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A glint of red light flashed in Onslaught's eyes as his gaze settled on Starscream.

"Put away your scheming thoughts!"

He wasn't a fool and naturally understood Starscream's intentions, even though Onslaught was unwilling to admit it. However, he was aware that Starscream had successfully piqued his interest.


In his memories, Frenzy was a small guy who didn't even reach his knees, tiny, ignorant, yet ambitious. He recalled choosing seclusion before his battle with Starscream, partly to repair the injuries sustained in the fight and partly to adapt more quickly to his mechanical body altered by the All Spark. However, before entering seclusion, he half-felt like he saw a shadow of his former ambitious self in Frenzy.

Of course, he mostly thought that it was just a bit of junk.

So, Onslaught had basically thrown everything he brought from Cybertron Planet to Earth to Frenzy.

"Could he really carve out a place for himself in less than two years?"

Onslaught's gaze toward Starscream turned colder because he despised being manipulated. Unfortunately, Starscream made no effort to conceal it; this was a conspiracy, and he was betting that Onslaught would fall for it.

Onslaught had indeed developed a strong interest in the current Frenzy. Before his seclusion, the only valuable thing he gave to Frenzy was a super Artificial Intelligence brought from Cybertron Planet. As for the rest, whether Decepticon Engineers or Medical Spiders, they were all junk. As long as there were materials, Onslaught could cultivate as much as he wanted.

Although he wasn't the top scientist in the Skytiger Legion, he was an elder born during the Council of Primes era. Millions of years were enough for any ambitious Cybertronian to accumulate a lot of knowledge.

The proud Onslaught was no exception. Even though he never admitted to being a scientist, the technology he possessed was significant within the Cybertron Legion, probably slightly inferior to Starscream or Shockwave.

However, most of the technology Onslaught left with Frenzy was just commonplace. The only thing that could be considered advanced was a design for a high-level warrior-class mechanical body.

So, the electromagnetic weapons and temperature difference weapons mentioned by Starscream were either obtained by Frenzy through other channels or invented by them after Onslaught left.

Regardless of the possibility, it now aroused Onslaught's curiosity.

Starscream, exposed for his deceitful intentions, showed no embarrassment. He just smiled slightly. As a mastermind who excelled at understanding the thoughts of other Decepticons, Starscream had long studied the personalities of many colleagues within the Skytiger Legion.

Having achieved his goal, Starscream didn't linger any longer.

"The Majesty has given me some tasks. I won't stay here any longer."

With Lightning and his team arriving, the Moon Base was now almost out of his control. Although this cunning guy still had some hidden cards, Starscream wasn't prepared to challenge Megatron again, so he had no intention of using those cards.

Watching Starscream leave, Onslaught hadn't spoken yet when the members of the Warbot Team started making a commotion.

"Captain, are we going to Earth now?"

Noisy was a noisy guy, and with his raging personality, he was a typical Decepticon. Onslaught glanced at him but didn't rush to answer.

On the other hand, Blastoff couldn't hold back and said, "Since Lightning arrived here, the patrol range of the Moon has been expanding day by day. We used to go out occasionally, but now we're stuck in this place like rats. Commander, let's go to Earth and have some fun?"

Noisy, Blastoff, and Swindle were all once part of the Vehicons.

Initially, under Onslaught's command, the Warbot Team became a prime target for Starscream's rebellion due to their exceptional strength and outstanding achievements.

Although Onslaught, Vortex, and Noisy resisted being swayed, Blastoff and Swindle were drawn into the rebellion by the ambitious conspirator.

After the first rebellion failed, Blastoff and Swindle were imprisoned in Skull Fortress, where their bodies were dismantled at will, subjected to brutal torture.

Perhaps learning a lesson from this, Blastoff chose not to participate in Starscream's second rebellion, unlike Swindle.

Therefore, during the escalating Cybertron Civil War, although compelled to become part of the Vehicons, Blastoff received much better treatment than Swindle.

As for Noisy, despite lacking intelligence, he was different from Blastoff and Swindle, who rebelled and were forcibly implanted with memory data to become the original bodies of Starscream's Vehicons. Noisy volunteered. Despite his hot-tempered and combative nature, he had many flaws, but no one could deny that he was an outstanding warrior. Although only possessing the strength of an advanced warrior, Noisy always took the lead in every battle, displaying remarkable courage.

Because of this, when the Skytiger Legion began selecting suitable bodies for their Vehicons, Noisy immediately caught the attention of Shockwave.

He willingly became one of the numerous original bodies of the Vehicons and repeatedly returned from death during the Cybertron Civil War over the past millions of years.

Initially, Onslaught was one of the most staunch opponents of the Vehicons plan.

For this reason, he had a bitter disagreement with Noisy and eventually abandoned the critically injured Noisy in a battle, causing his original body to die completely.

Now, the figure standing before Onslaught, much like Swindle, was a Vehicon recreated using memory data provided by Starscream. Their strength had increased, and they were even more obedient than their original bodies.

Onslaught turned his gaze to Vortex, who was the only subordinate in the Warbot Team who had been obedient and followed his commands in the past.

Thus, when Vortex fell in battle, Onslaught severed his head to preserve Vortex's memory chip.

"What do you think, Vortex?"

Although Onslaught had already made up his mind, he wanted to hear Vortex's opinion. After all, Vortex had been his deputy and aide during the Warbot Team era.

And he was well aware that he had fallen into Starscream's trap.

Although Onslaught did not believe that Frenzy, who had been out of sight for a long time, could threaten him.

Vortex thought for a moment and did not keep Onslaught waiting too long.

"Commander, I also agree to leave!"

Vortex pointed to the depths of the base, "Although we will lose energy and other supplies shortly after leaving, this is not our base after all. Hiding here indefinitely might arouse suspicions from certain important figures once exposed."

Several Decepticons instantly understood who Vortex referred to as the important figures.

This was precisely the decision Onslaught had already made, and without hesitation, he issued the command, "That's settled then. Let's replenish our energy first. We depart for Earth in two days!"


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Next Chapter >>Chapter 851: Disappointed Optimus Prime 


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