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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


In the hearts of all Cybertronians, the Quintessons are a perpetual thorn, especially for Megatron.

Originating from the Milky Way, the Quintessons are a rare silicon-based civilization.

Their nature, fundamentally different from carbon-based life, is further defined by their cruel rulers—the Five-Faced Monster.

The Quintessons achieved interstellar civilization by recklessly depleting their home planet's resources.

Then, they heartlessly abandoned their birthplace, expanding relentlessly throughout the Universe.

Colonizing any valuable planet, the Quintessons didn't hesitate to wage war against other civilizations for their targets.

Their barbaric and domineering style led them to simultaneously battle with dozens of civilizations at their zenith.

Despite their advanced technology under the Five-Faced Monster, the sheer number of their enemies was overwhelming.

To win the wars and consume the Universe, the Quintessons colonized Cybertron and discovered its natives, the Cybertronians, with their miraculous powers. Their rulers, the Five-Faced Monster, established numerous laboratories and research facilities on Cybertron, capturing Cybertronians for experiments.

Megatron and the earliest Decepticons were born in these labs, bred as war machines to exploit Cybertronian powers for Quintessa's conquests.

However, shortly after their creation, the Quintessons faced defeat in their interstellar wars, further weakened by the onslaught of Cosmic Rust, losing control over their colonies in the Milky Way.

Rebellions arose everywhere, eventually driving the brutal civilization from Cybertron.

Newly born, Megatron and the early Decepticons faced cold and cruel treatment from Cybertronians, seen as monstrous creations of the Quintessons.

Treated as slaves, many perished in mines and noble households.

These bitter memories twisted Megatron's psyche, fueling his deep hatred for both the Cybertronian nobility and the civilian-turned-Autobot faction.

His loathing for his creators, the Five-Faced Monster and the Quintessons, only grew.

"Have these damned villains set their sights on Earth too?"

Megatron's voice was low, seething with barely contained rage and murderous intent.

Unperturbed, Starscream, hunched over, replied in his sharp, sarcastic tone, "All we know for sure is that the Quintesson's Planet Modification Squad visited Earth but retreated for unknown reasons."

Megatron, no stranger to the Quintessons, furrowed his brow in thought.

The Planet Modification Squad, a special unit of Quintessons, like the Cybertronians, are rare silicon-based beings in the Universe.

Their unique biology drives their dire need for metals and rare minerals.

Quintessa, their home planet, though a metal planet, is smaller than Earth, let alone comparable to Cybertron.

Faced with insufficient resources for civilization at its inception, Quintessa could not meet the Quintessons' needs, prompting their ruthless depletion and abandonment of the planet in favor of colonization and wandering in the Universe.

Led by the Five-Faced Monsters, each a brilliant Quintesson scientist, they developed technologies that remain enviable to most civilizations, even millions of years later.

Among these were starship and energy weapon technologies, but the pinnacle was their material transformation technology.

The Quintesson's material transformation technology, dubbed a super black technology, is said to manipulate protons for microscopic control, completely transforming materials.

For example, turning coal into metal to meet their greater need for metals.

Due to strict secrecy, other civilizations, including those once colonized by the Quintessons and thus inheriting Quintessa technology, knew of this technology only through legends.

After creating it, the Five-Faced Monsters spent years refining and perfecting this technology.

At their peak, the Quintessons formed the "Planet Modification Squad" specifically for this purpose.

This squad, aboard numerous warships, roamed the Milky Way, seeking life-bearing planets.

Using their material transformation technology, they eradicated all life, converting remains into metals and scarce materials.

This ability allowed the Quintessons, a civilization without a home planet, to dominate much of the Milky Way, battling and often overpowering dozens of older and more advanced civilizations.

The material transformation technology was pivotal to the Quintessons' success.

As one of the oldest Decepticons born from the Five-Faced Monster's labs, Megatron's deep-seated hatred drove him to hunt down the Quintessons across the Universe upon becoming Cybertron's military leader.

As leader of the Skytiger Legion, his obsession only intensified.

After some thought, Megatron made a decision.

"Bring Lightning to me!"

He commanded Starscream in a deep voice, "Dispatch a group of Vehicons under Lightning's command. Have them go to Earth to find the Quintesson's 'Planet Modification Squad'. Capture them alive if possible… If not, seize everything they've left on Earth…"

The material transformation technology was a super black technology that could revive the ferocity of the Skytiger Legion and rejuvenate Cybertron.

Megatron, desperate to acquire it, was ready to wage war against any force.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 824: War Strikes 


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