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Sun Cheng's arrival quickly plunged the Decepticons at the cultivation center into a state of panic and excitement.

He waved his hand, signaling them to continue working.

Inside Base Two, many research institutions and factories regularly upload data to the Central Main Control AI.

Moreover, many studies require immense computational power. Even Decepticon engineers with specially enhanced Core computational capabilities struggle to handle it, necessitating the use of the Central Main Control AI.

Thus, the No. 3 cultivation center was not unfamiliar to them, although the data it held was not the latest and needed real-time updates.

Although they were Vehicons, Sun Cheng had no intention of using Ravage as cannon fodder, given the high cultivation costs.

Moreover, the Predacons were originally a very rare species on Cybertron Planet.

Legend has it that in ancient times, the Predacons were a powerful race on Cybertron Planet, possessing all abilities except the Cybertronians' shape-shifting.

Though not as ferocious as the Giant Fierce Beasts, the Predacons were once a major threat to the survival of the Cybertronians. Now, the vast majority of Predacons have disappeared.

There was even a legend on Cybertron Planet that they left for other planets through a space portal, created in ancient times by the Thirteen Primes or their Creator, as recorded in Cybertronian mythology.

This legend, of course, could not be confirmed, as neither the Decepticons nor the Autobots found the mythical space portal during the Civil War despite extensive searches.

Only a tiny fraction of the Predacons sided with the Autobots and Decepticons, and they were tamed after much effort by both factions.

Sun Cheng, who had taken over Frenzy's body, had worked with Ravage for many years and understood the intelligence and character of this Predacon.

Ravage was fearless and brutal towards enemies but exceedingly loyal to its commander—Soundwave.

Ravage was not an original member of the [Cassette Legion] but was recruited later, even after Frenzy.

However, Ravage had evidently fared better than Frenzy and others in the [Cassette Legion].

Despite appearing to be a mere beast, Ravage possessed intelligence and rationality far surpassing most Decepticons.

It excelled in obeying authority and its cautious nature made it particularly adept at intelligence work or launching stealth attacks.

South America, with its complex terrain and environments, including Earth's largest tropical rainforest, presented a prime opportunity.

The Decepticons had easily breached Base Two's defenses, primarily through the Amazon Rainforest.

Looking at the six Ravages nearly completed in the cultivation tanks, Sun Cheng already had plans for their use.

"The Amazon Rainforest is too vast, and its complex terrain greatly limits the patrols of Robots and Decepticon warriors. However, it's perfect for Ravage..."

Although it takes nearly nine months on average to cultivate a Ravage—a duration already minimized by Sun Cheng's team of Decepticon engineers—the addition of a high-level warrior to his ranks, especially a Predacon, was a prospect Sun Cheng looked forward to. Despite having only a beast form, the Predacons' unique morphology, combat style, and strength were quite formidable.

Since there is a Number Three Cultivation Center, it naturally follows that there are others like Number One, Number Two, Number Four, Number Five, and Number Six.

After spending several hours in the Cultivation Center, Sun Cheng, along with the Decepticon engineers responsible for cultivating Ravage, gained a more detailed understanding of the status of several Ravages nearing maturity.

He then left Base Three and headed directly to the Number Four Cultivation Center.

The Number One, Number Two, Number Five, and Number Six Cultivation Centers are responsible for cultivating Decepticon Engineers. The first two were the earliest established, while the Number Three and Number Four centers have also been in operation for at least a year. The Number Five and Number Six centers were only established in the past six months.

The Number Four Cultivation Center, like Number Three, initially focused on Vehicons technology research but was later repurposed. Although smaller than the repurposed Number Three, it is more concealed.

The reason for this is that the Number Four Cultivation Center was initially established by Sun Cheng's Decepticon engineers to study remains, including Jazz's half-corpse and other Decepticon and Autobot high-ranking warriors, to decipher and perfect the manufacturing technology of mechanical bodies for high-ranking warriors and above.

This center was later transformed into a cultivation center for Decepticon warriors and technicians from Base Two, used when they were promoted to higher warrior or engineer ranks.

With Starscream's Vehicons' massive invasion half a year ago, the Number Four Cultivation Center was officially renamed.

Now, it serves as the place where Sun Cheng rewards his meritorious Decepticons, offering them new mechanical bodies as a form of exceptional promotion.

These new mechanical bodies for the meritorious Decepticon warriors naturally come from the high-ranking warriors and even Elite Warriors' remains obtained during the encirclement of Soundwave and Starscream's Vehicons' invasion.

Indeed, even the remains of Elite Warriors are now being used by Sun Cheng as rewards for his subordinates.

His visit was quite timely, as over a dozen senior Decepticon engineers, including Atlas, were all present.

"Commander, welcome to the Number Four Cultivation Center. Are you here for Hysteria's mechanical body replacement ceremony?"

Decepticon Hysteria was one of Sun Cheng's old subordinates.

Like Accel and Safeguard, he originally emerged from Frenzy's Micro Surveillance Device. Perhaps due to their electronic components, when Sun Cheng encountered the [All Spark] at Sector Seven in America, these Micro Surveillance Devices also gained self-awareness with the transformation of his mechanical body.

Accel and Hysteria were relatively lucky. Unlike Sun Cheng, they were not brought back to the Real World.

In the [Transformers Universe], although it was more dangerous, with the expansion of Base Two and Sun Cheng's influence, Accel and Hysteria also reaped many benefits.

Moreover, due to their special relationship with Sun Cheng, they had more opportunities to earn merits than other Decepticon warriors.

Gradually accumulating achievements, once Sun Cheng had sufficient resources, Accel and Hysteria, though not like Forerunner and Thunder who followed him in battles from south to north, simply by maintaining the stability of Base Two's rear, qualified to be among the first to become high-ranking warriors.

Now, as Forerunner and Thunder have both become Elite Warriors, the opportunity for Accel and Hysteria has also arrived.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 820: The Third Elite Warrior 


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