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In DC World With Marvel Chat Group : Table of Content/Chapter List


In the grand hall of the Gotham Manor, Mrs. Goth let out a sigh of relief while gently touching her chest. She remarked, "Fortunately, Commissioner Gordon is reliable. The security consultant he brought detected the thief in time and prevented her from wandering around my house."

"I've been saying, you're making a fuss over nothing," Leon sat on the sofa, lit a cigar for himself, and continued, "It's just a petty thief. How could they possibly shake the foundation of the Goth family? You always get startled so easily. How are we supposed to accomplish Great King's mission like this?"

At the mention of this, Mrs. Goth sighed and sat on the other side of the sofa, somewhat uneasy. "I know, I know. His Majesty has great ambitions, but that deal with the shipyard... I mean, if it's discovered, we're all finished..."

"What are you afraid of?" Leon casually picked up a nearby newspaper, fanning himself with it. "Who would dare to search your shipyard? Even Godfather wouldn't do that without a proper reason."

Mrs. Goth breathed a small sigh of relief and said, "That's true. After all, the gangs have their rules. If they randomly break into my factory for a search, they would lose their prestige."

Leon smirked, disdainful of Mrs. Goth's petty demeanor. "You should dedicate everything to Great King, not just covet those meager rewards. When he rules the world, only those who contribute enough will receive ample rewards!"

Mrs. Goth seemed hesitant. When Leon first approached her, he only mentioned wanting to use her family's shipyard to manufacture some prohibited items, specifically components for heavy weapons. He promised her a large sum of money and valuable collectibles in return.

As rumored, in the past few months, the financial situation of the Goth family had been tight due to the snowstorm affecting transportation and causing disruptions in various industries.

Though not in immediate danger, the situation could significantly impact next season's revenue. Mrs. Goth, driven by greed, wanted to maintain the family's business flow. That's when Leon, the self-appointed savior, appeared.

Initially, Leon's attitude was extremely flattering, and Mrs. Goth felt flattered. However, as Mrs. Goth became more deeply involved, Leon's attitude underwent significant changes, leaving Mrs. Goth dissatisfied but hesitant to express it.

Considering the rewards given by Great King, he indeed seemed to be a wealthy and influential mysterious entity. Those valuable collectibles weren't easily obtainable with just money. Mrs. Goth even suspected that the family of the great king might be an ancient and secluded lineage, explaining how he possessed such an extensive collection.

Mrs. Goth, already on the wrong path, knew she had to follow through. Gritting her teeth, she said, "The project is nearing completion. Tomorrow, I'll arrange a car accident, ensuring the engineer in charge of the project disappears completely. We'll burn the detailed materials and project plans."

Leon wore a helpless expression. "Forget about your shipyard! Don't you think that Catwoman, the little thief, can be useful?"

"Catwoman?" Mrs. Goth showed a puzzled expression but then realized, "You mean, to replace Vicky and charm those celebrities for you?"

"Correct." Leon nodded, stood up from the sofa, walked to the French window, and looked outside. "When the police took her away earlier, I observed her. She's undoubtedly a stunning woman, probably even more beautiful than Vicky."

"I understand the people on the West Coast. They have no resistance to such a beauty. If she can be under our control and influence those celebrities, Great King's mission will be even smoother."

"But what if she doesn't succumb to our coercion?" Mrs. Goth frowned. "These Gotham thieves are lawless."

Leon snorted, saying, "I don't believe she's not afraid of jail. I understand these slum-born thieves. As long as we give the police some benefits, let them scare her with guns, she'll agree to all the demands. If I personally go..."

Mrs. Goth hesitated, but Leon had already picked up the telephone. In a second, he put on a smug expression and said, "Hello? Gotham Police Department? Yes, I am the victim from earlier..."

"...Yes, I just wanted to ask, how is the interrogation of that little thief going? Mrs. Goth is very angry; she hopes this pest is severely punished... Yes, that's right, we plan to have a face-to-face talk. Okay, I'll head to the Gotham Police Station now!"

Leon hung up the phone, turning to Mrs. Goth. "You take care of the shipyard matters. I'll go to the police station. When I come back, everything will be back on track."

Watching Leon's departing figure, Mrs. Goth bit her lip, picked up the telephone, and said, "Contact that truck driver for me... yes, the one from the recent midnight legend, the Joker Truck driver. Have him create a car accident, preferably turning that engineer into minced meat!"

After hanging up the telephone, Mrs. Goth felt her hands trembling. Despite her many years in the business world, she had never done anything like hiring a hitman. Simultaneously, she breathed a sigh of relief because as long as the person died, no one would ever know about that deal.

Mrs. Goth felt that everything was developing smoothly recently.

Although the plan to control Vicky failed, a replacement, Catwoman, quickly emerged. Things were progressing well with her daughter, who had already made contact with Bruce Wayne. Perhaps she would soon capture his attention. Once she sorted out the shipyard business, she believed she could truly wield unimaginable power alongside Great King.

