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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


No one had ever imagined that a battle taking place in the desolate Arctic Circle of Great Canada would eventually evolve into a confrontation that nearly engulfed several major powers on Earth for the first time.

The Decepticons certainly hadn't anticipated it; they had underestimated the strength of humanity.

The Americans, too, could not have foreseen it. They always believed in their own capability and had been preparing for a battle with extraterrestrial forces for over a year, thinking they were well-prepared.

The Autobots, perhaps, hadn't expected it either. At least, most Autobots did not want to engage in this battle.

As for Sun Cheng, it was a spur-of-the-moment decision for him, aiming to eliminate as many Decepticons as possible before Shockwave's Skytiger Legion Major arrived.

Nevertheless, a full-scale conflict that would affect nearly all the major powers on Earth erupted.

Four Golden Eagle I-class fighter jets swiftly activated their optical stealth systems after a brief calibration and ammunition loading at a remote location in South America, then entered outer space.

If they were fighting within Earth's atmosphere, each Golden Eagle I-class fighter jet would require just one ordinary Decepticon warrior to operate effectively. However, the environment in outer space was far more complex than inside Earth, requiring the simultaneous operation of two Decepticon warriors when flying there.

The current situation involved eight Decepticon warriors who had undergone flight training both inside Earth and in outer space, piloting four Golden Eagle I-class fighter jets filled with ammunition. They quickly entered a designated orbit and assumed cruising position.

"Command center, we have entered the designated orbit and are ready to strike the target area!"

Launching missiles from deep space towards Earth made interception more challenging, as they gained gravitational acceleration upon entering Earth's atmosphere, easily exceeding speeds of Mach 20.

Moreover, the Golden Eagle I-class fighter jets stationed in outer space were not only harder to detect but also could evade many counterattacks.

"Waiting for the next command!"


Although the Golden Eagle I-class fighter jets were in position, Sun Cheng and his team did not rush to issue the Onslaught command.

The reason was simple: in the Seville region of Newfoundland, Great Canada, the U.S. Military was engaged in fierce combat with the Decepticons.

From altitudes ranging from one thousand to nearly ten thousand meters above the sky, a fleet of nearly three hundred various fighter jets struggled to maintain formation, attempting to encircle and eliminate seven or eight seemingly indistinguishable enemy fighter jets in the air.

A variety of combat and air-to-air missiles constantly erupted into Earth's fiery sky, turning the darkening sky over this area into a festive display of fireworks.

However, despite their overwhelming numerical advantage, the U.S. Military's proud and advanced fighter jets were rapidly being harvested by the Skytiger Legion's Air Force Major, even when facing just a few of their transforming fighter jets.

In the first forty minutes of aerial combat, over one hundred and thirty U.S. Military aircraft had been shot down.

Of course, their losses were not in vain.

During a reloading break, one high-ranking Decepticon warrior had been shot down by a U.S. Military fighter jet. Simultaneously, the number of injured Decepticon Air Force Majors began to rise.

So, it seems the Americans have also shown determination, not only refusing to retreat but also deploying an increasing number of fighter jets. Even air force planes from Great Canada have joined in the effort to encircle the Decepticons.

In the end, the Decepticons' numbers were still too few.

Although the fighter jets they transformed into far outperformed U.S. Military's fighter jets, they still had to abide by the most basic law of conservation of matter. The missiles produced by Decepticons in their fighter jet form required energy from their Spark and some stored metallic materials within them. Moreover, there was a certain time lag for the mechanical body's Ammunition manufacturing unit to generate the missiles.

Manufacturing missiles took time, and it also continuously consumed energy and the metal stored within them. All of these resources were limited in quantity. Once they were depleted, even the mighty F-22 fighter jet transformed by the powerful Lightning Decepticon could only rely on two fighter guns for close-quarters combat against U.S. Military aircraft.

Despite suffering heavy losses, the U.S. Military, with its extensive combat experience gained from almost uninterrupted external conflicts since World War II, had accumulated a large number of ace pilots and experienced combat officers.

During the battle, U.S. Military officers quickly noticed that the casualties inflicted by the Decepticons were decreasing steadily. Through continuous analysis of real-time combat footage from the frontlines, they soon realized the Decepticons' weaknesses.

"The aliens' numbers are too few. Once we form a cohesive force, their individual advantages will be gradually neutralized!"

With this exhilarating intelligence, the U.S. Military put in even more effort and committed more forces to fight fiercely against the Decepticons. They had already suffered too many losses, and Great Canada had also suffered heavily because of them. If they couldn't completely annihilate the invading Decepticons this time and obtain their remains to compensate for the losses, the issue of compensation alone would be enough to trigger a massive internal shakeup within The Pentagon.

The battle was intensifying, and compared to the initial disadvantage, the situation was gradually shifting towards a stalemate with some advantages in the skies.

On the ground, the Tombwind Unit was locked in a bitter struggle. Despite the earlier saturation strikes with Tomahawk cruise missiles, the Decepticons had lost a considerable number of Vehicons. However, those who survived were mostly high-ranking warriors.

Cybertronians were not the robots humans typically imagined; they were highly intelligent sentient beings. It was because they hadn't faced this kind of military attack from humans for a long time that the Decepticons had suffered significant losses from the intense cruise missile bombardment.

But with the prior experience, when several U.S. Military warships patrolling offshore began launching Tomahawk missiles again, preparing to continue their attack, the Decepticons quickly found hiding spots and evaded the missile strikes almost immediately.

When transport planes were carrying the Tombwind Unit, preparing for ground combat with them, the saturation missile strikes from the sea ceased. The army's armed helicopters were not immediately deployed into the battle due to the continued presence of Decepticon Aerial Combat forces.

Because of this incorrect decision, despite the Tombwind Unit being equipped with a considerable amount of heavy firepower, they quickly faced a fierce counterattack from dozens of angered Decepticons.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 841: Total War 17 


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