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In DC World With Marvel Chat Group : Table of Content/Chapter List


"What? You're saying we should first deal with the three inside S.H.I.E.L.D.? If there are three inside S.H.I.E.L.D., doesn't that make six in total?!!" Stark slapped his forehead, and then he heard Nick, across from him, speaking with righteous indignation:

"You have no idea the amount of trouble he's caused for S.H.I.E.L.D.! He's falsified financial statements, made unauthorized personnel changes, participated in illegal human experiments... And what's more important, he's completely amoral!"

"I can hardly think of worse words to describe him. Heroes of the Avengers, combating such a man is your responsibility. Hurry over and apprehend him!"

After hanging up the telephone, Stark spoke in a heavy tone, "Just as I thought, there are three more inside S.H.I.E.L.D., which means, in the upcoming battle, we will have to face six Schillers in total!"

"The question now is, does each Schiller possess unique abilities?" Steve posed the question, before adding, "If every Schiller can turn into Grey Mist, that's going to be troublesome."

"Let's not even go there, I'm already getting a headache," Matt sighed, "If each one can turn into Grey Mist, then it's impossible for us to capture him. Who can capture a cloud of mist?"

"In any case, we need to go and interrogate him. If we can deal with this peacefully, so much the better. But if we must resort to violence..." Stark dragged out his words, then said to JARVIS, "Prepare the vacuum cleaners, all models of them!"

Hearing that Stark had a means to restrain Schiller, they all breathed a sigh of relief, but they soon realized things were not so simple.

Just as the Avengers were preparing to head to Arkham Sanatorium to probe the reality of the situation, Peter paused, then turned his head towards Stark, saying, "Just now, the Silk urgently contacted me through Spider, the Spider-Men have also received orders to apprehend Schiller across the entire Multiverse..."

"What Silk? What Multiverse?" Stark scrutinized him, "Peter, have you been up all night gaming again? You're starting to talk nonsense."

Peter was momentarily stunned, then remembered the Stark he had met in the future. He completely forgot he had traveled to the Multiverse, so it was likely that Stark didn't remember it either.

Because Peter had gone to the future timeline earlier, he did not witness the reset of Space, hence he was unaware that Stark had been reset to his state before all these events occurred, thus lacking those memories.

He had to spend a long time again explaining the situation to Stark, who then said, "We're apprehending Schiller just to figure out what exactly is going on and to ensure that so many different Schillers do not pose a threat to the world."

"But this group of Spider-Men you mentioned, who are under orders from Eternity to capture Schiller, are likely intending to kill Schiller. I disagree with them entering our Space."

Steve chimed in, "We want to deal with the mess Schiller has caused, or prevent any future mess he might cause. Everyone knows, with so many Schillers, it would be terrible if even a few lost control, but we don't intend to eliminate him."

"If the Spider-Men from other Spaces are misguided and want to kill Schiller, that's going to be a problem. Never mind whether they can accomplish that, if it provokes Schiller and a fight breaks out between them, won't Earth ultimately suffer?"

"That's why I must go," Peter stated firmly. "If they dare harm Dr. Schiller, I will stop them immediately."

Stark and Steve huddled together, staring at Peter, Stark whispered, "That Multiverse sounds like a dangerous place. Is it really okay for him to go just like that?"

"I have my doubts. No matter what, he's just started college. Where are your Mech armors? And Stephen's magic, demon gods contracts, symbiotes, have him take more, even if they're not needed, it's better to be prepared..."

Stark nodded in agreement, then snapped his fingers, "Come here, kid. You're not stepping foot outside until you're fully prepared—back to Stark Tower with me..."

"No! Wait! Mr. Stark... I've got it, I mean, I've made plenty of preparations already, there's really no need for any more..."

Ten minutes later, a glowing Peter appeared at the Spider-Men's base. The moment he landed, he caught everyone's attention because he truly resembled a dazzling light bulb.

Peter sighed deeply. The Amazing Spider-Man came up to him, patted his shoulder and said, "Charged up again? Looks like you've brought even more stuff. It might just come in handy..."

"Don't remind me." Peter replied with a wry smile. "Just promise me this, if anything happens, we do not harm Dr. Schiller. We just want to understand the situation and prevent any future problems, alright?"

"Agreed," The Amazing Spider-Man nodded solemnly. "We all have the same goal, peace."

With that, the Spider-Men formed their plan, uniting to face the challenge of the multiple Schillers, not to destroy, but to protect, uphold justice, and keep the peace. It was the only way to ensure the balance of the Multiverse and prevent the Infinite Event from leading to disaster.

"Why is this the case?" asked the Shadow Spider-Man dressed in black.

"To be precise, it's that we cannot afford to interact with him excessively. It would be ideal if we could capture him without showing ourselves."

SpaceCaptainSpider-Man continuously shifted his hand signs, seemingly at a loss for how to explain the information conveyed by Eternity to the other Spider-Men.

