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In DC World With Marvel Chat Group : Table of Content/Chapter List


"What??? Venom!! Have you just been playing with crap??!!" Stark exclaimed in shock. "You disgusting, rotten pile of filth! Get out of my mind right now!!!"

"I..." Venom stuttered and said, "I haven't! Even if I did, it was a long time ago!... He's coming, run!!"

Watching the furious Thanos charging towards them, Venom quickly covered Stark's Mech armor with his symbiotic form and then fled with him.

"Run that way! We can't go to the Solar System!" Stark shouted again, and Venom swiftly changed direction, but it only shortened the distance between them and Thanos. Venom had to increase his speed to prevent being caught.

At this point, Thanos didn't possess the Infinity Gauntlet, nor did he have subordinates or an army. However, in terms of individual strength, he was still more formidable than Iron Man, thanks to the immense advantage of his Titan lineage.

Furthermore, Stark was not wearing his combat suit; he was clad in a regular Mech armor meant for scientific exploration. Most of its functions were not designed for combat, so he stood no chance against Thanos, the Eternity Titan.

If he were to switch to magic energy and upgrade to Iron Sorcerer, it would seem excessive. After all, Stark had witnessed all sorts of grand spectacles and wasn't easily intimidated by Thanos.

Stark led Thanos towards the area where Hulk was wreaking havoc. There, Professor X, Schiller, and Strange were present, and together, they would be a match for the purple-skinned giant.

While running, Venom couldn't help but mutter in Stark's mind, "Dark Dimension? That name sounds familiar, like someone mentioned it to me before... but I don't recall ever playing with crap there!"

"Shut up! You're just a troublemaking pile of rotten goo!" Stark retorted without much patience. "Your enemies are scattered across the entire Space. Don't you ever reflect on your actions?"

"What do I have to reflect on? Even if I did go to his doorstep to play with crap, it must have been his fault!" Venom argued confidently. "If he didn't provoke me, why would I go to his doorstep to play with crap?"

Stark didn't want to engage in pointless arguments. He simply asked, "How did you go to his doorstep to play with crap? Where did you... I mean, didn't it disgust you?"

"I told you! I forgot!" Venom emphasized again. "All I remember is that I played with crap at the star port of the dwarves in the Andromeda Galaxy. Dark Dimension? I have no recollection of it... My memory shouldn't be this bad, right?"

"Never mind, this time I'll clean up the mess for you, you damn rotten goo!"

"Thanks, Rotten human!"

Meanwhile, in Thanos's old domain, the nearby Dark Dimension, a few shadowy figures were lurking on the surface of a planet, observing the situation in the Dark Dimension from a distance.

One of the shadowy figures, dressed in black, spoke up, "What's going on? It's been several days, and they haven't reacted. Could it be that our dosage is still not enough?"

"In the symbiote's genetic records, Thanos is known as a tyrannical ruler with a terrible temper. He is extremely harsh on his subjects and often executes them without reason. Therefore, his reputation within the symbiote group is very poor. We've humiliated him like this; he should have erupted by now, shouldn't he?"

As the star's light gradually illuminated the desolate planet's surface, several symbiotes became visible. Apart from the most common ones, such as Blue Spirit, Green Thorn, and Thunderbolt, there was a special black figure.

This figure looked almost identical to Venom, with a large and muscular body, a white Spider pattern on its chest, a wide-open mouth with a protruding tongue, and drool dripping from it. But when it spoke, a female voice emerged:

"We need to be patient..."

This voice belonged to Lady Loki. Soon, another female voice from the symbiote Phantom followed, saying, "We need to figure out where Thanos is first. Otherwise, if he captures us, we'll be in big trouble."

Blue Spirit rubbed his forehead and sighed, "I really shouldn't have agreed to your absurd plan, Lady Loki. Pretending to be Venom and playing with crap at someone else's doorstep is the most ridiculous thing I've ever done!"

As Blue Spirit spoke, the symbiotes recalled the events that had transpired a few days ago. Because this particular space had been reset, all the events that occurred after Spider web contacted Peter to travel to the Multiverse had been reset to this point in time. Consequently, their trajectory had been altered.

Since Venom had stolen electricity using the Bat Totem before this point in time, it hadn't been reset, and the symbiotes still possessed the energy from the Inheritor family. However, Knull's escape had occurred after this point in time, and due to the changes in the timeline, the current Knull had not escaped and remained imprisoned on Klyntar.

With the energy they had obtained, the symbiotes strengthened Knull's prison and, thanks to Schiller, who had not been aware of the timeline shift, didn't provide Knull with additional energy, preventing him from escaping.

After resolving these matters, the cosmic agent symbiotes intended to board their spaceship and continue their travels in space. However, at that moment, a peculiar individual approached them.

The symbiotes were familiar with Lady Loki, but they didn't hold a favorable impression of her. After all, Lady Loki was a trickster god, and she had recently been blacklisted by many interstellar civilizations.

Lady Loki had initially managed to deceive Thanos, but he proved to be highly resistant to her schemes. Despite multiple attempts, she couldn't lure him into her trap.

For Lady Loki, dealing with Thanos was truly a challenging task. However, during her time soaking in the hot springs of the World Tree, Schiller's words provided her with some inspiration.

Since repeated negotiations had proven ineffective, perhaps it was time to employ some subtle tactics to get Thanos's attention. Maybe if she stirred up a bit of trouble, he would be more willing to engage in negotiations.

