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When it comes to the United States' understanding of and dealings with extraterrestrials, there is no doubt that the Tombwind Unit is the most knowledgeable and experienced department.

The predecessor of the Tombwind Unit was the Sound Nest, a military organization established in cooperation with the United States Government and the Autobots.

As the relationship between the United States Government and the Autobots completely deteriorated, the Sound Nest, which was essentially a political creation, was dissolved.

Shortly thereafter, Decepticon invasions resulted in significant damage to the U.S. Military, necessitating the urgent creation of a new armed force dedicated to dealing with extraterrestrials.

And so, the Tombwind Unit was rapidly formed based on the foundation of Sound Nest veterans.

Initially, the Tombwind Unit was comprised almost entirely of Sound Nest veterans.

They had a deep understanding of extraterrestrials, held a high regard for Autobots, and harbored strong resentment toward the Decepticons.

However, with several former commanders being reassigned and an increasing number of veterans losing their lives in combat, the current Tombwind Unit has evolved and transformed.

The rotor blades gradually came to a stop, and six U.S. Army Chinook transport helicopters landed steadily in the River Valley.

As the cargo doors opened, squads of fully armed Tombwind soldiers swiftly disembarked from the helicopter cabins.

Two middle-aged men in black suits stepped out of one of the Chinook cabins, only to be greeted by a sudden chill brought by the wind blowing through River Valley.

"This damn weather!"

"I told you to bring a thick jacket!"

The two men complained and joked as they followed the Tombwind soldiers toward the military camp that had been established in one corner of River Valley. They were from the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the United States' foremost intelligence agency specializing in military operations command.

As the most important intelligence agency in the United States, the CIA received nearly billions of dollars in overt intelligence funding each year. With their special funding mechanisms and various secret accounts, it was conservatively estimated that they had an annual budget of over three hundred billion dollars, exceeding the annual defense budgets of most countries on Earth.

With benefits came responsibilities, and the CIA was America's sharp blade on the international stage.

They gathered intelligence from other nations, bribed and cultivated opposition figures and so-called troublemakers in hostile countries, engaged in drug smuggling and even arms manufacturing to foment unrest, kidnapped and assassinated foreign scientists, and even deployed military personnel directly in conflicts.

Because their 'business' was so extensive, the CIA's employees included not only weapons researchers, scholars proficient in various languages, and experts in financial management but also professional con artists, swindlers, drug lords, assassins, retired special forces, and more.

This was also the source of the CIA's confidence in vying for control of the Tombwind Unit. The CIA had a large number of military personnel stationed around the world, the vast majority of whom had extensive combat command experience and were far more ruthless, cold-blooded, and unscrupulous than traditional military officers.

Compared to the commanders from the Sound Nest era, it was clear that the CIA believed that their trained commanders could secure more benefits for the United States.

In the blink of an eye, nearly half a year had passed, and the CIA was now on the verge of achieving its goals.

Although a portion of the military officers in the current Tombwind Unit were still dispatched by the Military, the commanders were mostly under the control of the CIA.

The reason was simple. Despite the significantly higher casualties suffered by the Tombwind Unit in the past six months compared to the Sound Nest era, under the CIA's command, they had successfully launched several military operations against the Decepticons.

By consolidating all of the U.S. Military's state-of-the-art equipment and sacrificing soldiers' lives, the Tombwind Unit had eradicated all but one Decepticon target.

The remains of those Decepticons, except for one taken by the CIA's own research facility, had all been transported to the Military's research facilities or to the United States' arms dealers who had suffered extensive damage from the Autobots last year.

The group of people from the CIA clearly had a keen understanding of human nature, and everyone who got a piece of the cake was very satisfied with the current Tombwind Unit.

As for the soldiers who sacrificed their lives, apart from their families, the politicians and arms dealers in the United States couldn't care less about those American soldiers who had sacrificed for the "national interest."

The CIA was gradually eroding the command authority of the Tombwind Unit, and they were close to succeeding.

The current President of the White House, as well as the military industrialists behind Congress, had already expressed their intention to hand over full command of Tombwind to the CIA.

The only ones who hadn't relented were the Military, but the CIA could afford to wait.

In the unremarkable River Valley in the state of New Province, things suddenly became lively recently with the discovery of a special metal ore.

For voluntarily reporting the discovery of the gold mine, the American government did give some rewards to Carson Mining, a corporation engaged in mineral exploration.

Carson Mining acquired a gold mine in Alaska that had been discovered by the state government a few years ago.

Then, Mather and his team were all transported away by military transport planes. Currently, there were hundreds of soldiers from the Tombwind Unit stationed in River Valley, along with a mining corporation hired by the CIA from within the country.

After all, the metal in River Valley was exceptionally unique. Innately, it was harder and more corrosion-resistant than the special steel developed on Earth.

Although some domestic laboratories had only just received samples of this metal for research, they had reached preliminary consensus.

"This kind of metal can significantly reduce the weight of tanks, aircraft, and warships while enhancing their defensive capabilities... Even the artificial mechanical soldiers we envisioned before can be made using this special metal."

Because of this consensus, the United States needed a reliable corporation to mine the ore for them.

So, a mining corporation that had cooperated with the government multiple times and had previously conducted sensitive ore mining operations was selected. Within a very short time, they mobilized hundreds of workers and several batches of machinery to New Province, located in Great Canada.

The arrival of a new batch of Tombwind Unit members did not liven up River Valley.

The Tombwind soldiers, who had been trained by the CIA, had lost some of their humanity compared to the Sound Nest era. Instead, they now resembled professional mercenaries and killing machines.

Dozens of Tombwind soldiers were dispersed above River Valley, paired off in twos, standing about twenty meters apart, constantly vigilant and surveying their surroundings.

Since the discovery of extraterrestrials on Earth, the frequencies of satellites launched by various countries on Earth had increased several times over the past two years.

Especially the competitors among the Five Big Bullies had launched even more satellites in the past two years.

So, the Americans were well aware that River Valley might be captured by another country's spy satellites at any time.

To prevent spies from other nations from coming to cause trouble or discovering the secrets here, necessary patrols and alerts were still needed.

On this day, the weather was sunny and exceptionally pleasant.

However, just when the Tombwind Unit soldiers stationed near River Valley were slightly relaxed, a soldier absentmindedly looked up and his face instantly turned pale.

In the sky above, there were at least dozens of meteors heading straight in their direction.

These trained Tombwind soldiers, who had once used this tactic against the Decepticons that had attacked the Second and Fifth Fleets from high altitudes, causing a significant decline in U.S. Military's strength, still remembered it.

Immediately, he shouted loudly, "Watch the sky, enemy attack!"

With his piercing cry, another war between the Decepticons and humans began!

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 825: Total War, Part 1 


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