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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Nubra Island, a forgotten lost island in the sea.

Sun Cheng stood atop a hill, observing a group of battle robots patrolling and driving away potential carnivorous or omnivorous dinosaurs lurking in the relatively dense jungle. Occasionally, the alloy sheen reflected the sunlight in the jungle, filling him with an unparalleled sense of tranquility.

"Humans are indeed creatures easily molded," Sun Cheng mused to himself.

In the world of Transformers Universe, he had assumed the identity of Decepticon Frenzy for almost two years. Due to the divergence in timelines between the two worlds, only one year had passed in the Real World. Clearly, his prolonged stay in Transformers Universe had left an indelible impact on him, influencing everything from his sense of aesthetics to his personality. This newfound fondness for the company of robots was a testament to the change within him.

Lin Meng, dressed in a relatively casual outfit, stood beside Sun Cheng. Her face still held an expression of astonishment, amazement, and disbelief as she peered through binoculars at two towering Brachiosauruses, a kilometer away. The astonishment in her eyes would make any man feel immensely gratified.

"Is this the island that was reported online as having discovered dinosaurs?" she inquired.

Earlier in the year, due to a bomb detonated by a dying Predator from the Hunter Civilization, the International Genetic Technology Corporation's plans to establish a dinosaur theme park on the island had suffered a devastating setback. The company incurred heavy losses, and its owner was ousted from power. Consequently, the island was left unmanaged.

Soon after, satellite imagery from various neighboring countries and world powers revealed the existence of dinosaurs on the island. The news spread briefly but was soon discredited as "fake news" and faded from public attention.

Sun Cheng was well aware of who was concealing the truth behind this. In fact, not only had the United States sent a scientific expedition to Nubra Island to investigate, but during the six months he had covertly taken control of the island, at least five different countries' exploration teams had secretly landed on the island.

The island still belonged to private ownership, and Sun Cheng had contemplated various means to acquire it from the International Genetic Technology Corporation. However, every attempt to negotiate was met with an unequivocal refusal.

Therefore, among all the exploration teams that had ventured to the island in the past, only the United States likely secured permission from the International Genetic Technology Corporation.

As Sun Cheng observed the expression on Lin Meng's face in his peripheral vision, he questioned whether his decision had been right or wrong.

He was too isolated.

Despite holding countless secrets, he could share them with no one. Whether in the Transformers Universe or the Real World, he possessed an array of advanced technologies and the incredible ability to traverse consciousness into another world. The mere thought of what might happen if these secrets were exposed filled Sun Cheng with dread.

Too many secrets he couldn't reveal and dared not expose weighed heavily on his heart. Over time, Sun Cheng became increasingly silent and suspicious, like a wealthy man with boundless riches always fearing someone would covet his fortune, or a shrewd politician who believed his political rivals were plotting against him.

In [Transformers Universe], Sun Cheng couldn't trust anyone, not even those who had consistently displayed unwavering loyalty to him.

In the Real World, his only confidant was Ye Qi.

Although Ye Qi was two years older than Sun Cheng, she was an ordinary woman who enjoyed staying in and relishing cultural hobbies and fine dining.

Behind the façade of a peaceful world lay an abundance of cruelty and malice. Sun Cheng was reluctant to expose her to those harsh realities. He had cherished her from a distance for many years and was determined to protect her.

This also meant that he was equally lonely in the Real World.

Humans are social animals, and Sun Cheng had contemplated changing, actively striving to change. Lin Meng was his first step in that direction.

Since deciding in the latter half of the previous year to establish Base Three on Nubra Island, half a year had already passed. After six months of construction, Nubra Island looked largely unchanged on the surface, but in reality, it had undergone significant transformations.

Within the island's canyons, a sub-base with a total area of hundreds of thousands of square meters had been constructed. Moreover, the drainage system originally excavated by the International Genetic Technology Corporation had been discovered and put into use by the robots under Safeguard's control.

Sun Cheng collected comprehensive data about Nubra Island and, utilizing the computational power of Teletraan's Central Main Control AI in [Transformers Universe], thoroughly planned the entire island.

Following Teletraan's design, Safeguard had established a series of underground complexes on the island to house construction robots and some manufacturing equipment. Many of these complexes had been expanded and constructed using the island's partially built drainage system.

Nubra Island's drainage system was only utilized during storms, rendering it mostly dormant. Additionally, the engineering robots designed and built by Decepticons were more resilient against water erosion than one might expect.

As of now, no external faction had detected the changes on the small island, except for a few Australian explorers who had inadvertently stumbled upon the island's secrets.

Under the protection of a group of battle robots, Lin Meng spent an entire afternoon circling the island, accompanied by Sun Cheng. When they returned to the futuristic sub-base located in the canyon, Sun Cheng led her to a luxurious room specially prepared for his stay on the island.

Lin Meng took a seat on the leather sofa. The island's cuisine wasn't remarkable, as it consisted of various canned convenience foods that Sun Cheng had sealed in vacuum storage.

Nonetheless, the occasional change in diet brought a unique flavor to the experience. She ran her fingers through her hair and watched as the cleaning robots entered, clearing away the utensils and empty cans. Lin Meng smiled and asked, "Boss, I assume you didn't bring me here just to show me the legendary dinosaurs, did you?"

"I like dealing with intelligent people, Miss Lin," Sun Cheng replied calmly, his admiration for her evident.

"Cybertron Technology went from being a startup to becoming the largest storage device manufacturer in Xia Country in just one year. They now own 17 subsidiaries, 7 factories, employ 17,400 workers, and have assets valued at over 27 billion Xia Yuan, with monthly growth rates exceeding 20 percent. What's more, this remarkable feat was achieved by a recent college graduate. Many speculate that there are hidden secrets behind this success."

"When I extended the invitation to you before, I only provided you with a brief introduction. Today, I intend to take you behind the scenes and reveal the real secrets."

He was already prepared to return to [Transformers Universe], but before that, Sun Cheng needed to rectify several vulnerabilities he had left behind in the Real World when he had acted in haste.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 730: Island 


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