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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Two months had passed, and Sun Cheng had once again adapted to the slow pace of the Real World.

It was during working hours, and the operations of his business in the Real World, Cybertron Technology Group, had steadily fallen into a well-established routine. There was less and less work that required his personal attention.

Sun Cheng was not a boss who enjoyed indulging in formalities. Apart from necessary meetings, he rarely bothered the mid and high-level management of the Corporation.

With a firm grip on the Corporation's finances, personnel appointments, and research, he rarely concerned himself with other matters. He left all of that to the well-paid professional managers he had hired, allowing them to operate freely.

This approach had yielded obvious results, liberating Sun Cheng from the burdensome task of Group management.

Most of his time could now be spent in one of the three laboratories under the Group's umbrella or in his own office.

On this particular day, Sun Cheng was in his office, browsing the task assignments and completion data in the backend of Magic House using his Mini Decepticon, Xiao Wu.

His assistant, Lin Meng, was also in his office, and there were no sinister intentions as some might have suspected.

Over the past few months, this intelligent woman had successfully captured Sun Cheng's attention with her capabilities and performance. Even before his return to Transformers Universe, he had entertained the idea of developing Lin Meng as his trusted confidant in the Real World to share his workload.

Upon his return, Sun Cheng took half a month to conduct a thorough investigation and assessment of her before finally extending the invitation himself.

Pouring a cup of tea for Sun Cheng and placing it on his desk, Lin Meng glanced at the contents on his phone and spoke with a faint smile, "Boss, the tasks posted by Magic House have been generating quite a bit of activity in the two chat rooms recently."

Sun Cheng nodded. After conducting his own assessment, he had decided to groom Lin Meng as his true confidant. Despite his somewhat suspicious nature, he had chosen to place his trust in her.

In his personal life, every month, he provided Lin Meng with an additional substantial allowance from his private account, which exceeded her current salary as the Chairman's assistant by threefold.

In terms of authority, Lin Meng's position within the Corporation remained unchanged, but Sun Cheng had assigned her the role of managing Magic House chat software, which involved direct oversight of procurement related to billions of Xia Yuan worth of resources.

And this woman had not disappointed him.

Sun Cheng was uncertain about the methods she used, but ever since Lin Meng became the second Administrator of the Magic House chat rooms, membership had started to grow rapidly.

As of today, the chat room with the highest number of members, Xia Country Technology Exchange Room 1, had surpassed seven hundred members, while Southeast Asia Chinese Exchange Room 3 had reached over four hundred.

What astonished Sun Cheng even more was the once dwindling North American Chinese Exchange Room 17, which now had more than three hundred members.

Although Sun Cheng had Revenge constantly monitoring all the data during Lin Meng's management period, due to the offline invitation permissions being granted to her, he remained in the dark about her invitation methods outside of Magic House.

"When the money is in place, everything becomes much simpler. Our tasks have left them with ample profit margins. In this age of deglobalization, aside from the arms, medical, and a few high-tech sectors, only crime can offer such high profits, around thirty percent!"

Sun Cheng responded calmly, well aware of the reasons behind the enthusiasm of the members in the chat room.

In just two short months, the initial batch of resources he had wanted to purchase had already been acquired, with a total value of 1.172 billion Xia Yuan, including over a hundred types of raw materials, semi-finished products, and components.

Currently, through the Magic House chat room, Sun Cheng was in the process of procuring the second batch of resources, which was both larger in scale and costlier than the first.

However, Sun Cheng wasn't exactly a seasoned merchant, and he had the ultimate safeguard behind him. Otherwise, another merchant might have bargained ruthlessly for a mere one percent profit.

"Our time is too limited. Exchanging money for time is worth it!"

As he smelled the unfamiliar scent on the table, Sun Cheng furrowed his brow slightly. He glanced at the tea on his desk, which had a distinct fruity fragrance. This was quite different from the bitter green tea he had become accustomed to recently.

Noticing his reaction, Lin Meng spoke softly, "It's heated lemon tea, Boss. You're not afraid of the cold but always insist on keeping the office warm, which can lead to overheating in this weather."

Sun Cheng instinctively glanced at his wristwatch, then quickly realized. He nodded slightly and said, "Thank you."

After expressing his gratitude, he picked up the tea cup that exuded a rich fruity aroma and took a sip.

It was fortunately slightly sweet.

Ye Qi had a strong preference for sweet and spicy flavors. She had been responsible for Sun Cheng's meals since his childhood, and in the six months they had been living together, she had naturally influenced his tastes.

"The taste is good, not hard to drink."

"I added some honey because, Boss, you don't like sour things!"

Indeed, Sun Cheng did not like sour flavors, especially when it came to sour fruits; he almost avoided them entirely. He hadn't expected Lin Meng to take all his preferences into account. In this cup of lemon hot tea, the inherent sourness of the lemon was neutralized by the honey, making it much more palatable.

Knowing that he preferred a quiet environment, the tactful young assistant did not linger in Sun Cheng's office. After serving him tea and tidying up his office a bit, she soon departed.

As soon as she left, Sun Cheng leaned back in his office chair, his face taking on a more serious expression.

Over the past two months, he had experienced a mundane yet fulfilling period. Apart from the traditional Xia Country Spring Festival, Sun Cheng and Ye Qi had made a brief visit to his Subei Hometown, spending a week with his adoptive uncle and aunt during the holiday. He had also purchased a standalone villa in the local area for them, as they were unwilling to visit South Capital.

For the rest of the time, he had been engaged in procuring resources for the Mars base in Transformers Universe in preparation for his return journey.

Midway, Sun Cheng had quietly visited Nubra Island, where, under the direct management of Safeguard, Base Three was progressing rapidly and was soon to catch up with the Decepticon subbase on Terindad Island, which had not been transformed into the Black Market.

"A two-month short break, calculating it, it's almost time to end!"

In these two months of waiting in the Real World for the procurement of resources, Sun Cheng's brief respite had begun to make him somewhat impatient. He had become accustomed to the danger and excitement of the world in Transformers Universe, and now he was eager to leave once again.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 729: Completion 


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