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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


On the dark side of the Moon, Starscream looked at the line of Decepticon warriors arrayed before him with an air of leadership, a look of joy unmistakably playing across his face.

"Is this your new Warbot Team, Onslaught?"

Within the familiar watchtower, stood five Decepticon warriors of varying statures, but all wore the same strikingly uniform expression of cold indifference.

Despite their hostile and scrutinizing gazes, Starscream appeared utterly unfazed.

He even seemed genuinely interested as he circled the five Decepticons, nodding thoughtfully throughout.

Onslaught was uncomfortable with Starscream's appraising manner, like sizing up merchandise, and snorted softly as a warning: "Starscream, as per our agreement, I've developed the Warbot Team. How is your end progressing with the modifications for Fusion Leopard?"

Onslaught had agreed to cooperate with Starscream, whom he did not have a particularly good relationship with, solely because Starscream had offered a bargaining chip too tantalizing to refuse.

Who wouldn't want the colossal Devastator? Even the original Hercules Devastator was formidable enough to leave leader-class warriors without recourse in a short span.

The even more powerful Predaking and Defensor were comparable to an entire army.

Although Onslaught might ascend to the ranks of leader-class warriors after his transformation, the Decepticons were beings of insatiable greed. The temptation of possessing a giant Devastator under his own command was simply irresistible to Onslaught.

Starscream's eyes narrowed into slits, and the curve of his smile was evident of his good mood.

"Don't worry, everything on my end is ready. Just give the nod, and the modifications can begin today!"

Onslaught was taken aback. "So soon?"

Based on his understanding of Starscream, he had expected some delay, perhaps an excuse to study the Warbot Team first.

Facing his scrutiny, the smile on Starscream's face grew even broader.

"Time waits for no one. Sentinel Prime is about to awaken!"

With those words, Onslaught's own eyes narrowed.

Sentinel Prime was waking up!

It was Ironhide, the first appointed New Iron Fortress city security officer by Optimus Prime himself, who announced this news. Soon, every Autobot in New Iron Fortress city was aware!

Inside the medical center, Ratchet and his assistants carefully removed every tube attached to Sentinel Prime's body.

For over three months, they had been feeding high-purity energon fluid into Sentinel Prime through these tubes while a linked machine mimicked the Spark to absorb and metabolize the energy within his body.

Following this method, even without the [Leadership Module], Ratchet and his team could slowly activate Sentinel Prime's Spark, waking him from his dormant state within a few more months.

However, Optimus Prime couldn't wait that long. He decided to use the [Leadership Module] today to awaken his mentor.

"Leader, my investigations during this period have uncovered several suspicious aspects concerning the rescue of Sentinel Prime," Gold Beetle reported, standing beside Optimus Prime.

"I have been closely monitoring a few Autobots who have either received or sent long-range communications in the recent past!"

"I've also conducted a brief investigation on the Moon. Though I didn't find much there, I stumbled upon a few photographs and documents on an astronomy and aeronautics enthusiast forum on Earth, relics leaked from the former Soviet Union's lunar exploration."

"All signs suggest that the Decepticons controlled Sentinel Prime's Spaceship immediately after it crashed on the Moon, even transferring hundreds of Energon Cubes from its storeroom!"

"If they could locate the Energon Cubes in the Spaceship's storeroom, it stands to reason they couldn't have missed Sentinel Prime."

"Clearly, they allowed us to rescue Sentinel Prime and even facilitated his reawakening."

"Due to the scant information available, I cannot ascertain what the Decepticons are planning behind the scenes."

"However, based on the information I do have, I've developed a tentative theory!"

Inside the medical center, the Gold Beetle standing next to Optimus Prime was, in fact, the one who had been reawakened and given a second life.

After adapting to his new mechanical body, Gold Beetle had immediately submerged into the shadows to investigate the restless Sentinel Prime zealots within the city, and he even briefly visited the Moon for a limited inquiry.

Being a protégé partially trained by Prowl himself, Gold Beetle, with his now more composed demeanor, quickly mastered all the espionage and spy skills formerly attributed to Bumblebee.

Without Bumblebee's impetuous traits, the current Gold Beetle was more suited for the grueling tasks of infiltration and intelligence gathering.

And yet, in just over half a month's time, though unable to clarify the links between Sentinel Prime and the Decepticons, he had gathered enough evidence to bring into focus the Decepticons' shadowy figure behind the scenes.

Regrettably, this figure remained elusive, just beyond the grasp of his analysis and deduction.

Optimus Prime listened attentively, nodding occasionally as Gold Beetle relayed his findings.

The picture was gradually becoming clearer, layer by layer.

He pondered deeply for a moment before inquiring, "Do you suspect that the Decepticons want to control Sentinel Prime after he wakes up?"

"It's the only logical conclusion based on the current evidence," Gold Beetle confirmed.

"Controlling Sentinel Prime... That is a dire scenario indeed." Optimus Prime's voice was tinged with gravity.

Sentinel Prime, once an Autobot leader, carried significant influence. If the Decepticons could manipulate him, it would be a considerable advantage.

"We can't stop Sentinel Prime's awakening process now, but we must remain vigilant," Optimus Prime concluded.

Gold Beetle nodded, "Understood."

Optimus Prime stepped forward to Sentinel Prime's side. The [Leadership Module] was already connected, and it was time to begin the awakening.

Energy from the [Leadership Module] flowed into Sentinel Prime, his body reacting to the influx. The atmosphere grew tense as everyone watched on in silence.

Suddenly, the life signal on the monitor surged.

Sentinel Prime's eyes snapped open.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 799: The Last Peaceful Times 


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