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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


The likelihood was high that the two fragments would induce a positive reaction in his new mechanical body—a conclusion Sun Cheng and his colleagues had drawn from over two years of continuous experimentation with All Spark fragments.

Yet, for Sun Cheng, whose sense of security was profoundly shaken, even this powerful new mechanical body, which far exceeded his original specifications, seemed somewhat lacking.


"How wonderful it would have been to wait for the Triple Changers technology to mature and apply it to my new mechanical body!"

The Triple Changers were a formidable type of transformed warrior created by Shockwave, the preeminent scientist of the Skytiger Legion.

For an extended period, both the Decepticons and the Autobots had regarded the Triple Changers as the strongest individual combat force below the level of their leaders.

This perception was not surprising, considering that silicon-based life forms like the Cybertronians were not uncommon in the Universe. The Quintessons, who once colonized Cybertron, were also silicon-based life forms.

However, even among silicon-based beings, Cybertronians were considered uniquely special.

They possessed an innate magical ability to scan various tools or objects, fully mastering and even surpassing them.

For most Cybertronians, whether Autobot or Decepticon, they would only possess one form of transformation throughout their lives.

To transform into another required immense courage and determination to forget their previous form.

As a result, for a long time, how to acquire multiple transformation modes was a key research topic for the scientists of both Autobots and Decepticons.

And Shockwave was the first to achieve a breakthrough.

Sun Cheng, who had now fully assimilated the memory data of Soundwave—formerly one of the leading figures of the Skytiger Legion and the Chief of Intelligence—no longer regarded Shockwave with the reverence due to a deity.

In Soundwave's memories, Sun Cheng discovered more about the secretive inner workings of the Skytiger Legion.

For instance, during the millions of years of the Civil War, Shockwave, who had created a series of powerful warriors including giant Combiners, Vehicons, and Triple Changers, had been influenced by the ancient Quintesson civilization that had colonized Cybertron.

The rulers of the Quintessa civilization—the Five-Faced Monsters—were silicon-based life forms remarkably similar to the Cybertronians, also with metallic bodies, but had taken a completely different evolutionary path.

The Five-Faced Monsters revered intellect and, much like the Skytiger Legion, established a strict hierarchical system to facilitate the enslavement and control of the ordinary Quintesson.

To prevent their ruling class from losing power, the Five-Faced Monsters actively engaged in all sorts of mad scientific research, cruel physical transformation experiments, cloning technologies, and even life cultivation, all of which were commonplace for them.

The original Decepticons were almost all born from the Quintessons' colonization period, within the laboratories established on Cybertron Planet by the Five-Faced Monsters.

Later, during the War of Independence, the Cybertronians managed to drive out the Quintessons and destroyed many of the evil laboratories established by the Five-Faced Monsters.

Unfortunately, one of the original sins of creation—Greed—remained ever-present.

Many of the laboratories set up by the Five-Faced Monsters on Cybertron Planet, and even on some nearby colonized planets, were preserved and later fell into the hands of evil scientists of the Skytiger Legion like Shockwave and Starscream.

The prototype technology for the Triple Changers also originated from the sinister experiments of the Five-Faced Monsters.

The memory data from Soundwave revealed that the engineers of the Skytiger Legion, while excavating an abandoned barren mine, discovered a breeding center from the era of the Five-Faced Monsters deep within the mine.

It is said that within this center, they found extensive experimental data from the Five-Faced Monsters, including their research after discovering the Cybertronians' miraculous transformation abilities and their large-scale capturing and targeted research on Cybertronians.

This valuable data evidently provided enough inspiration for Shockwave.

He ultimately identified that what granted the Cybertronians their transformation abilities was an inconspicuous structure known as a gear within their bodies.

As a result, the Triple Changers, possessing at least two transformation capabilities and significantly stronger than the ordinary Decepticon, came into existence.

In a sense, although not a deity, Shockwave felt justified in carrying the title of a great scientist.

Sun Cheng too harbored a strong desire for the Triple Changers. Despite his new mechanical body incorporating a multitude of new technologies and even replicating aspects of the mechanical bodies of veteran Decepticons like Astrotrain and Skyfire, having multiple transformation forms would undoubtedly be a colossal boost to his strength.

The joy on his face involuntarily faded a touch as Sun Cheng swiftly suppressed a tinge of regret within his heart.

To this day, the Triple Changers technology remained an unequivocal marvel of black tech.

Even within the ranks of the Skytiger Legion and the Autobot camp, the number of scientists who mastered it could be counted on one hand.

During Sun Cheng’s previous hunt for Soundwave, although it inadvertently resulted in Astrotrain's demise.

However, the Decepticon engineering team under his command did not make smooth progress in reverse-engineering the Triple Changers technology through the study of Astrotrain's carcass.

By the time Sun Cheng's new mechanical body was constructed, they had only just begun to unravel some of its secrets, with a long journey still ahead before true success.

"Time waits for no one!"

The Decepticons had recently become more active on Earth, which consequently spurred the Autobots into action, departing from their prior stance of quietly developing in Africa.

Combining this with intelligence recently obtained—that Shockwave’s vanguard had arrived on the Moon—Sun Cheng had an ominous feeling that the peaceful times sustained over the past half-year might be drawing to an end.

Due to this unease, after completing the energy trade of the [Leadership Module] with Optimus Prime, he stayed at Base Two to personally oversee the advancement of various plans.

The construction of his new mechanical body naturally took precedence over several other tasks, becoming the top priority project.

As a result, his new mechanical body was completed nearly two months earlier than anticipated.

Thinking of his imminent possession of a powerful new mechanical body, on par with a Leader class, Sun Cheng’s smile grew denser.

He praised the senior engineers accompanying him at Atlas: "Well done, you’ve performed admirably!"

With the new mechanical body in place at Base Two, plans that had been put on hold due to Sun Cheng's concerns over his insufficient power to maintain control—plans that could swiftly bolster their strength—could now be laid out one by one.

For instance, utilizing Astrotrain's relatively intact carcass to cultivate one of the top-tier Elite Warriors in the shortest time possible.

Or using a fragment of the All Spark to awaken the ancient Pathfinder—Skyfire.

Perhaps even sending an exploratory team beyond the Solar System to find a star that meets the transformation conditions and begin constructing a [Stellar Extraction Tower] on a nearby planet, using the Requiem Blaster to create a new [All Spark].

As he indulged in these thoughts, a sudden tremor passed through Sun Cheng’s mechanical body—a transmission from Terindad Island sent by Forerunner wiped the smile off his face in an instant.

"Again... Thundercracker and Elegy, parts of the Decepticon air force Major have arrived, huh..."

Forerunner might be unaware of Thundercracker and Elegy's capabilities, but Sun Cheng knew the profiles of these two Decepticons who had again led an invasion of Terindad Island.

Like Starscream, they were initially great marshals of the Skytiger Legion's air force.

After Starscream was repeatedly treasonous, Megatron stripped him of his military post.

Subsequently, Thundercracker and Elegy rose through the ranks. During the Civil War, the Skytiger Legion relied heavily on its formidable air force to strike the Autobots asymmetrically.

The thought that at least some of the Skytiger Legion's air force Majors had reached the Solar System caused the anxiety that Sun Cheng had just managed to suppress to surge forth once again.

Facing the towering figure before him, he struggled to calm his inner turmoil and unease, then turned to Thunder and Atlas at his side.

"Prepare yourselves, I’m about to undergo the transfer to my new mechanical body!"

"Thunder, in the time I’m receiving my new mechanical body, the security of this base—and my own—will be in your hands!"

"Yes, Commander!"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 808: Regret and Rebirth (Part 2) 


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