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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Within the temporary Satellite data reception station on Terindad Island, Sun Cheng and a group of Decepticons were gathered in the analysis room. They were watching the continuous footage optimized frame by frame by the Decepticon Constructicons from the data sent back by four MoonSatellites.

"Did the Autobots really pull it off?" Swindle was taken aback. Both Defensor and Hercules were deeply involved in the recent battle, or rather, war that had unfolded on the far side of the Moon.

He couldn't believe that the Autobots had managed to rescue their former leader, the unconscious Sentinel Prime, from the spaceship that had crashed on the Moon, even in the face of a massive onslaught by Vehicons.

Sun Cheng furrowed his brow, refraining from immediately expressing his opinion. Instead, he turned to Forerunner.

"Forerunner, what are your thoughts and opinions on the war that took place on the Moon?"

"Yes, Master," Forerunner replied with caution and a hint of perplexity in his tone. "I find it very peculiar. Why did the Autobot former leader's spaceship happen to crash on the far side of the Moon? You mentioned, Master, that Starscream arrived in the Solar System hundreds of years before us and built the base on the Moon. He had the time to cultivate thousands of Vehicons over those centuries, so why couldn't he locate the dormant Sentinel Prime on the AutobotSpaceship that crashed less than a hundred kilometers from his own base? It doesn't add up."

"And why did the Decepticons suddenly stop pursuing the Autobots during their breakout? They held an overwhelming advantage and could have inflicted greater damage on the Autobots. It's as if they were deliberately trying to lead the Autobots to the crashed spaceship and Sentinel Prime!"

Forerunner paused, locking eyes with Sun Cheng and continued, "In summary, Master, the Decepticons' behavior during the battle on the far side of the Moon was highly unusual. It gives me the impression that they were putting on a show, as if they intentionally wanted the Autobots to find the crashed spaceship and Sentinel Prime."

Sun Cheng was somewhat satisfied with Forerunner's assessment. If he hadn't stumbled upon Megatron's memories earlier, which included some scenes of him cooperating with Sentinel Prime, he would have been as perplexed as Forerunner and the others. After all, ordinary Decepticons and Autobots could never have imagined that their leaders, who had been at war for millions of years, would secretly contact each other and engage in some unknown malevolent collaboration.

However, while Sun Cheng had a vague idea of what the Decepticons might be up to, he didn't rush to reveal it. There was still Swindle, who wasn't entirely loyal to him yet, and it was wise to be cautious.

"What we can be certain of for now is that the Decepticons are definitely up to something behind the scenes," Sun Cheng stated. "We should increase our vigilance in the near future. We don't know if the return of Sentinel Prime will change the Autobots' stance toward us. In any case, it won't hurt to be cautious."

During the Civil War era, Sentinel Prime's methods of dealing with the Decepticons weren't significantly different from how the Autobots dealt with them, and one could even describe him as "ruthless."

Sun Cheng had interacted with Optimus Prime for some time now, and he couldn't help but worry that the young Autobot leader might hand over leadership again to his mentor after Sentinel Prime's return. It was even possible that he would surrender the Leadership Module to Sentinel Prime as well.

If that were the case, the situation would be dire.

He had initially glimpsed incomplete memories from Megatron regarding Megatron's dealings with Sentinel Prime. Therefore, Sun Cheng only knew that the two leaders of opposing factions had reached some secret agreements.

As for what Sentinel Prime wanted to accomplish and what Megatron needed, he could only speculate and couldn't guarantee accuracy.

Given Sentinel Prime's original hostility toward the Decepticons, if he were to once again lead the Autobots, the understanding Sun Cheng had painstakingly reached with Optimus Prime would be completely obliterated.

Thunder, Swindle, and Hynix stood silently on the sidelines. They either partially understood or had no inclination to analyze the possible motives behind the recent conflict on the far side of the Moon.

Forerunner, on the other hand, listened and contemplated. Clearly, after some time of training, he was gradually maturing into a quasi-commander.

Sun Cheng observed the expressions of his subordinates without revealing any emotions.

Regarding everything that had recently occurred on the far side of the Moon, due to severely limited intelligence, not only was Forerunner struggling to analyze it, but even Sun Cheng, relying on his precognition, felt utterly perplexed.

"Regarding the war on the far side of the Moon, I can now make four tentative conclusions."

"First, Megatron and Sentinel Prime, the leaders of the opposing factions, indeed reached some sort of agreement during the Cybertron Civil War. Extending this line of thought, it's possible that the Autobot camp's sudden deterioration during the Second Civil War, with consecutive losses on the battlefield, may not solely be due to a disparity in power and technology but because their supreme commander betrayed the Autobots!"

"Second, Starscream may have also been involved in this agreement, or at the very least, he should be one of the informed parties. Chameleon's sudden visit to me was malicious in nature. If I were tempted to act against the Autobots, it's likely that the Autobots would move immediately once Sentinel Prime awakens and eliminate me!"

"Third, the Decepticons probably weren't sincerely cooperating with Sentinel Prime. In the later stages of the Moon's conflict, the Decepticons weren't even bothering to act; they practically laid out a path for the Autobots to reach Sentinel Prime's spaceship. Once Optimus Prime and the Autobots realize this afterward, they should also become suspicious!"

"Fourth, the Autobots are likely to have lost trust. At least until it's confirmed that Optimus Prime is still the leader of the Autobots, they won't accept invitations or actively approach us!"

In his mind, Sun Cheng quickly aligned all the gathered intelligence with the information he possessed and arrived at some conclusions.

With a light hum, he discreetly shifted the topic.

"Sentinel Prime's return will make Earth's situation even more complicated... To deal with these unknown crises, I'll have Atlas and the others concentrate resources and manufacture new mechanical bodies for Forerunner and Thunder within a month."

He looked at the suddenly changed expressions of Forerunner and Thunder, suppressing his pleasure. His gaze lingered briefly on each of his two subordinates before settling on Forerunner.

"Over on the Black Market side, I'll personally oversee things for a while. Forerunner, prepare to return to Base Two and get ready to receive your new mechanical body!"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 751: Ironhide 


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