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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


The newly appointed Secretary of Defense at the Pentagon let out a long sigh as he hung up the phone.

As he looked around the conference room, all eyes were focused on him, and he gave a faint smile.

"Gentlemen, I have received authorization for military action from Mr. President, who is currently visiting Europe."

With those words, the atmosphere in the conference room immediately heated up.

"That's great! We can finally teach those annoying extraterrestrial bastards a lesson!"

"Hail to Mr. President! This is the right decision he's made!"

"Minister, please give the orders. Our soldiers are ready!"

Over a year ago, during a surprise attack by the Decepticons, the entire U.S. Military Second Fleet was annihilated. Shortly thereafter, in the Battle of the Red Sea, the Navy's Fifth Fleet suffered heavy casualties once again from the Decepticons.

As a maritime superpower, the United States maintained its status as a superpower after World War II for several reasons. Financial and technological dominance were indeed factors, but the key was its formidable military strength.

The Navy, without a doubt, played the most crucial role in the United States' military might. With a dozen aircraft carriers, nearly a hundred nuclear submarines, hundreds of various warships, thousands of military aircraft of all kinds, and overseas military bases spanning four oceans and five continents, the United States had maintained its maritime dominance since the Cold War and the dissolution of the Soviet Union.

When major powers misbehaved, carrier battle groups conducted military exercises near their borders. For smaller nations, a few missile destroyers or cruisers, along with naval, land, and air forces in the vicinity, were enough to deter the vast majority of Earth's countries.

However, despite its seemingly vast scale, the United States Navy annually had to allocate a significant portion of its defense budget to maintain this formidable force. Moreover, to ensure its military technology remained cutting-edge, the two most critical components of the U.S. Navy, aircraft carriers and nuclear submarines, had to periodically return to their homeports for maintenance, refueling, and modernization.

Because of this, even though the U.S. Military possessed a dozen aircraft carriers and nearly a hundred nuclear submarines, only a fraction of them could be deployed simultaneously for surveillance and military missions. Sometimes, they even had only one-third of the total available.

Due to the two Decepticon attacks mentioned earlier, the complete destruction of the Second Fleet, and the heavy damage suffered by the Fifth Fleet, the U.S. Navy undoubtedly found itself in an extremely awkward situation.

Their other carriers were either just completing military missions, undergoing routine maintenance and rest in their homeports, or receiving modernization upgrades in shipyards.

The past year had undoubtedly been one of the most challenging times for the United States, as having only two aircraft carriers and two amphibious assault ships available was clearly insufficient for a nation with numerous global interests that had, for most of the past half-century, been actively involved in stirring the world.

For the United States, which had relied on military dominance to forcefully establish its financial and technological dominance, the significant reduction in naval strength, the linchpin of its military power, immediately eroded its military and economic supremacy. Consequently, over the past year, anti-American protests and demonstrations had erupted worldwide.

In certain countries that had been badly affected by American actions in the past, there were even incidents of radical attacks against American consulates, personnel abroad, and military bases. These attacks occurred at an alarmingly high frequency.

If an ordinary person were to consider these events, they might question whether their country had made mistakes in the past.

However, the thought process of American politicians and military officials was clearly different from that of ordinary people.

For over half a century, their dominance over the nations of Earth had ingrained in them a mindset of "God first, America second." Faced with the backlash from various countries, they not only failed to reflect on their past actions but also developed resentment toward the Decepticons, Autobots, and even the Black Market, which had been conducting transactions with Earth nations, causing a sharp decline in the global influence of the United States, much to the chagrin of Sun Cheng and his associates.

Over the past year, they had been urging the Federal Reserve to increase money supply while simultaneously boosting military spending. They even allocated secret funds under the guise of special expenditures to support the heavily damaged Navy.

Thanks to the effectiveness of the Golden Sea tactics, the U.S. Navy had now largely recovered its strength. Construction of more new warships had also commenced, although it would be at least a year before they were ready for deployment. However, none of this dampened the restlessness of the Hawk Faction within The Pentagon.

They had been waiting for the day of retaliation against the extraterrestrials for far too long.


The Secretary of Defense clapped his hands to silence the noisy discussions in the conference room. He cleared his throat and began speaking with a grave expression, "Since we have received authorization for military action from President, let the meeting officially begin."

"Let me briefly summarize the events leading up to this. Approximately two hours ago, NASA observed a Meteor Rain falling in the Arctic Circle region of our neighboring country, Great Canada."

"Because NASA had not previously detected any Meteor Rain, we activated a military satellite to track and observe the areas where the Meteor Rain could fall."

"However, to our surprise, this Meteor Rain turned out to be extraterrestrials in disguise. They attacked a mining facility located within the province of New Newfoundland in Great Canada, and the Tombwind Unit stationed there suffered heavy losses, possibly even complete annihilation."

"I want to emphasize here that a domestic mining corporation had recently discovered a special ore deposit in the area that was attacked. Based on research conducted by our previous scientific expeditions, this metal is superior to all known special steels, and it is highly likely that it was created by extraterrestrials who arrived on Earth in ancient times, using prehistoric life forms available on Earth at the time."

At this point, the Secretary of Defense paused briefly. Inside the conference room, those who were unaware of this insider information were indeed shocked and began discussing it in hushed voices.

He gave everyone a moment to discuss and then resumed, clapping his hands again to regain their attention.

"We have sufficient reason to believe that the extraterrestrials have also set their sights on the unique metal we discovered in the province of New Newfoundland, Great Canada. Preliminary analysis of photos sent back by the satellite suggests that the extraterrestrials who attacked us are affiliated with the Skytiger Legion and are not the same faction as the Decepticons on Terindad Island."

"Considering the vital importance of this metal to our national defense and military industry, and the possibility of reverse engineering to gain super technology for biologically manufacturing special metals in the future, I propose that we inform the North American Air Defense Command and prepare for retaliatory action in conjunction with Great Canada."

"This military operation, codenamed 'Operation Rattlesnake Strike,' will involve cooperation between the Air Force and the Tombwind Unit against these Decepticons who attacked us."

"We will convince Great Canada to provide firepower support, but the Navy, Army Aviation, and the Army must also be prepared to support the front lines at any time."

"Everyone, this is not just a retaliatory action against the extraterrestrials. We want the entire world to know our determination and efforts."

"Do you understand?"


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Next Chapter >>Chapter 828: Total War 4 


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