, so he decided to find a new target for Onslaught.

"Consider it a test of that little guy's growth again. If he can divert Onslaught's attention, all the better!"

For Onslaught, who controlled the Warbot Team and Fusion Leopard, he no longer had any value to Starscream, only posing a threat.

Moreover, the Moon was becoming increasingly unsafe. With more Decepticons arriving, Megatron was gradually stripping away Starscream's power.

Before, he could hide Onslaught and the others here, but he couldn't guarantee that they wouldn't be discovered later.

Starscream wasn't worried about Fusion Leopard being discovered, but he didn't want Megatron to find out about Fusion Leopard so soon.

So, Onslaught had to be sent away.

That was the reason he came here today. Now, seemingly casually, he asked, "Lightning just returned from Earth and seems to have been jointly attacked by Humans, Autobots, and Frenzy. I came here today to ask you how much benefit Frenzy, who was once sheltered by you, actually gained from you? Both electromagnetic weapons and temperature difference weapons, even Lightning suffered losses!"

Starscream was indeed a master at playing with people's minds. His seemingly casual inquiry instantly drew Onslaught's attention.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 850: Warbot Team Strikes (Part 1) 


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