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Lightning, having listened to Buzzsaw's report, let his gaze turn even colder.

This Triple Changer, remodeled by Shockwave, was known as 'The Perfect Triple Changer' just like Astrotrain.

However, among all Decepticons who were familiar with them, it was known that Lightning and Astrotrain were two extremes.

Both Decepticons were among the earliest to be born as the first batch of Triple Changers. But Astrotrain pursued the ultimate in power and speed.

His mechanical body had been enhanced to an extraordinary degree, to the point where even some Leader-level warriors couldn't match his strength.

At the same time, Astrotrain possessed terrifying speed. In most battles, as long as Astrotrain didn't get distracted or surrounded by opponents, there were hardly any adversaries who could catch him if he decided to flee.

On the other hand, Lightning embodied a different approach to modification.

His mechanical body had developed evenly and comprehensively. His speed wasn't the fastest, but it exceeded that of most Elite Warriors. His strength might not have been the greatest, but he still ranked among the top tier of Elite Warriors.

Lightning excelled in close-quarters combat and boasted formidable firepower.

In the past, he had conspired alongside Starscream and Astrotrain to seize the position of Supreme Commander of Megatron's Skytiger Legion.

However, with three ambitious individuals whose hearts were never truly aligned, disputes arose between Lightning and Astrotrain even before the rebellion began.

As for Starscream, he also had his own ideas involving Astrotrain and Lightning's formidable Triple Changer abilities, so he lent his support.

With such disparate motivations among the three, success was never a possibility.

In the end, the rebellion failed due to Soundwave's early access to intelligence.

Shockwave decisively marshaled his forces to suppress them, and after the failure, all three Decepticon high-level commanders were captured and imprisoned in the Skull Fortress.

That rebellion marked Starscream's first challenge to Megatron's authority.

After imprisoning them in the Skull Fortress for a period of torment, Megatron did not punish the three traitors as severely as he did with other Decepticons who had participated in the rebellion.

After all, within the Skytiger Legion, there were too many ambitious individuals like Starscream, Astrotrain, and Lightning. If Megatron were to eliminate them, the powerful Skytiger Legion would immediately crumble.

Moreover, this was during the first Civil War between the Skytiger Legion and the Autobots, with Autobots engaged in a deadly struggle under the leadership of their formidable leader, Superior General Sentinel Prime.

Facing the formidable Autobot leader, who was compared to the legendary Primus, Megatron needed the strength of Starscream, Astrotrain, and Lightning.

In the end, after the three Decepticons swore their loyalty to him, this warlord "forgave" them.

Following that rebellion, the three Decepticons were not stripped of their military positions, but they lost their previous high-level commander roles.

Megatron employed various means to prevent the three Decepticons from betraying him again. The most dangerous of the three, Starscream, was kept close to him for an extended period, with strict orders for Soundwave to monitor and control his activities.

As for Astrotrain and Lightning, they were taken in hand by Shockwave for reeducation.

Unlike Starscream, who was single-mindedly pursuing power and desired to seize the position of Supreme Commander of the Skytiger Legion from Megatron, Astrotrain and Lightning indeed faced their share of hardships under Shockwave's guidance.

Shockwave was Megatron's most loyal confidant and follower. In order to punish Astrotrain and Lightning for their betrayal, he wasted no time after Megatron sent them over, locking them up in his laboratory and subjecting them to a series of cruel experiments.

However, the results turned out to be quite unexpected!

Astrotrain and Lightning not only survived Shockwave's dangerous experiments but also unexpectedly gained even greater power.

As the war situation deteriorated, these two elite Triple Changers quickly returned to the front lines, achieving remarkable feats with their newfound strength.

Later, before Starscream could plot a second rebellion, he tried to invite his former companions to join him again.

Unfortunately, he miscalculated. Some Decepticons chased power, while others were more passionate about enhancing their abilities.

Lightning and Astrotrain, with hardly any private contact, tacitly chose to report Starscream's preparations for rebellion to Shockwave.

In the end, Starscream was suppressed once again, this time by a joint effort of Soundwave and Shockwave. Despite his cunning and skills, he received Megatron's pardon once more.

However, this former quartet of the Skytiger Legion was permanently relieved of their military positions, sent to focus on nurturing Vehicons and Hercules.

On the other hand, thanks to their outstanding performance, Lightning and Astrotrain were once again accepted and trusted by Megatron.

Before long, Lightning and Astrotrain had their previous high-level commander roles restored.

They continued to serve under the Skytiger Legion's #2 military commander, both being formidable Decepticons with an insatiable pursuit of power. This zeal made them unafraid of the dangerous modification experiments conducted by Shockwave.

After enduring numerous rounds of modifications, they could be considered the second most prominent figures within the Skytiger Legion, closely associated with Shockwave himself.

This was why Astrotrain and Lightning were chosen to lead the advance team to the Solar System ahead of the main force.

Lightning's icy gaze briefly swept over the Decepticons gathering around him, then settled on one of them as he issued a command, "Juggernaut, assemble a team of soldiers. Buzzsaw will guide you to the human soldiers' base dozens of kilometers away. Deal with them!"

Juggernaut was one of the Decepticons who had arrived in the Solar System with Lightning. He was a massive figure, towering at over nine meters tall. Although he was only a senior warrior, Juggernaut was a battle fanatic. His alternate form was a self-propelled artillery, and among the high-ranking Decepticon warriors, he stood out for his combination of firepower and strength.

"Leave it to me, Commander!"

Without hesitation, Juggernaut accepted the mission. As a combat enthusiast, he was excited for the upcoming battle.

Turning to head towards the River Valley, he raised his booming voice, "I need a group of brave and skilled soldiers. You, you, you, and you, follow me..."

He handpicked a batch of Decepticon Vehicons from the nearby group, and at the same time, Buzzsaw took flight once more, soaring into the sky.

"Follow me!"

Its sharp voice caused discomfort among the remaining Wind Warriors still fighting in the River Valley, but the Decepticons were undeterred.

Half an hour later, the explosions near the town of Seville had completely ceased.

Two Vehicons transported a cylindrical signal transmitter to the River Valley, delivering it into Lightning's hands.

Just as he began to inspect the cylindrical device continuously emitting signals, an urgent transmission interrupted the newly elected American president's European visit. The second clash between the Decepticons and the U.S. Military was about to erupt.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 827: Total War, Part 3 


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