"Put simply, our Space has its own stability. If creatures that don't belong here enter, that stability is compromised. Once it falls below a critical threshold, the Space will collapse."

"But the stability isn't decreasing because these strange creatures are causing destruction. It's because they've interacted with the original characters of this Space."

"The longer they meet and interact, the faster the stability declines. Hence, our goal in capturing him isn't to eliminate him or prevent him from causing destruction, but to prevent him from interacting with the beings of this Space."

"Therefore, the simpler our capture process, the better. Ideally, we could set a trap in advance. We need not show ourselves, see him, speak to him, or listen to him. Being able to send him back to his original Space without any contact is the best outcome."

"If we all get tangled up with him, the stability will surely plummet rapidly. Moreover, the more he reveals his peculiarities—attributes not belonging to this Space—the faster the stability will fall."

SpaceCaptain explained all this in one breath, leaving everyone somewhat dumbfounded.

Peter understood but was completely baffled by the principle. Just as he was about to ask further, SpaceCaptain said, "For certain reasons, Eternity couldn't explain too clearly to me either, as it would also reduce stability. In short, we've been assigned a daunting task..."

"We have to send all instances of Schiller Rodriguez back to his original dream Space using the simplest method possible, divided into three steps."

"The first step is to find the dream Space he originally belongs to. The second step is to catch the Schillers running amok and send them back. The third step is to seal the holes that have appeared in the walls of the dream Space to prevent him from escaping again."

"It sounds as easy as putting cheese in a refrigerator," Amazing Spider-Man commented. At that moment, Peter was petrified in place, murmuring, "...you must be dreaming."

"Besides the first step being somewhat simple, the next two are hellishly difficult. We can't even show ourselves, so how are we supposed to capture Dr. Schiller?" Peter asked in disbelief.

"Don't worry, Eternity has given me some intel on the target's weaknesses. We can use these to set traps. For instance, it's mentioned among the weaknesses that he can turn into a gray mist. We could use a high-gravity device to suck the weapons into a machine... much like a vacuum cleaner..."

"A vacuum cleaner?" Peter's face twisted into a troubled expression, feeling this method was far too hasty.

Unexpectedly, this approach received unanimous approval from the other Spider-Men. Soon, the team's most scientifically capable members, including the scientifically gifted Peter, personally vouched for by Amazing Spider-Man, began to work together to develop a vacuum cleaner trap.

Immersed in the experiment, Peter became much more focused. Before long, they had created a rudimentary version of the vacuum cleaner trap, ready to test it on a Schiller.

"Come to my Space," Otto Parker's voice transmitted through the communication device on his wrist. "After I returned to my Space, I spotted a suspicious figure in New York's monitors. He's certainly not an original inhabitant of this Space, probably the Schiller you're referring to."

"Alright, but I must be present throughout to ensure that this machine doesn't actually harm Dr. Schiller," Peter stated firmly.

No sooner said than done, several Spider-Men, carrying the not-too-large vacuum cleaner trap, traveled through to Otto Parker's Space.

They landed on the rooftop of Parker Industries Building, the tallest in New York, affording them an unobstructed view of the entire city.

"That suspicious figure often appears at dusk. He likes to stand on the edge of tall buildings, gazing down upon the city. We can set the trap on the rooftop he frequents most, so he's likely to step on it."

Otto suggested the simplest method, and Otto Parker, controlled by Peter Parker, concurred, "I see no problem with that... Let's set up the trap there first."

"I just feel like you're all oversimplifying things," Peter sighed and shook his head, but he said no more.

After the trap was set, the other Spider-Men stayed on the rooftop of Parker Industries, each holding a telescope, watching the building where they'd set the trap.

At dusk, the huge setting sun lingered on the coastline, casting a dim glow over New York City. Suddenly, a small black dot appeared in the sky above.

Then, like an agile black panther, the figure landed on the rooftop—Schiller Rodriguez, still unaware that a trap awaited him.

SpaceCaptain signaled with his hand, and all the Spider-Men turned off their communication devices, reducing their space interference to the minimum.

Schiller looked around vigilantly and, finding no one, relaxed and walked forward. However, the moment his foot touched the vacuum cleaner trap, a gravitational force engulfed him.

"Caught you," Peter whispered under his breath. Schiller Rodriguez's body turned into a gray mist, attempting to escape, but the gravitational force was too strong, sucking him into the vacuum cleaner trap.

SpaceCaptainSpider-Man nodded slightly, "It seems the trap works. We should now focus on sealing the holes in the dream Space walls."

Standing atop the building, all the Spider-Men watched silently as the trap did its work, finally sending Schiller back to where he belonged. But as they did so, they couldn't help but wonder how many more such tasks awaited them and whether they could truly save their Space from collapsing.

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Next Chapter>>Chapter 716: The Infinity Event (Part 32) 


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