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In DC World With Marvel Chat Group : Table of Content/Chapter List


The concept of The Five Beyonders has been discussed extensively, but perhaps many are unaware that they actually have a ranking.

In terms of strength, Eternity is the strongest, but in terms of ranking, he is the lowest, with Death being his elder sister.

In reality, Eternity also has a lifespan, and every Space will eventually lead to destruction. At the end of Space's destruction, Death will be there to greet Eternity, awakening endless memories of immortality.

Compared to others, Eternity and Death share the closest relationship. Therefore, Eternity tends to be protective of Death. Even when she creates a mess, Eternity rarely complains and helps her clean up, even if Death spends her days in love and idleness.

This time, Death sought out Eternity, portraying herself as a harassed victim.

According to Death herself, a guy named Thanos had been incessantly harassing her through telepathic means, and she had initially ignored him. However, he had become increasingly audacious and had dared to show up at her doorstep.

Furthermore, when Death refused to open the door, Thanos continued to lurk outside, knocking incessantly. He was well aware that she already had a legitimate boyfriend, but he continued to pester her.

Seeing his sister in tears, Eternity was somewhat angered. Regardless of their work, they were still family, and anyone who discovered their sister being harassed by someone else would be furious.

Eternity glanced along the timeline and found that Thanos was indeed a persistent harasser. When Death rejected his entry into the Realm of Death, he began chanting Death's name to thin air every day. He was not only a devoted admirer but also an obsessive one, constantly clamoring to create more Death for her.

This time, he had escalated his actions even further. In just a few hours, he had visited dozens of times. Eternity grew angrier the more he observed. "Young man, you dare to harass the Five Great Gods and the cornerstone of Space itself. You are quite audacious."

However, Eternity had a rather traditional and principled personality. He was not inclined to help his family, nor would he break his principles for Death. He valued rules more than anything else.

Even when Schiller had provoked him to the point of exasperation, he had only mentioned erasing Schiller. Although Thanos' actions were reprehensible, they had not reached the point where they warranted erasure.

However, if Thanos were not eliminated, he would continue to be a pest. If Death was harassed, she would come to bother Eternity, and his already busy schedule would become even more chaotic.

Eternity's work was already demanding, and he didn't want to spend every day consoling his sister. So, he came up with a permanent solution.

Eternity directly severed Thanos, along with the Dark Dimension he resided in, from the fabric of Space, making it an independent dimension.

Then, he ejected this dimension from the entire Multiverse, turning it into an appendage hanging outside the Multiverse, much like what the OAA had done to the Multiverse.

Eternity knew that crossing the barrier of Space was an incredibly difficult task. Even when he attended meetings, he had to travel great distances. For ordinary beings within Space, crossing the Space barrier was nearly impossible.

By kicking out Thanos and his domain from the Multiverse, he ensured that if Thanos wanted to return and see Death within the Multiverse, he would have to overcome the Space barrier. Currently, it seemed that Thanos lacked that ability.

It was akin to dealing with a thug who constantly harassed one's family; it was best to kick him out of the city or even the country, making it impossible for him to easily return and cause trouble.

When the members of the Radiance Alliance noticed Thanos had disappeared, they thought he had employed some means to escape. Schiller had no intention of killing Thanos in the first place, so he was indifferent. The others were only concerned about whether the Solar System would be invaded. Since Thanos had left, the Solar System was temporarily safe, and they had no intention of pursuing him.

However, Lady Loki, who was squatting nearby in the Dark Dimension, watched in dismay as the domain was removed and tossed out.

Seeing her opportunity slipping away, Lady Loki immediately ignited her halo, elevating herself above the individual Space level, and chased after the Dark Dimension until she saw the small dimension fragment being thrown outside the Multiverse and sticking to its barrier with a distinct "thud."

Lady Loki, despite her Multiverse-level status, had a formidable reputation but lacked offensive capabilities. Her divine position granted her unparalleled defense, making it difficult for others to kill her, but when it came to offensive power, even the God of Light Thor, who could create oceans with his blows, found it challenging. Breaking through the Multiverse barrier was an entirely different matter.

For the majority of beings, breaking through the barrier of a single Space is already an incredibly challenging feat, and when it comes to the Multiverse's barrier, even for Eternity, it poses a certain level of difficulty, let alone for these ordinary creatures.

