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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


On the Moon Base, an enormous collection of Earth's military technology was stored, all of which had been gathered by Starscream over the past century.

Starscream did not consider Earth's human technology entirely devoid of merit.

In just a few thousand years, humans had evolved from a primitive stone-age civilization to a pre-interstellar nuclear era, a trajectory that Starscream found remarkably similar to that of the Cybertronians.

Taking a broad view of human civilization, it was essentially a history of warfare.

While warfare had brought death and destruction, it had also catalyzed the development of technology and industry during the pre-nuclear era.

Excluding Earth's feudal and religious eras, which had stagnated for over a thousand years, humans had, in a relatively short span of a few hundred years through warfare, traversed a developmental path that took many civilizations millennia to accomplish.

Throughout their history of continuous conflict, humans had created a slew of devastating weapons, including nuclear weapons, tanks, fighter jets, and more. Even Starscream, the eminent scientist of the Skytiger Legion, found their creations to be quite formidable.

Though Lightning held Earth's inhabitants in disdain, upon his arrival on the Moon, he immediately took control of the Moon Base.

By examining the various information preserved within the Moon Base, he and Starscream made nearly identical decisions.

Lightning altered his flight transformation from a small Cybertronian combat airship that relied on two energy cannons, which possessed immense firepower but consumed vast amounts of energy, to a more versatile form similar to Onslaught's, which used considerably less energy than before.

Lightning was swift, and being a skilled guerrilla and former member of a flying squadron, he took the lead in flying toward the U.S. Military aircraft formation.

Even though the two sides were over a hundred kilometers apart, he keenly sensed that he was being locked onto.

However, Lightning remained unperturbed. His speed exceeded that of the U.S. Military aircraft, his mechanical body was sturdier, and his ammunition was more plentiful.

To test his adversaries, when the U.S. Military aircraft formation was still over forty kilometers away, Lightning detected the launch of eight air-to-air missiles from their ranks.

"Heh, insignificant vermin!" Lightning sneered inwardly and showed no intention of evading. Instead, he increased his speed, already cruising at supersonic velocities, several times over.

The sonic booms in the sky were conspicuous. As his speed abruptly surged beyond Mach 4, the missiles locked onto him struggled to keep up.

After taking control of the Moon Base, Lightning had conducted a brief study of the military technology collected by Starscream. Thus, he knew that these tracking missiles primarily relied on infrared guidance, which was easily disrupted.

Like Starscream, he chose to transform into an F-22 fighter jet. It was the most advanced fighter jet in use by the U.S. Military, even though its high cost limited its widespread deployment. Nevertheless, its performance was outstanding, and for the foreseeable future on Earth, it would be challenging to find a worthy adversary.

That was, of course, assuming that no other forces intervened in Earth's technology.

The Cybertronians possessed the miraculous ability to mimic vehicles and machinery, fully assimilating their capabilities.

This was why, when the Quintessons colonized Cybertron Planet, they captured Cybertronians and, based on ordinary Cybertronians, bred and modified Decepticons, turning them into war machines.

Lightning was one of the most powerful Triple Changers, although forcibly altering one's transformation caused immense pain and led to a period of weakness.

Moreover, after adopting a new form, Cybertronians needed time to adapt to the various abilities of their new form.

Hence, the majority of Cybertronians rarely changed their transformation once they had chosen one.

With the exception of a few crazed Decepticons.

Lightning and Astrotrain were clearly among them.

Although the transition from a small Cybertronian combat airship to an F-22 fighter jet had taken only a very short period, just over ten days.

In just over ten days, Lightning, who was already formidable, emerged from his weakened state and adapted to his new flight form.

The missile bay opened, and a dozen simulated infrared interference missiles were launched.

The eight air-to-air missiles fired by the U.S. Military aircraft, which had locked onto and attempted to attack Lightning, were quickly disrupted by the infrared interference missiles he had fired, exploding harmlessly.

"Despite Earth's technology shortcomings, they do have some merits when it comes to military and warfare!" Lightning thought to himself.

Feeling the excitement in his chest due to his new and more versatile means of attack in his fresh flight form, compared to his previous small Cybertronian combat airship form, Lightning's Spark burned more intensely than usual.

"Now, let me enjoy myself!" he exclaimed.

With his increased speed, he soon collided with the first few U.S. Military aircraft that had arrived.

Lightning had now mastered the various abilities of the F-22 in its transformation state.

Moreover, thanks to his heavily modified mechanical body, which had undergone countless alterations by Shockwave, he could unleash performance that far exceeded the F-22's by several times, even dozens of times.

Maintaining supersonic cruising speed, Lightning's powerful Core processing allowed him to calculate the flight trajectory of every missile fired by the U.S. Military aircraft.

He could even fly in close proximity to the U.S. Military aircraft, deliberately guiding the tracking missiles toward their own aircraft and then detonating them.

He effortlessly weaved in and out among the U.S. Military aircraft formation, exploiting gaps and angles that were considered impossible by even the ace pilots of the U.S. Air Force.

One after another, missiles formed through Cybertronians' unique abilities, using energy and metal from their bodies, were continuously launched by Lightning.

Almost every missile launch was accompanied by the destruction of a U.S. Military aircraft.

Before long, over twenty aircraft had been destroyed or crashed.

"What the hell is happening with this F-22 fighter jet?"

"It's the enemy, these damn extraterrestrials!"

"I can't catch it; it's too fast!"


Through Lightning's channel, the pitiful cries of the U.S. Military pilots before their deaths continued to broadcast. They were evidently unaware of the sadistic nature of this Skytiger Legion Major, who used his formidable abilities to easily hack into and connect with the U.S. Military pilots' communication channel.

He ruthlessly harvested their lives while savoring their desperate screams.

"You despicable fiend!"

Elegy arrived slightly later than Lightning. As the commander of the flying squadron and an Air Force Major in the Skytiger Legion, he was no doubt a powerful Elite Warrior.

Elegy quickly noticed Lightning's sadistic tendencies, and his mood instantly soured.

It wasn't because he couldn't handle a taste of fear, as someone who thrived on fear himself. But at this moment, Elegy suddenly realized that what he had been pursuing, Lightning was effortlessly accomplishing.

"Is this the power of the strongest Triple Changers?"

Envy caused the Spark in Elegy's chest to burn fiercely. He snorted and promptly opened his missile bay, joining the hunt for the U.S. Military aircraft.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 831: Total War, Part 7 


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