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Sun Cheng knew that the relationship between himself and the Skytiger Legion had become irreparable.

Upon Megatron's return, he would undoubtedly be among the first to face retribution.

With this thought in mind, Sun Cheng quickly made a decision.

"...Thunder, inquire with Atlas about how many of the new thermal differential bombs have been manufactured."

Thermal differential bombs were weapons that used special chemical agents to create a significant temperature difference, causing mass casualties.

In a sense, the cloud-burst bombs widely used on Earth could be considered a form of thermal differential bomb. However, what Sun Cheng was referring to was a true temperature-based weapon.

The mechanical bodies of Cybertronians allowed them to endure extreme temperatures, ranging from thousands of degrees of heat to tens of degrees below zero, for an extended period of time. However, their resilience to harsh environments did not mean they were immune to temperature extremes.

In fact, if the temperature exceeded the tolerance limits of Cybertronians, it would be a more dangerous weapon than high-explosive bombs, and its lethality would rival electromagnetic pulse weapons.

Sun Cheng had already verified this during his brief encounter with Lord Fallen in the past.

Since then, he had invested a significant amount of resources and even recruited a senior engineer and several Decepticon engineers to delve deep into the research of thermal differential bombs.

Unlike the electromagnetic pulse weapon research that had reached a bottleneck within a short time, the progress in thermal differential bomb research at Base Two was very satisfying.

Several months ago, a Decepticon engineer successfully developed a new chemical reaction agent after hundreds of computational simulations. This agent could react violently with the air at room temperature, rapidly lowering the surrounding temperature to over a hundred degrees below zero. It was a perfect "ammunition" for creating thermal differential bombs.

While temperatures of over a hundred degrees below zero wouldn't necessarily kill Cybertronians, each thermal differential bomb, when detonated, could affect the temperature in at least a square meter radius around it. This was more than enough to freeze all nearby Cybertronians into temporary ice sticks, rendering them temporarily combat incapable.

After the production of the finished products at Base Two, these thermal differential bombs had undergone more than a dozen tests.

Even Sun Cheng himself had experienced the power of these Second Generation thermal differential bombs equipped with the new chemical agent. With his current mechanical body, if he were accidentally caught in the close-range explosion of one of these bombs, he would also be frozen into an ice stick and would have to struggle for a minute or two to shatter the thick layer of ice that formed on him.

However, one should not underestimate the significance of a minute or two. In a battlefield scenario, that amount of time could already determine a warrior's life or death.

However, these Second Generation thermal differential bombs were not without drawbacks.

The complex synthesis of the chemical agent required a series of intricate transformation and extraction processes, severely limiting their mass production.

Thunder had been staying at Base Two for some time, following the path that the Forerunner had taken before, learning and getting involved in the management of the base.

Sun Cheng inquired, and Thunder checked the data before responding, "As of now, during the past four months, we have manufactured a total of 181 Second Generation thermal differential bombs."

Sun Cheng nodded. Although he wasn't entirely satisfied, he didn't show it either. Base Two was currently involved in too many projects, and while resources had been allocated to the thermal differential bomb project, its production was inherently complicated. With a monthly output of around three to four dozen, it was nearly at its limit.

The Forerunner seemed to understand Sun Cheng's intention and asked with some uncertainty, "Commander, have you decided to intervene?"

He gave a faint smile, "We don't need to go down there personally!"

Sun Cheng lightly tapped his finger on the conference table specially designed for Decepticons of their towering stature in the meeting room.

On the unidentifiable metal-forged table, some azure information waves appeared.

Immediately, at the center of the conference table's projection device, images of several peculiarly shaped aircraft were displayed.

"Golden Eagle!"

Forerunner recognized it immediately. What the projection device was displaying was the formidable Golden Eagle I-class fighter jet, which had already been finalized and was undergoing subsequent improvements at Base Two, equipped for aerial combat.

"That's right, I'm planning to send out several Golden Eagle fighter jets for a long-range strike against the Decepticons in deep space," Sun Cheng said.

Sun Cheng's patience was still intact. While he yearned to personally lead his Major in an expedition to eliminate the Decepticons discovered within Great Canada's borders, he knew that since he had already offended Megatron and was unlikely to be forgiven, he might as well cut off as much of Megatron's power as possible before he faced retribution.

However, Sun Cheng's rationality was not lost to impulsiveness. He was well aware that he didn't yet possess the strength to engage the Skytiger Legion in a full-scale war. Therefore, he didn't mind repeating what he had often done in the past – remaining hidden in the shadows, acting as a cunning old hunter. He would seize opportunities to take a shot and watch as the Autobots, Americans, and Decepticons clashed in fierce battles.

"The Autobots will need some time to reach the battlefield. Before that happens, we need to make the humans bleed, but we can't let them lose too badly," Sun Cheng thought, a hint of coldness creeping into his smile.

In his mind's eye, the map of the Americas appeared, and Sun Cheng's smile grew colder. In this Earth, apart from sharing the same geographical advantages and resources as in his Real World, the United States had even briefly possessed the All Spark during the early days of the Second Industrial Revolution. They had even excavated Megatron from the Arctic and researched him for nearly a century.

In a way, the United States in the Transformers Universe had even deeper roots than in the Real World.

So, Sun Cheng didn't mind making them shed more blood to ensure that, after the military strength was restored, they would once again target him like insatiable wolves.

Of course, he had to strike the right balance. Due to their cultural differences, Europeans and Americans had a long-standing habit of surrendering when they couldn't win.

Though Sun Cheng no longer feared the Americans after constantly digesting the South American region, his real opponents had never been humans. His true adversaries might be in the New Iron Fortress city in Africa, aboard the retribution number spaceship on the Moon, or perhaps with the fleet that had embarked on a cybertron expedition to Earth.

"Forerunner, I'll leave this matter to you. I authorize you to mobilize up to four Golden Eagle fighters and a month's production of thermal differential bombs. The goal is to inflict as much damage as possible on the Decepticons. If you can't achieve that, at least delay the Autobots as much as possible."

Without hesitation, Forerunner immediately stood up, clenched his fist to his chest, and gave a resounding thump.

"You can count on me, Commander!"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 840: Total War 16 


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