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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Wrench's words were a deathly strike to the heart, sending shock waves through the Autobots gathered around.

Ironhide, known for his fiery temper, wore a face full of fury. He lifted his foot with a violent motion and then brought it crashing down onto Wrench's head.

"Shut up, you traitor who attacks his comrades and assaults critical institutions. You should be brought before a military tribunal and then sent to the mines to serve seventy years of hard labor!"

The Autobot military tribunal typically metes out only two kinds of punishment: the death penalty or forced labor.

The death penalty is mostly reserved for deserters, traitors, and Autobot commanders who have made grievous errors on the battlefield.

Forced labor, on the other hand, is more commonly applied to various crimes such as dereliction of duty, theft, or other legal offenses, with sentences ranging from a few years to several centuries.

Assaulting comrades and attacking critical infrastructure are considered serious crimes under Autobot law.

During the Civil War, Wrench would have been subject to at least three hundred years of forced labor.

That was after Optimus Prime had taken over as Leader.

During Sentinel Prime's rule, Wrench would have undoubtedly faced the death penalty.

With a cold snort, Wrench bellowed, "You accomplices to tyranny will all eventually receive the harshest justice from the parliament!"

Optimus Prime shook his head, looking towards Ironhide he said, "Take him away and lock him up for now. Once Gold Beetle completes the investigation, we will proceed with the trial according to the findings."

Ironhide nodded, gestured to Shake and a few other patrolling Autobots, and swiftly, they restrained the cursing Wrench and several other Autobots who had stormed the medical center, taking them to the nearest outpost for temporary confinement.

It seems necessary to plan for a prison in the future expansion of New Iron Fortress City, as none was built there.

As Leader of the Autobots, Optimus Prime had endured much in the past hundred years.

He had been subjected to far more venomous attacks on his heart, and although he was truly disgusted by Wrench and deeply wounded by his words, it did not affect a Leader's will.

Noticing the crowd of Autobots drawn to the commotion was growing, Optimus Prime believed that the vast majority supported him, but after a moment's thought, he decided it was necessary to address them.

He began to explain, "I have noticed the recent spread of various rumors within New Iron Fortress City."

"Many of you are aware that my mentor—Sentinel Prime—was rescued from the Moon three months ago."

"At that time, his injuries were severe, and he was suffering from the dreaded Cosmic Rust!"

The mention of the terrifying 'Cosmic Rust' elicited gasps from many in the audience.

Most had no opinion on who the Leader was, as the Autobot civilians were the most war-weary and peace-loving group.

However, they were all aware of the 'Cosmic Rust', a contagious disease that had nearly destroyed the civilizations of Quintessa and Cybertron.

At the end of the first Civil War, many Autobots and Decepticons perished from the infection, which forced a hasty end to the war.

With Optimus Prime mentioning 'Cosmic Rust', even those Autobots who had been misled began to fear its implications.

And Optimus Prime continued to speak.

"Ratchet and the medical team, despite their hard work treating my mentor, had only managed to treat his external wounds and barely contain the spread of the 'Cosmic Rust' until very recently, when we finally started seeing some progress."

"I know many of you wish for my mentor's return, as do I."

"Please be assured, based on the treatment my teacher has received, we will be able to attempt the final awakening in the next few days!"

"If you still have some trust in me, I ask for your patience for just a few more days."

"I promise!"

The crowd of Autobots quickly dispersed. Optimus Prime, watching the crowd thin out, frowned slightly.

"Call Gold Beetle!"

He ordered one of the Cassettebots that had appeared on his shoulder at some unknown time.

"Roger that!"

The Cassettebots dashed off to find Gold Beetle. After Ratchet had swiftly checked on Skids and Mudflap, he approached Optimus Prime.


He looked at Optimus Prime with concern, "Isn't a few days too rushed?"

Optimus Prime knew Ratchet was referring to the promise of awakening Sentinel Prime in a few days. Although his deputy was well-intentioned, as the Autobot Leader, Optimus had to consider matters from a political standpoint.

Being able to delay the awakening of his mentor, Sentinel Prime, for over three months was already pushing the limits.

Both politically and emotionally.

"We have no more time. Whether Sentinel Prime awakens well or not, we have to face this."

The 'we' was heavy, laden with the burden of leadership and the shadow of the previous regime that Optimus had been maneuvering under for far too long.

Ratchet, wise in his own right, did not continue the topic. He instead nodded solemnly, accepting Optimus Prime's decision.

That evening, the bright stars of Cybertron lit the sky of New Iron Fortress City, illuminating the thoughts and concerns of its citizens as they navigated the delicate dance between past loyalties and future uncertainties.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 798: Sentinel Prime Awakens (Part 2) 


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