However, there was a problem. Lady Loki had already been blacklisted by many interstellar civilizations, denied access to their domains, and barred from using portals. Traveling between different star systems had become exceptionally troublesome.

Moreover, the methods Lady Loki was contemplating were far from honorable and could significantly tarnish Asgard's interstellar reputation. She needed to adopt a disguise.

So, she turned to Klyntar and sought the help of the symbiotes.

As everyone knew, symbiotes were masters of disguise. They could not only alter their appearance but also transform their host's body to match the structure of other species precisely, even fooling security scanners.

After using the energy they had acquired to strengthen Knull's prison, the symbiotes realized that energy was an incredibly useful resource. They decided to store more of it. It was at this point that Lady Loki came knocking, knowing full well that Asgard was wealthy.

Blue Spirit, their leader, was tempted, but he was reluctant to assist a trickster. However, after Lady Loki's persuasion, the symbiotes reluctantly agreed to help her with her disguise.

The symbiote that would host Lady Loki was Phantom. However, Lady Loki, like any challenging client in this world, had a tendency to push boundaries, which was a part of her nature.

After donning the disguise provided by the symbiote and freely traversing the cosmos, Lady Loki naturally began plotting how to lift the metaphorical roof off Thanos's world.

Her first step in the plan was to play a rather dirty trick – literally.

Lady Loki, despite her own eccentricities and cleanliness preferences, knew that in some aspects, she and Thanos were quite similar. They could tolerate momentary humiliation for the sake of their interests, but they would never allow someone to defile them.

The initial step in Lady Loki's plan was to provoke Thanos, driving him to lose his composure completely, setting the stage for subsequent actions.

Lady Loki shared this plan with the symbiotes, and the cosmic agents were appalled. They considered it not only unjust but also utterly repulsive.

However, at that point, Lady Loki proposed an alternative: while the act was disgusting, they could shift the blame onto someone else.

That someone else was Venom.

The entire interstellar society was aware of Venom's past transgressions. Deadpool had once taken Venom to the star port of the dwarves in the Andromeda Galaxy to play with crap.

The location of the Andromeda Galaxy was strategic, and the star port, once belonging to the dwarves, had a significant influx of people from various species passing through. Nobody could forget the months when a foul stench pervaded the entire star port.

To be honest, if Deadpool were to pull off such a stunt again, no one would be surprised in the least.

Lady Loki proposed this plan, and the other cosmic agents were initially opposed to it. However, she offered them a considerable incentive.

In the end, Phantom reluctantly disguised herself as Venom. She altered her symbiote factor's color, imitated his distinctive fangs, long tongue, and especially the Spider emblem on his chest, which was Venom's trademark. Lady Loki even had Phantom enlarge this emblem slightly to make sure that the people of the Dark Dimension would immediately recognize it as Venom.

The final challenge was finding a source of excrement.

The gods of Asgard didn't need to use toilets; they had transcended the lower processes of digestion and excretion. Symbiotes, too, didn't require excretion.

However, symbiote factor was a truly magical substance that could synthesize chemicals found in space. In other words, they could create excrement out of thin air.

It turned out that some boundaries were non-negotiable, or one would find themselves continually retreating. After Phantom assumed the guise of Venom, the symbiotes felt that they had invested too much to give up now. If they abandoned the plan, they would suffer both physically and mentally, with no reward to show for it.

So, much to their dismay, they reluctantly agreed to Lady Loki's request to produce excrement.

What made matters worse was that Lady Loki demanded that they concentrate the feces into a substance that emitted an extreme stench and was nearly impossible to clean up. Once the symbiotes had created this vile concoction, they were so disgusted that they felt like vomiting themselves.

Lady Loki, bearing this noxious chemical feces, disguised as Venom, invaded the Dark Dimension. She then proceeded to pour all the excrement into the palace where Thanos often resided.

Unlike normal waste, this synthesized feces was staggering in volume, and the entire scene resembled a river of excrement, with feces smeared on the walls.

Thanos was nearly infuriated by the sight, but he soon realized that this foul-smelling chemical substance was not only nauseating but also exceptionally challenging to clean up. It took him over ten days to finally get the palace cleaned up, and during that time, Death called him on the telephone.

There was a reason Thanos had rushed to the Solar System on his own, and to this day, his mind still buzzed with anger.

It must be said that Lady Loki's plot was highly successful. Thanos believed that Deadpool was responsible because they had a feud, and Deadpool was known for employing such dirty and repulsive methods. Naturally, he suspected that the Venom symbiote was an accomplice.

Therefore, when he spotted Venom near the Solar System, he didn't hesitate to pursue him.

Venom, carrying Stark, flew at great speed, but Thanos was faster. Just as the distance between them was closing in, Stark finally reached their destination and shouted, "Get out of the way! We have an enemy!"

In the blink of an eye, everyone in the area disappeared. Strange opened a portal and took Professor X with him, disappearing instantly. Schiller turned into Grey Mist and hid behind the planet, giving Stark a tug before departing.

When Thanos arrived in the star system, he found it littered with celestial debris and in utter chaos. But as soon as he heard a noise behind him and turned around, what he saw in his field of vision was the massive fist of Hulk, the size of a sandbag.

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Next Chapter>>Chapter 739: Buzzing Minds (Part 1) 


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