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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


The Meteor Rain, sent from the heavens, swiftly descended to the ground.

The soldiers of the Tombwind Unit had not mistaken their observation; these Meteor Rain were indeed Decepticons on the attack.

The first Decepticon to touch down on the ground was none other than Lightning, a Triple Changer.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

The Tombwind Unit had already engaged with Decepticons before and knew that diplomatic words were meaningless when facing these extraterrestrial beings. They immediately raised their weapons and opened fire recklessly upon Lightning, who had landed first.

Bullets continuously struck their own bodies, sparking small flames, but they couldn't even leave a mark on the surface armor of Lightning's mechanical body.

Although they couldn't harm Lightning, this provocation from insignificant ants still managed to infuriate the extremely prideful Decepticon senior commander.

"Ants will always be ants!"

He raised his arm, and four miniature combat missiles casually headed towards the groups of Tombwind warriors nearest to River Valley.

As the terrified Tombwind soldiers attempted to dodge and evade, they realized that the missiles curved slightly in mid-air, instantly killing seven or eight Tombwind soldiers above River Valley.

Lightning couldn't be bothered to look at those Tombwind soldiers. By now, more and more Decepticons had landed around River Valley.

Some Decepticons had descended into River Valley itself, while others had landed directly above it.

The sounds of gunfire, explosions, and screams echoed continuously. Before long, Elegy approached, carrying a still-living Tombwind soldier.

"I've kept one alive. You can ask him whatever you want!"

After their previous mission's failure, Elegy had been confined by Lockdown in the name of treating his injuries for nearly half a month. His failure, along with Thundercracker's, had once again stirred feelings of frustration within Megatron.

Six months ago, even though Starscream hadn't personally intervened, he had sent hundreds of Vehicons to surround Frenzy, and even Starscream himself had not expected anything less than victory. Yet, the result had been a complete defeat!

This had truly stung Megatron. Despite his furious outburst at the time, Starscream's mention of the strength and resilience displayed by the coalition of Onslaught, Skyfire, and Frenzy had astonished Megatron, the cunning leader.

The base on the Moon belonging to Starscream and the Decepticon Vehicons he had nurtured over the past century had all been arranged by Megatron. They had a more critical role to play, defeating the Autobots when the final battle arrived.

Since Starscream was unwilling to sell his life wholeheartedly for Megatron, he could only restrain his urge to kill Starscream.

It wasn't until Lightning and the others arrived that he had once again issued a kill order for Frenzy. Unfortunately, the result had been even more disappointing for Megatron. Lightning and his team had clearly underestimated their opponents due to their excessive pride and carelessness.

Megatron watched the playback of the battle scene, two Elite Warriors leading, three high-ranking Vehicons, and more than ten Vehicons in total. Although their overall strength was far from what Starscream's hundreds of Vehicons had been, their opponents were nothing more than low-level warriors like ants. Yet, with some tactics and electromagnetic pulse weapons, they had nearly wiped out Elegy and his team.

Megatron was thoroughly disappointed with the poor performance of his subordinates. He no longer expected Lightning and his team to deal with Frenzy. The insignificant reptile that had once peered into his memories would have to be handled by him. Instead, he focused his energy on overseeing the construction of his new mechanical body.

However, as punishment for Elegy's abandonment of his comrades and the mission's failure, Megatron had made a harsh note for the Elite Warrior who had always desired to compete for the position of commander of the flight squadron. His days ahead would not be pleasant.

Lightning glanced briefly at the human who had fallen in front of him, his head held high, paying no attention to the disgruntled Elegy.

He plucked a Mini Decepticon from his shoulder, not knowing when it had climbed there, and tossed it to the ground.

"Bonepick Blade, you're in charge of interrogating him!"

The Mini Decepticon, who bore a resemblance to Frenzy's Body from when Sun Cheng first arrived in this world, spun in mid-air and landed gracefully on the ground. He then respectfully saluted.

"Leave it to me, Master!"

With that, he pointed imperiously at two nearby Vehicons, saying, "You two, grab him and take him over there. I'm going to start the interrogation!"

Under Lightning's watchful gaze, the two Vehicons reluctantly seized the terrified Tombwind warrior and moved aside.

Lightning gazed at River Valley, his crimson eyes flashing for a moment before he furrowed his brows.

"Is His Majesty's intelligence mistaken? There are no traces of Quintessons here!"

They had received a sudden order to capture the signal emitted by Quintesson's Planet Modification Squad on Earth. They had gathered over a hundred Vehicons, along with a Triple Changer, several Elite Warriors, dozens of Vehicons, and a Trencher Team reluctantly provided by Starscream.

However, upon their arrival on Earth, they had only encountered hundreds of human soldiers in the suspected signal transmission area. A black shadow in the sky had hovered for a moment before swiftly descending in their direction.

Lightning extended his arm, and a metallic bird with sharp teeth, looking about sixty to seventy percent similar to Lazerbeak but with razor-sharp fangs, landed securely on his outstretched arm.

"Commander, about twenty kilometers southwest from here, there's a human settlement. I saw more human soldiers there, along with some heavy Earth weapons and a strange electromagnetic wave that resembles the signal mentioned by His Majesty as coming from the Quintesson's Planet Modification Squad..."

This metallic bird with sharp teeth was none other than Buzzsaw, belonging to the [Cassettebots] just like Lazerbeak.

As the intelligence expert of the Skytiger Legion, Buzzsaw had arrived in the Solar System with Lightning's advance team not long ago. During the past period, it had secretly infiltrated Earth several times to gather intelligence for the Skytiger Legion.

Buzzsaw primarily operated in the regions of the Americas and Africa.

In North America, the most powerful human nation on Earth, the intelligence network that Starscream had handed over to Buzzsaw had been heavily damaged over the past few months. It was said that Frenzy, the traitor, had dispatched Vehicons to hunt down Starscream and his Decepticons, relentlessly pursuing and dismantling the network that once had the potential to manipulate Earth's technology and politics. Now, it lay in ruins.

South America was even worse. Buzzsaw had attempted to enter South America on several occasions, only to feel that it had been locked onto by something shortly after. Being cautious, it wisely retreated each time, avoiding any misfortune.

In Africa, however, Buzzsaw had discovered numerous Autobot traces. It had also been detected by Autobots but had managed to successfully escape.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 826: Total War II 


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