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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Sun Cheng's guess was spot on. The war between the Decepticons and the U.S. Military quickly erupted.

The American's hatred for extraterrestrial beings ran even deeper than he had imagined.

The Tombwind Unit was the first to learn that their fellow soldiers dispatched to the province of Great Canada had been completely wiped out.

While the CIA was fiercely competing with the Military for control and command of this special unit and had gradually gained the upper hand, it didn't mean that the U.S. Military soldiers within the current Tombwind Unit, or the mercenaries inserted by the CIA, were devoid of flesh and blood.

When they learned that their friends, comrades, and companions had likely been annihilated by extraterrestrial attacks in the Great Canada province, the flames of anger burned fiercely.

So, when the orders were given to launch a military counterattack, the enraged Tombwind Unit, as the most experienced force in combatting extraterrestrials within the U.S. Military, took the lead without hesitation.

Several hours later, over the skies of Great Canada.

Protected by more than 20 F-15E series fighter jets from the 20th Air Force Squadron, taking off from Warren Air Force Base in Iowa, and accompanied by over 40 F-16C/D series fighter jets loaded with ammunition, they crossed the border, spanning over a thousand kilometers, and prepared to attack the town of Seville located within the Arctic Circle in the province.

Among them were several C130 transport planes carrying the Tombwind Unit, and two AC-130H/U gunships converted into aerial support aircraft.

They entered Great Canada's airspace from an altitude of approximately 5,000 meters above the ground, with several surveillance and reconnaissance planes hovering thousands of meters above their heads.

Behind the formation of fighter jets, there were over a hundred armed helicopters from the ground forces ready for action.

U.S. Military soldiers, heavy artillery, and tanks, all fully armed, were loaded onto the planes, awaiting departure.

Although some were reluctant within Great Canada's borders, after receiving word from the North America Anti-air Command that an extraterrestrial attack had occurred, and having recently applied for entry for training missions, a U.S. Military unit was also promised by United States authorities to turn over a portion of extraterrestrial remains to the Great Canada Government after the battle.

Reluctantly, the Great Canada Government temporarily opened its airspace to the U.S. Military and ordered the Ground Command (LFC) to send the 5th Mechanized Infantry Brigade, stationed closest to the province of Seville, to cooperate with the U.S. Military in the upcoming battle, transported by the Air Force.

At this moment, after taking control of Seville, Lightning, the commander of this military operation, had learned the town's hidden secret.

Looking at the silver-gray metal piece he held in the palm of his hand, Lightning's expression was grim.

"Troublesome, these damned humans actually triggered the distress signal left behind by Quintesson's 'Planet Modification Squad'... Damn, I hope their fleet is far enough away from the Solar System!"

Glancing at the long-pillar-shaped transmitter that one of his Decepticons had just deactivated nearby, Lightning's face looked extremely unpleasant.

It was a piece of metal they had just found inside the River Valley, perhaps very rare to humans, but Decepticons had encountered plenty of alloys that were even more superior than this one.

A decent metal that shouldn't have moved Lightning, the senior commander of the Skytiger Legion, at all.

However, he knew what the appearance of this metal meant. It was a special alloy created by Quintesson's unique super-black technology - material modification.

The essence of matter is not immutable, but it clearly requires an extremely high level of technology.

For example, in the Stone Age, early humans wouldn't have comprehended why a mixture of various herbs or the combination of certain materials, through a series of processes such as high-temperature melting and condensation, could produce various medicines. These medicines possessed abilities and effects that the individual materials lacked, implying a fundamental change in their essence.

Similarly, alloys made from various metals, in a sense, also underwent a change in their essence.

The ruler of Quintessa, the Five-Faced Monster, had harnessed the power of material modification through in-depth research on metals and other substances. This technology had the potential to shake the entire Universe.

In the palm of his hand, the metal chunks crushed by Lightning fell to the ground one by one.

None of the surrounding Decepticons dared to take a deep breath.

Elegy wore an equally grim expression. These ancient Cybertronians, born during the era of the Council of Primes, still remembered the devastation Quintessons had wrought upon Cybertron.

Whether Decepticon or Autobot, they had never given up on pursuing the Quintessons. Unfortunately, the Civil War had already drained too much of their strength. Now, unexpectedly encountering traces of the Quintessons on the distant Earth, even if it was just a remnant left by the ancient Quintesson "Planet Modification Squad" before their arrival, the outcome wouldn't be favorable.

"Your Highness is still waiting for our report. I've arranged for a few Decepticons to transport the transmitters and ore back to the Moon for debriefing!" After a long silence, Elegy finally spoke up.

Lightning glanced at him and nodded slowly, after a few seconds of delay.

Elegy immediately called a few Decepticons to carry the deactivated transmitters and the ore, setting off for the Moon to inform Megatron of their discovery.

"Something must have happened on this planet before the ancient times!"

A staff officer, known as Lockpick, approached. He was the technical officer of the reconnaissance team, usually responsible for technical matters. Having just scoured the area, he had found a lot of things.

"Commander, based on my investigation, the Quintesson 'Planet Modification Squad' from ancient times had once descended in this vicinity. At that time, Earth's polar regions weren't as cold as they are now, and there was a lot of life here. Those lunatics attacked this area and transformed everything in a stretch of the River Valley into that metal!"

"Go on."

"Later, I don't know what happened, maybe the 'Planet Modification Squad' was attacked, or for some other reason... In any case, those greedy lunatics hadn't had a chance to completely destroy this planet. They hurriedly retreated!"

Lightning frowned; he was not satisfied with this explanation. Just as he was about to inquire further, he suddenly raised his head and looked towards the southwest. At the same time, his eyes began to emit a crimson light.

"We have guests!"

A sinister smile appeared on Lightning's face. "It's a human military force. Let's give them a warm welcome!"

After saying this, he leaped into the sky, rapidly transforming into an F-22 fighter jet in mid-air. Two engines spewed out twin trails of scorching blue flames, and Lightning's figure disappeared into the horizon.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 830: Total War 6 


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