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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


"Large-scale Decepticon incursion detected within the Arctic Circle?"

When Sun Cheng received the intelligence, more than four hours had passed since Polar Bear's Spies Satellite had detected the anomaly within the Arctic Circle.

This intelligence had been urgently delivered by Mora and relayed from North Dovinsk.

Previously, when cooperating with Polar Bear, Sun Cheng had sold them a large batch of advanced equipment and electronic components. While Polar Bear's current technology couldn't identify any issues with these devices and electronic components, most of them had hidden backdoors.

As a result, in certain necessary circumstances, Sun Cheng and his team could take control of those devices and anything equipped with those electronic components at any time, such as Polar Bear's Spies Satellite.

Although Base Two had launched some of its own satellites into Earth's orbit, their numbers were not substantial to avoid arousing suspicion among various human nations.

They mainly covered most of South America, the South Pacific Ocean, and the South Atlantic Ocean, while in the northern hemisphere's relevant regions, they had to rely on "copying" reconnaissance intelligence from Polar Bear's military satellites.

As a nation with a significant portion of its territory within the Arctic Circle, Polar Bear had deployed satellites in outer space to monitor the Arctic Circle region, in anticipation of possible assaults from the Arctic Ocean.

Not only the Arctic Ocean but also the two neighboring countries within the Arctic Circle—Old America and Great Canada—were all major targets of Polar Bear's surveillance.

Therefore, when the Meteor Rain occurred, Polar Bear's relevant departments promptly intensified their surveillance in the potential impact areas. They did not expect to make an unexpected discovery.

The intelligence was initially transmitted to Thunder and then delivered to Sun Cheng.

After carefully reviewing all the photos taken by Polar Bear's satellite, which had been left in North Port, Sun Cheng found himself even more puzzled.

"Why would the Decepticons land in Great Canada?"

This question indeed left Sun Cheng momentarily baffled.

If the Decepticons were to launch another attack on Terindad Island or even land in the South American continent, he wouldn't find it strange at all.

Not to mention that he had once glimpsed Megatron's memories and had attracted the attention of this tyrant from the Skytiger Legion.

In just the past two years, he had joined forces with the Autobots to kill Soundwave and Astrotrain, captured Thundercracker, and had hundreds of Decepticons killed in his hands.

These actions had undoubtedly put Sun Cheng and his faction on the Skytiger Legion's hit list. Another attack on him and his faction wouldn't be surprising.

After delivering the intelligence, Thunder didn't rush to leave. He listened to Sun Cheng's soliloquy, furrowing his brows in thought before responding uncertainly, "Could it be that they're preparing to target humans? Their landing site isn't far from the United States."

The United States represented the most powerful human force on Earth. If the Decepticons were planning to attack Earth, targeting the United States would be a logical move.

This response did jog Sun Cheng's memory, but after careful consideration, he shook his head.

The Skytiger Legion would undoubtedly have Earth on their radar. After all, within the Universe, while planets with life weren't nonexistent, they were exceedingly rare. In many star systems, spanning tens or even hundreds of light-years, it was difficult for one to emerge.

Furthermore, Earth possessed a variety of resources that were highly coveted by cybertronians. While these resources might not be as abundant as those on some metal-rich planets, they were still plentiful.

Most importantly, Earth was home to billions of native beings, humans, who might be physically frail but possessed intelligence—an invaluable asset.

After millions of years of Civil War, the planet Cybertron had long been depleted of various resources by both Autobots and Decepticons, including the Decepticons and Autobots themselves.

The physiological structure of Cybertronians was radically different from that of humans. To naturally conceive a new life in the most favorable environment would take at least a dozen years or more.

Therefore, any Cybertronian ruler with ambitions would never overlook the billions of humans on Earth. They were ideal candidates for slavery.

If the Decepticons were planning action on Earth, the United States would undoubtedly be their primary target.

However, their landing site was too far from the mainland United States. The commanders of the Skytiger Legion were not military novices.

On the contrary, despite lacking combat experience against Earth's inhabitants, the Skytiger Legion and Autobots had fought on Cybertron for millions of years, and their commanders mostly possessed exceptional leadership abilities.

The initial attack on the Second and Fifth fleets, which dealt a heavy blow to American military dominance, was likely commanded by Starscream himself. He evidently knew the United States' weaknesses.

Even if a different Decepticon commander were to lead a military operation against the United States, they would probably choose to land directly in the core urban areas to maximize destruction and human casualties, inducing fear among humans and restricting their military personnel.

So, Sun Cheng believed that Thunder's assessment was incorrect, especially considering the presence of Autobots on Earth, the mortal enemies of the Skytiger Legion.

If Megatron had obtained a new mechanical body and was preparing to cause trouble, the first target of attack would either be the Autobots or himself.

"So, there are only a few possibilities left!"

Sun Cheng felt that he was getting closer to the truth, but the lack of sufficient information left him with uncertainties.

"Phantom, activate a satellite and monitor the location where the Decepticons are engaging the U.S. Military!"

Based on the photos taken by Polar Bear's Spies Satellite, there were nearly a hundred Decepticons landing in the Great Canada area.

Sun Cheng, relying on the memory data of Decepticons like Soundwave, Astrotrain, and Thundercracker, readily identified some powerful Decepticons among the attackers.

"Triple Changers—Is Lightning personally leading this attack...?"

If the memory data from the Decepticons Sun Cheng had accessed were accurate, there was a high likelihood of an unprecedented battle erupting in the Arctic Circle in the coming days.

No, perhaps it should be described as a war.

Lightning, one of the most successful experimental subjects in Shockwave's Triple Changers conversion program, was Astrotrain's counterpart.

He was Shockwave's right-hand man, a major general in the Skytiger Legion, and one of the senior commanders capable of mobilizing a large number of Decepticon warriors during wartime.

According to Thundercracker's memory data, Lightning was the commander of the Decepticon vanguard that had arrived in the Solar System not long ago.

Accompanying him to Earth were several Decepticon Elite Warriors and dozens of high-ranking soldiers.

Lightning personally led the Decepticons to Earth and immediately launched an attack on the U.S. Military stationed in Newfoundland, Canada, for reasons unknown.

It seemed that the politicians in the United States, who had been holding back for over a year, were about to witness a war between the Decepticons and the U.S. Military that they could no longer avoid!

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 829: Total War 5 


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