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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Moon, within a concealed underground base.

"Prepare for fusion!"

Accompanied by an uncontrollable excitement, four other deep voices echoed soon after, "Blastoff ready for launch!"

"Vortex standing by!"

"Noisy, all set!"

"Swindle ready anytime!"


Following the urgent command of Onslaught, within the very spacious underground base, a bizarre azure arc suddenly emerged between the five Decepticons standing side by side.

The arcs seemed to appear out of thin air, as if emanating from the bodies of the five Decepticons.

As more and more arcs surrounded the five Decepticons, they quickly enveloped Onslaught and his Warbot Team members.

Subsequently, a mysterious reaction, indiscernible in language, commenced within the arcs.

Between the mechanical bodies of the Warbot Team's five Decepticons, a peculiar transformation took place.

Onslaught's mechanical body became the torso, Blastoff transformed into the right arm, Vortex morphed into the left arm, Noisy became the left leg, and Swindle became the right leg.

Within the growing azure arcs, a colossal and increasingly towering giant gradually took shape.

The giant's head resembled Onslaught, with a brow similar to Blastoff, ears reminiscent of Vortex, a nose like Noisy, and a mouth that closely resembled Swindle.

The entire transformation process lasted for over two minutes.

As the arcs dissipated, within the vast underground base, a robust giant, towering about thirty meters high, made the structure appear somewhat diminutive.

"Although not the first time, this formidable power is truly intoxicating!"

A deep voice resonated in the expansive space, the voice of Devastator—Fusion Leopard, the amalgamation of the five Decepticons from the Warbot Team.

Even though temporarily fused, all five members of the Warbot Team retained their original consciousness.

Inside Fusion Leopard's control channel, they were in communication.

Onslaught: "Indeed, the power is intoxicating. I feel like I could easily crush Hercules now!"

Blastoff: "Hercules is just the First Generation Devastator. I believe Predaking and Defensor wouldn't be our match either!"

Vortex: "Starscream somehow got hold of some of Predaking's technology. It's not surprising that Fusion Leopard is stronger than Predaking!"

Noisy: "However, the energy consumption is enormous. I feel that in this fused form, we can last at most fifteen minutes before the energy within our Sparks drops below the caution line!"

Swindle: "Hey, guys. With these fifteen minutes, we can accomplish a lot on the battlefield!"

The consciousness of the five Warbot Team members forming Fusion Leopard communicated internally, but it did not hinder their collective control of this massive entity, enabling it to move within the underground base.

Running, punching, kicking—the powerful force of this giant Devastator produced muffled sounds within the underground base's ground and air.

Applause echoed at the entrance of the underground base.

Fusion Leopard turned to see Starscream.

"Not bad. It seems you've gradually mastered the fusion!"

Starscream wore a pleased expression as he observed this new toy before him.

For the giant Devastator—Fusion Leopard—formed by the combined Warbot Team under Onslaught's leadership, Starscream was genuinely satisfied.

He had obtained Predaking's related technology through some channels? It was just a bluff from Starscream to deceive Onslaught.

He had never considered nor could he actually obtain Predaking's technology.

Shockwave guarded it with extreme caution, however, Starscream was undeterred.

The original Hercules was created by him and other scientists of the Skytiger Legion, including Shockwave, working together.

After thoroughly digesting the manufacturing technology related to Hercules, he created an even more powerful Second Generation giant Devastator—Predaking.

But in terms of intelligence, Starscream never believed that he was inferior to Shockwave.

Initially, Shockwave could create Predaking after digesting Hercules, he had also followed the same path.

In the past few million years, even after the failure of the second rebellion, Starscream was relieved of his military position and sent to cultivate Vehicons.

However, in the process of repeatedly cultivating Hercules, Starscream continued to modify and debug Hercules.

When he had accumulated enough technology and inspiration, he created his own new First Generation giant Devastator—Fusion Leopard.

Fusion Leopard looked down at Starscream, who was not even up to his shins, and asked condescendingly, "Why are you here? Aren't you afraid Megatron will discover your secret?"

This question was posed by Onslaught; he had long guessed that Starscream was researching Fusion Leopard privately, behind Megatron's back.

Upon being discovered by the Tyrant, it was inevitable that Starscream would endure another round of beatings and suspicion.

However, in response to his question, Starscream just smiled faintly, "He doesn't have time to focus on me now!"

The grudge between Quintesson and Megatron was known only to a very few high-ranking members within the Skytiger Legion.

Although Onslaught also knew about Megatron's background, unfortunately, his understanding of Megatron's personality was insufficient, and he naturally did not know how much Megatron resented the Quintesson who had enslaved him for thousands of years.

With the sudden discovery on Earth of traces left by Quintessons who had visited in the past, based on Starscream's understanding of Megatron, his attention would be drawn to Quintesson in the near future.

Moreover, he simply did not care if Megatron discovered his private research on Fusion Leopard.

In fact, Starscream would even welcome Megatron knowing about it.

"You really don't understand him!"

He said this to Fusion Leopard, or rather, to the leader of the Warbot Team—Onslaught.

Megatron was indeed a Tyrant, but he was also a qualified commander.

Starscream's two rebellions initially seriously undermined Megatron's authority.

However, even though Megatron hated him to the extreme, he only subjected him to beatings and torture for a while. After relieving him of his military position, he let him go once again.


It was still because Starscream had value. His combat power, intelligence, the technology he possessed, and the inventions he made were all beneficial to the Skytiger Legion. So, the Tyrant forgave him.

If Megatron were to learn that, following Shockwave, Starscream had also created a more powerful giant Devastator, with Megatron's strategic mind, although he would be more cautious, he would undoubtedly value his worth even more.

This was Megatron, a domineering Tyrant, a qualified commander.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 849: Disaster Waters Eastward 


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