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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


On the Gobi Desert near the Great Rift Valley.

A red and a blue heavy-duty truck raced along a rudimentary road across the desert, coming to a stop only a few dozen meters from the canyon. With a series of snapping sounds, the red truck rapidly transformed into a towering fire-red mechanical warrior.

Soon after, the blue truck transformed as well, revealing itself to be Optimus Prime.

"What a peaceful and serene planet this is!"

Sentinel Prime stood atop the canyon, gazing silently at the expanding steel city below, hidden from the knowledge of humans. A mix of emotions welled within him as he remarked, "How unlike our mother planet Cybertron, now nothing more than a wasteland of death!"

Optimus Prime, looking at the imposing mechanical warrior before him, thought of his mentor's teachings and assistance, and couldn't help but speak in a deep, solemn voice, "I often wonder, had I been the one to transport the Energon Cube, and had you continued to lead the Autobots, perhaps we wouldn't have lost the final battle to the Decepticons!"

Sentinel Prime lifted his gaze to the sky, falling silent for a long moment before shaking his head.

"You shouldn't dwell on the past, just as I can't foresee the future. The past is behind us. Millions of years of war have wearied me, as I'm sure they have you."

"Our home planet was destroyed by our own hands, in the name of protection, during the 'just war' against the Decepticons. Now that the war is over, perhaps for Cybertron, this is a new beginning."

"You've done well, Optimus Prime. Without you, the Autobots might no longer exist."

Optimus Prime touched his chest lightly, and his armor opened to reveal the [Leadership Module] emerging from within.

Holding the [Leadership Module], he approached Sentinel Prime and knelt before him, saying, "Teacher, you were once our Leader. Now that you have returned, I hope you will resume your role and lead us once more!"

Sentinel Prime's eyes lingered on the [Leadership Module] for a moment, feeling the Spark in his chest blaze with increased fervor at its emergence. He was tempted.

But then, he remembered the plan he had been plotting for so long, and his resolve strengthened anew.

With a smile, he accepted the [Leadership Module] from Optimus Prime, looked at it briefly, and then tossed it back to him with a chuckle.

"There's no need for self-deprecation, Optimus Prime. In the past few days, I've learned much. You have done exceedingly well."

"This planet, Earth, is too alien to me, yet you have led our kin to stand firm on this world and have rebuilt our capital."

"Just for these feats alone, you are a worthy Leader. Perhaps I, who have slumbered for so long, should now call you 'teacher'!"

Optimus Prime took back the [Leadership Module], his feelings complex.

He quietly observed his mentor, who seemed unchanged from the past, yet his mind was involuntarily filled with the investigations of Gold Beetle these past days.

"Having toured every corner of the New Iron Fortress city, and even meeting with those Autobots who had been under close surveillance and had once stormed the medical center... Teacher, have you been used by the Decepticons, or have you truly conspired with them?"

Despite Sentinel Prime's awakening not showing any intent to vie for the leadership of the Autobots or the [Leadership Module],

As Gold Beetle's investigations deepened, more and more intelligence pointed toward Sentinel Prime.

It seemed the Decepticons were orchestrating an operation around him, of which they were still unaware.

"Let's hope it's just an overthought."

With a glance sweeping over the burgeoning New Iron Fortress city in the canyon below, Optimus Prime silently vowed to defend their last sanctuary, even if it cost him his life.

On the dark side of the moon, atop the Retribution, a spaceship.

A ghastly laugh echoed from a cabin within, its owner none other than Megatron.

Within the same cultivation tank, now reduced to a head, Megatron looked down upon the several Decepticons kneeling before him, his laugh deep and sinister.

"Ha ha ha ha ha... Lightning, your timing is impeccable!"

Ever since Megatron's consciousness was reawakened, he had been trapped within the confines of a cramped cultivation tank.

Half a year had swiftly passed by.

Throughout this time, although Starscream was ever at his beck and call, showering him with obsequious flattery as before, Megatron saw right through him. He knew this insidious wretch, who despised him to the core—if not wary of Megatron’s potential tricks, would have likely attacked his remaining head long ago.

Despite no open disrespect, Starscream's behind-the-scenes maneuvers never ceased.

Megatron didn’t need to ponder how Soundwave had died; he was certain Starscream was involved.

Even the disappearance of Astrotrain and other Decepticons sent earlier by Shockwave to support and protect him, he surmised, had Starscream's fingerprints all over it.

On one hand, Starscream told Megatron that more manpower was being deployed to mine the ore for his new mechanical body.

On the other, there was no action, and Megatron even doubted whether Starscream had managed to procure a single piece of ore for his new body to date.

But all that was about to change.

The reason was none other than Megatron's most loyal subordinate—Shockwave had dispatched another formidable Triple Changer—Lightning, the commander of this advance team.

With Lightning's arrival, Megatron believed it wouldn’t be long before he could escape this accursed cultivation tank.

Strictly speaking, Lightning was not a faithfully loyal subordinate.

During Soundwave's intelligence agency's investigations into the internal affairs of the Skytiger Legion, Lightning, along with Astrotrain, was listed among the most dangerous Decepticons.

Unlike Starscream, Lightning, though ambitious, had never overtly shown it in the past.

And the largest difference between him and Starscream was his preference for combat over cunning, a true warrior who favored action over strategy.

Anyone who could offer Lightning sufficient benefits to win him over, or provide a perfect stage for him to unleash his strength, would find him more than willing to accept any orders from the Skytiger Legion's higher-ups.

This was why he had been firmly kept under Shockwave's thumb for millions of years.

With this thought, Megatron's crimson eyes fell upon the kneeling Lightning.

"Lightning, I now have an important mission to entrust to you!"

Upon hearing this, Lightning raised his head sharply, his face twisted into a ferocious grin, "I am more than willing to serve you, Commander!"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 801: Adjustments 


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