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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


"The last of the peaceful times are upon us!"

Sun Cheng murmured repeatedly as he gazed at the dozens of photos that Thunder had just delivered.

These were images recently sent back by a reconnaissance satellite launched into Moon's orbit to monitor the Decepticon base there.

The satellite had captured images of a Meteor Rain descending in an orderly formation on the far side of the Moon—a clear sign that they were Decepticons.

"It must be a vanguard team sent by Shockwave!"

Calculating the time, it had been about half a year since Sun Cheng had teamed up with Starscream to lay siege to Soundwave and Astrotrain.

He had learned from Astrotrain's memory data that Shockwave was already marching towards the Solar System and had dispatched an advance team ahead.

Now, judging by the timing, the opposition should be nearing the Solar System.

"Issue the command. From today onward, raise the alert level to maximum within the jurisdiction of Base Two and Terindad Island. Prepare for a possible war at any moment!"

Once Shockwave arrived, Megatron would soon have a body.

By then, under his command, the Skytiger Legion would inevitably seek vengeance against the Autobots and, in passing, dispose of Sun Cheng himself.

The Decepticons and Autobots were archenemies, and during the battle in Las Vegas, though it was the United States boy—Sam—who had killed Megatron with the [All Spark], it was actually Optimus Prime who had held him back.

Now, with Sam long gone, Megatron would undoubtedly prefer to settle scores with Optimus Prime.

And Sun Cheng himself would not be much safer than Optimus Prime.

In Megatron's heart, his hatred for Sun Cheng might only be slightly less intense than for Optimus Prime—perhaps even greater.

After all, having one's deepest secrets probed, especially by a lesser Decepticon whom he looked down upon, would be something the tyrant would struggle to swallow.

Base Two was not safe, given that Earth was only so large.

If the Decepticons really intended to search, they just needed to scatter some Vehicons across the continents, and it wouldn't take long for them to find Sun Cheng's lair.

Moreover, with Terindad Island near the continent of South America, a clever fellow like Starscream might have already guessed Sun Cheng's current hideout.

Should Megatron return, that guy would likely betray Sun Cheng without hesitation.

Passing on his command, Sun Cheng, unsettled by the arrival of Shockwave's vanguard, felt it necessary to thoroughly inspect and understand his current assets.

With his call, Teletraan, who had been a bit bored lately due to the lack of companionship and was assisting the Decepticon engineers in manufacturing cargo spaceships, controlled a robot avatar and personally arrived in Sun Cheng's rest chamber to update him on his assets.

"Commander, as per your orders, over the past few months, we've reduced our supply reserves from around 70% to 20%, focusing all efforts on the production and manufacture of various war supplies, robots, and weaponry!"

The title of Commander was a new designation that Sun Cheng had recently promoted within his ranks.

A small change in title, but it signified a change in attitude.

Since he had already anticipated being Megatron's primary target upon his return, Sun Cheng no longer concealed his ambitions. The establishment of Base Two and Mars Base Two, coupled with resources from the [Transformers Universe] and the Real World, meant that as long as he wasn't defeated in a sudden attack, he had the confidence to wage a war of attrition against any force, including the Skytiger Legion and even the Autobots.

And this change in title also signaled Sun Cheng's move to eliminate some of the hazards he had created in the past.

Although the majority of Decepticons under his command had never met Onslaught or Skyfire, some ambiguous propaganda from the past led some of Sun Cheng's Decepticon engineers to believe he had at least some cooperation with Attack.

This was not a good sign!

Long ago, Sun Cheng had assessed whether the re-emergence of Onslaught, who had gone into hibernation somewhere unknown, could affect his status and power.

The answer was affirmative, so as he prepared to transition to a new mechanical body and his ranks swelled with Elite Warriors, he began to eliminate these hidden dangers.

Just like the Skytiger Legion, the force that Sun Cheng had established must have one and only one commander: himself.

As for Onslaught and Skyfire, if they were wise enough to join his ranks in the future, he wouldn't mind appointing them as senior commanders, chief scientists, or military commanders, just as Megatron treated Shockwave and Starscream.

Now that the worst-case scenario had unfolded, he wasn't concerned about making a couple more enemies.

Sun Cheng listened attentively, and Teletraan's robot avatar explained meticulously.

"...As of yesterday, all the resources accumulated on Terindad Island have been used up. Including the production during this period, we have manufactured a total of 5,000 space carrier robots, 50,000 various medium-sized warships, and 300,000 Vehicons ready for battle."

Sun Cheng nodded.

This was what he needed!

He was not like the Decepticon generals who squandered resources on grand projects or luxurious places of rest.

What he needed were soldiers, a lot of soldiers!

And robots, a massive number of robots!

The manufacture of the Vehicons had reached its limit.

In the face of Shockwave's arrival, his base's capability to produce Vehicons would be critical.

Although Sun Cheng was still an ordinary person and couldn't harness the energy of the Spark to manufacture Vehicons himself, his experience as a senior Decepticon engineer and his rich resources allowed him to complete the manufacturing process through robotic means.

And this also revealed the advantages of human knowledge.

The manufacturing of the Vehicons had always been Shockwave's specialty, but now, Sun Cheng had matched that ability through technological replication.

Of course, Sun Cheng's replication wasn't perfect, as the Vehicons he produced were slightly inferior in terms of power and quality compared to those produced by Shockwave.

However, as Teletraan spoke, Sun Cheng also understood that the last of his resources were nearly used up.

The situation was dire, and even though he had been manufacturing Vehicons non-stop, he still felt it was insufficient.

The tyrant was coming.

Megatron's shadow loomed over the Earth.

There were no more peaceful times left for Sun Cheng.

Now, he could only wait for the storm to arrive, and in that storm, he would either rise to power or be completely destroyed.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 800: Undercurrents Stirring 


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