Lady Loki came to a halt within the Multiverse's barrier, her hands on her hips as she observed the training quadrants standing on the barrier, feeling somewhat perplexed.

Thanos was a troublesome client, and while there might be some benefits in dealing with him, it didn't mean that Lady Loki should risk crossing the Multiverse's barrier.

Just as Lady Loki was about to give up, she suddenly noticed that Thanos within the Dark Dimension seemed to have sensed something amiss.

Having been sent back directly to his palace after experiencing several encounters with Death, Thanos' first reaction upon returning was to tend to his wounds. However, even more important than healing was investigating the recent turmoil.

Within the dimension, he could distinctly sense certain changes, especially when he crossed two barriers. Thanos' brain was still not fully healed, and he endured intense pain as he flew toward the edge of the Dark Dimension.

Once at the edge, he should have seen other galaxies outside. However, there was nothing but emptiness on the other side, with only a thick barrier visible from his angle.

He realized that he seemed to have been cast into an unnamed place. He attempted to break through the boundary and attack the barrier, but it proved entirely futile. Thanos knew he was trapped.

Just at that moment, amidst the haze, he saw a bright point of light, which he thought might be his chance. With all his might, he flew toward that light.

In the brief moment when Lady Loki and Thanos stared at each other in confusion, Lady Loki suddenly remembered her qualities as a top-notch salesperson.

She put on a professional smile and looked at Thanos standing outside the barrier, saying, "Hello, Lord Thanos, it seems we meet again. It appears you're facing some difficulties, but that's no problem for us."

"The Sanctum Sanctorum of the Nine Kingdoms is here to serve you. We offer a wide range of services, including cross-Space communication, cross-Space mercenary missions, and cross-Space energy transportation..."

Thanos, who had experienced near-death and excruciating headaches, had already felt quite desperate after realizing he was trapped. But his mind was still filled with dreams of conquering Space, and he couldn't allow himself to be confined to this small space. His grand destiny must be fulfilled.

At this moment, Lady Loki presented a contract to him and said, "Now, let me introduce our agent pope service to you. We will select the most suitable pope for you within Space, someone who will faithfully carry out your commands..."

In his hazy state of mind, Thanos, who was preoccupied with grand dreams, signed the contract authorizing Lady Loki to choose a pope for him, despite not fully comprehending the terms.

Before leaving, he added, "Find me the Infinity Stones... Infinity Stones..."

"Alright, Infinity Stones, I got it," Lady Loki replied nonchalantly, flipping through the contract in her hand and revealing a triumphant smile.

Back in the Stark Tower lab on Earth, all the members of the Radiance Alliance were present. Lady Loki tossed the contract onto the table and said, "I've finally managed to secure this incredibly difficult client."

Afterwards, she looked at Schiller and said, "I assume you'd be willing to pay a high price for this contract. After all, it's the pope position personally bestowed by Lord Thanos..."

Stark scoffed and said, "What's the use? It's just a title, right? According to what you said, he's been thrown out of Space."

But Schiller responded, "You name the price; I'll take it. This is something I want."

Stark widened his eyes and asked, "What do you want that for? What's the use of this thing? It's just an empty title, isn't it?"

"Who said that?" Schiller took the contract and flipped through it. He then said, "I've been personally appointed as the pope by Lord Thanos. If, by any chance, a civilization is destroyed under my command, it will be at the orders of the great Dark Emperor Lord Thanos. What does that have to do with weak, helpless, and pitiful humans?"

"Humanity is nothing more than a pitiful race scavenging for resources on the ruins of war."

Stark and Strange exchanged glances, and then they saw Schiller activate the halo above his head, make a gesture over his chest, and say, "Lord Thanos' grand mission of conquering Space will never rest. The dark iron hoof shall trample every corner of Space, and all shall submit to his mighty power!"

"Conquest, victory, and glory, all belong to Thanos. Amen!"

Schiller: Your Highness, we fear no enemies in the world!

Thanos: Why would we fear enemies?

Schiller: I'm here to assist you!

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Next Chapter>>Chapter 741: Rain in Gotham Tonight (Part 1) 


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