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The sound of automatic rifles and light machine guns filled the battlefield, unleashing torrents of fire in every direction. However, it was apparent to everyone that the torrents of fire were steadily diminishing.

"Help! Number Four Point needs reinforcement!"

"Number Seven Point, four enemies have converged... hurry, RPG!"

"Number Five Highland has fallen..."

"174th Platoon has lost contact..."

"Retreat... we need to retreat!"

Amidst the cries of agony, calls for comrades' support, and shouts for retreat, the Tombwind Unit faced its most arduous battle since its inception.

Inside a command vehicle that was constantly on the move, the commanders of the Tombwind Unit all shared one common trait – pallor.

When the Sound Nest unit was initially established due to fears of Autobot infiltration into the U.S. Military, The Pentagon reluctantly approved its formation, subjecting it to strict personnel and equipment control measures.

They allocated only a brigade's worth of personnel to the Sound Nest unit, and even though the equipment was mobilized based on the organization of the U.S. Military's mechanized units, the Sound Nest unit, even at its peak, was not at full strength.

Later, when the Tombwind Unit was formed as an expansion of the Sound Nest unit, the situation was different. By the time Tombwind was established, the relationship between the U.S. and the Autobots had soured completely, expanding the unit's mission from combating the evil Decepticons during the Sound Nest era to including all extraterrestrial beings, including the Autobots.

As a result, the expansion of the Tombwind Unit did not encounter the same obstacles as the Sound Nest unit. In fact, because the CIA, the largest intelligence agency in the United States, attempted to gain control of this armed force, the Tombwind Unit received unprecedented support.

Therefore, since its establishment, the Tombwind Unit had faced smooth sailing, receiving personnel and equipment as needed. Despite The Pentagon's continued resistance to increasing the unit's size, the CIA ensured they received everything they required.

Thanks to this support, even though the Tombwind Unit had been rebuilt for just over a year, its personnel were almost at full strength, and its weaponry and equipment were even more formidable than a regular U.S. Military mechanized infantry brigade.

Unfortunately, although the Tombwind Unit had previously launched several campaigns against Decepticons, both domestically and internationally, achieving some success in eliminating a few of them, their current opponents were clearly not the same as the small groups they had faced before. As a result, when the Tombwind Unit, including its equipment, was transported by naval and air force transport planes and had barely occupied a few positions without completing their defensive positions, dozens of Decepticons had already reached their vicinity, launching a ruthless massacre upon the Tombwind Unit.



The sounds of explosions and gunfire grew increasingly sparse, and the cries of the Tombwind Unit soldiers followed suit.

Following the U.S. Military's missile bombardment, most of the surviving Decepticons were high-level warriors, each possessing the capability to single-handedly wipe out an entire U.S. Military elite squad armed to the teeth, and do so in an extremely short amount of time.

Although the Tombwind Unit was equipped with large-caliber artillery and heavy weapons, the U.S. Military had underestimated their combat abilities and underestimated the Decepticons.

As a result, their highly anticipated ground battle lasted less than an hour, with only sporadic bursts of gunfire heard.

The Tombwind Unit was nearly annihilated.

"Tombwind has been almost completely wiped out!"

This intelligence? Sun Cheng received it almost immediately. The efficiency was not much behind that of the U.S. Military command center.

He felt extremely pleased about the elimination of this special U.S. Military unit known as the Tombwind Unit, which had been established specifically to counter extraterrestrial threats.

Unlike the era of the Sound Nest unit, Tombwind had been deeply influenced by the radical intelligence agency, the CIA, right from its inception. In the past year and more, Tombwind had been relentlessly tracking down and relentlessly pursuing lone Decepticons in North America, Europe, the Middle East, East Asia, and even across the Pacific Ocean. Once they locked on, they never let go.

Even in South America, some Decepticons intentionally lured Tombwind into the region and engaged in brief skirmishes with Sun Cheng's Decepticon patrol team.

Although Tombwind was still relatively small and weak, Base Two had also noticed that the U.S. Military was deliberately targeting the weaknesses of Cybertronians, researching weapons that could inflict greater harm upon them.

In a way, if Tombwind Unit continued to grow unchecked, relying on the scientific research capabilities of the most powerful military nation on Earth, it might not take many years for Tombwind to become a genuine threat to advanced Autobots and Decepticons.

Therefore, Sun Cheng secretly applauded the near annihilation of the Decepticons by this special unit. With the Black Market in play, he couldn't openly move against Tombwind. At least so far, the United States hadn't made a direct move against him either.

Both sides had their needs, gradually building a somewhat fragile cooperative relationship. Sun Cheng had no intention of disrupting it, at least for now.

The Decepticons' attack on Tombwind had saved him a lot of trouble. Unlike some traditional land powers, U.S. soldiers did not possess the unwavering will to fight to the death on the battlefield.

The defeat of Tombwind and the previous Great Canada Mechanized Infantry Brigade would make the U.S. Military more cautious about deploying ground forces.

Furthermore, the Autobots were racing to the battlefield with all their might and were almost there.

Sun Cheng calculated the time and issued the command.

"Notify them to prepare to launch the temperature differential bombs!"


Four Golden Eagle fighter jets hovering in outer space promptly armed the temperature differential bombs, aimed at the ground target, and launched them.

"This is an attitude!" Sun Cheng explained to the Forerunner, who was still unclear about why he had to intervene.

"The Skytiger Legion, with the return of Megatron, the arrival of Shockwave and their forces, will become a common enemy of Autobots, us, and humans. For a long time to come, whether it's the Autobots, us, or humans, none of us will have the capability to face the Skytiger Legion alone."

He crossed his hands in front of him, his expression unusually serious.

"We need to unite, even if it's just superficial unity."

"This time is just the beginning. I believe Optimus Prime must also realize this, which is why he traveled all the way from Africa to the Arctic Circle to support the United States, despite their strained relationship, in order to repair his own relationship with humans."

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 842 - Total War 18


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