The next morning, Schiller got up early, finished breakfast rapidly, and didn't even bother with the newspaper. Before Merkel could react to his mysterious routine, Schiller had already put on his coat, grabbed his umbrella, and was ready to leave.

Merkel looked at Schiller's hurried departure with confusion, turning his head to the wall clock. It was only 6:30 in the morning.

Ignoring Merkel, who was once again shocked by the mysterious schedule, Schiller drove to Gotham University, or more precisely, the vocational education department of Gotham University.

Victor happened to be here to deliver something. Seeing Schiller, he was very surprised. He approached and asked, "Why are you here so early? Why did you wake up so early today?"

"Enough of that. Where are the students?"

"Of course, in the dorms. At this time, they haven't gotten out of bed yet." Victor turned his head to see that most lights in the majority of the classrooms in the teaching building were off. Obviously, the students inside were still sleeping soundly.

Schiller briskly entered the dormitory building, with Victor trailing behind. Schiller held an umbrella in one hand and snapped his fingers with the other. With a crisp sound, a halo appeared above his head.

In the astonished gaze of Victor, Schiller took the halo down.

He then began knocking on the doors of each dormitory, saying, "Get up! Get up! What time is it? Hurry to class! Assembly in the large classroom, don't let me find anyone missing!"

"Get out of bed quickly! It's daylight!" Schiller waved the halo in his hand, illuminating the entire dormitory brightly. Everyone squinted their eyes, looking confused. However, Schiller pointed at each bed and said, "Get up quickly! Don't be lazy. Assemble in the large classroom!"

"Knock, knock, knock! Get up! Get up! Everyone, get up! Look at what time it is now?!"

"Knock, knock, knock, knock!! Get out of bed now!"

It wasn't until Schiller woke up all the students on two floors that he hurriedly walked down the staircase, holding the umbrella. Victor followed him, asking, "Schiller, have you gone mad?"

Ignoring him, Schiller walked quickly into the large classroom downstairs, stood at the podium, and looked at his watch. He said, "Help me record the names of students who haven't arrived by 7 a.m. Today evening, I'll personally visit the leaders of their areas."

Victor stared at him, but Schiller's earlier wake-up service had been highly effective. The halo was too bright, and with such a disturbance, the majority of people woke up.

Recalling Schiller's notorious reputation, they promptly climbed out of bed and gathered in the classroom. Though everyone was still drowsy, they had, after all, shown up. However, due to the sudden incident, many hadn't fully grasped the situation. Thus, when the clock struck seven, only about half of the students were present, with roughly one-third missing.

Schiller received the list of students from the teacher who had just arrived, cross-referencing names and photos to mark those who were absent. By 7:30, the latecomers trickled in, bleary-eyed, and took their seats.

Once everyone was present, Schiller lightly tapped the desktop of the podium, capturing everyone's attention. Many students who had already awakened focused on him. They had heard of Professor Schiller but had never attended his class, making them curious about what he was going to talk about.

"Today, let's talk about the issue of learning attitude," Schiller said, standing at the podium, addressing everyone.

"Perhaps you think I'm crazy, dragging you out of bed at 6 a.m. to discuss what seems like a meaningless topic."

"Yes, many might feel that discussing this here is pointless. You're here to learn skills. With this time, you should familiarize yourselves with car performance, understand the distribution of wires, or directly engage in practical operations."

"But sadly, I must tell you that, during the past two days of lectures, I've discovered a serious issue — some people have a significant problem with their learning attitude."

Schiller's tone was very serious. Several students in the front row shivered in unison. They exchanged glances, unsure whose attitude was being questioned.

A black girl with earrings glanced at another girl sitting diagonally in front of her. The latter had light golden hair and wore a dress that stood out from the others. She was currently sound asleep with her head on the desk.

Closer to her were a few robust male students who exchanged glances and conveyed their thoughts through eye contact.

"Tracey Goth," Schiller directly called out this name, and Miss Goth, who was sleeping on the desk, didn't move.

Looking at Schiller's expression, the girl sitting next to Tracey hastily shook her awake. Tracey, with a bewildered look, opened her eyes. During the eye contact between her and Schiller, it was as if a bucket of cold water had been poured over her, instantly waking her up.

"Miss Goth, please answer me a question. Why are you here?" Schiller asked, looking at her.

"I-I am here to study," Tracey answered somewhat dazedly.

"Is that so? Are you really here to learn?" Schiller asked again, staring into Tracey's eyes. He repeated the question, using a skillful technique of interrogation.

Tracey remained silent for a while before saying, "...probably."

"Let me tell you, you're not here to learn. Your mother sent you to this school for another purpose."

After visiting the Goth Manor last night, Schiller naturally knew that Mrs. Goth probably had a mysterious plan, and her daughter was a part of it.

Schiller's voice grew colder as he looked at Tracey, who now had a flushed face, and said in a low tone:

"However, I don't care about your purpose. As long as you're here, the only thing you can do is immerse yourself in your great studies."

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Next Chapter>>Chapter 763: Gotham Spring Breeze (Part 1) 


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