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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Sun Cheng was satisfied; Mora's gains were far greater than he had initially feared.

"You should go to Bo Nation first, and we will notify you to return once the new mechanical body has been manufactured for you. Make sure to prepare in advance and arrange everything as needed."

"Yes, Master!"

Mora quickly left, and Sun Cheng sent the brash individuals from Accel away as well.

Soon, the spacious meeting room was left with only Sun Cheng, Atlas, two Decepticons, and a robot that remained unresponsive on the side – the central control AI of the base, an avatar of Teletraan.

After everyone else had left the meeting room, Atlas, who faced Sun Cheng alone, appeared visibly uneasy.

He could sense that the sudden upgrade in the promotion system and the reward system were related to the multiple enhancements they had obtained through exploiting vulnerabilities in the recent past.

"Master..." Atlas smiled nervously.

Cunning was inherent to Decepticons, and in order to survive, even someone as proud as Starscream didn't mind bowing respectfully to Megatron when he was at the pinnacle of power.

So, in this world, Sun Cheng never easily trusted anyone.

Even his Decepticons, who were under his command, were not entirely trustworthy.

Sun Cheng replied calmly, having once glimpsed some of Megatron's memories, understanding that the experiences of that overlord had a profound impact on him and taught him many things.

Small punishments were useful for dealing with humans, but for Decepticons, patience was required.

Sun Cheng had painstakingly trained a few usable subordinates and wouldn't allow them to harbor resentment over minor resource allocation issues.

"But this time, consider it an exception. It won't happen again."

Sun Cheng knew that Atlas understood what he was saying, and as expected, Atlas's mechanical body trembled slightly before he softly replied, "Yes, Master."

"Introduce the new mechanical bodies for Forerunner and Thunder."

"Yes, concerning the new mechanical bodies for Forerunner and Lord Thunder, because they are based on your own mechanical body with some modifications, the redesign wasn't too difficult... Following Forerunner's previous enhancement path, his mechanical body will undergo electromagnetic resistance enhancement, speed optimization, and search optimization... While Lord Thunder's mechanical body will undergo electromagnetic resistance enhancement and dual reinforcement of power and firepower..."

As Forerunner made his presentation, he conjured a brilliant blue light sphere in his palm, which contained data that could be shared.

Sun Cheng gazed at it for a moment, and two sets of brand-new mechanical body design schematics immediately appeared in his mind.

Having spent nearly two years in this world and utilizing the immense computational power of his Decepticon mechanical body, he had absorbed a vast amount of Earth technology and Cybertronian knowledge.

Now, Sun Cheng could be considered a first-rate scholar and researcher, even surpassing some of his Decepticon engineers.

Using his powerful computational abilities, he quickly analyzed the data on the new mechanical bodies prepared for Forerunner and Thunder by his subordinates.

"Not bad!"

He nodded in satisfaction. Overall, the strength of Forerunner and Thunder's new mechanical bodies was only slightly inferior to Sun Cheng's current mechanical body, intentionally left this way to prevent any potential rebellions from his two subordinates.

When it came to human nature, Sun Cheng never hesitated to use the most sinister measure.

Of course, he had also left enough room for future upgrades for Forerunner and Thunder.

Once the new mechanical bodies for these two Decepticons were completed, their strength would immediately elevate them to the ranks of Elite Warriors, a tier just below Sun Cheng himself, but more than sufficient to handle the majority of opponents.

Seeing Sun Cheng's satisfaction, Atlas continued, "If you find no issues with the designs, we can complete the manufacturing of the new mechanical bodies for the two lords in no more than two months."

"Alright, let's proceed as quickly as possible."

"Yes, concerning the enhancement for Lord Hynix, it will be much simpler than for Lord Forerunner and Lord Thunder. As per your instructions, Master, we will replace Lord Hynix's skeletal structure and surface armor, provide a new Core, and design new missiles specifically for him..."

Atlas calculated for a moment. "The entire process will take approximately twenty-three days."

Redesigning a completely new mechanical body for a massive Decepticon like Hynix was no less challenging than creating a new one for Sun Cheng. However, Hynix didn't need an urgent replacement of his mechanical body since he still had ample room for enhancement.

After all, he was originally a unique Decepticon created by Sun Cheng on a whim, using a fragment of the All Spark to transform a warship.

Hynix's skeletal structure and armor were constructed using ship-grade steel and other alloys sourced from Earth, boasting superior corrosion resistance and strength compared to warships built by humans. However, when compared to the mechanical bodies of Decepticons and Autobots, they still fell short by a considerable margin.

Therefore, even if Base Two only improved Hynix's skeletal structure and armor, along with upgrading to a more powerful Core, it would immediately elevate his strength to the elite ranks of Advanced Warriors.

However, this was not the sole reason Sun Cheng was invested in Hynix. This colossal Decepticon, unexpectedly created by him, might have a noticeable gap compared to Devastator of the Autobots and Decepticons, but it was born for warfare.

Hynix's greatest deterrence lay in his ability to inflict devastating damage equivalent to a small battalion with his sheer might when war erupted.

This was why Sun Cheng was willing to invest copious resources in him. Indeed, a single enhancement for this giant would consume enough resources to promote all of his engineers at once.

After instructing Atlas to expedite the enhancement for Hynix, Sun Cheng dismissed the recently reprimanded engineer.

Within the meeting room, only Sun Cheng remained, accompanied by the ever-present Teletraan.

"I am going to place another super AI that was just removed from the Spaceship in Lab C-17. Are you coming?"

Sun Cheng asked the robot avatar controlled by the Teletraan, and the robot nodded. "Teletraan is eager to interact with it."

"Alright, let's go."

A few minutes later, they arrived in a spacious laboratory. It was slightly smaller than the previous meeting room but still covered an area of about a thousand square meters, making it a suitable place for housing Explorer 203.

Without Sun Cheng's command, the Teletraan had already prepared a group of robots for this companion.

After retrieving the main body of Explorer 203 from the Spherical Space, the Teletraan controlled the robots to conduct a thorough inspection and maintenance.

It took more than two hours before the Teletraan withdrew all the robots and personally approached to connect Explorer 203's main body to the base's power supply system.

"Master, we can awaken it now!" The Teletraan's voice seemed eager.

Sun Cheng was not surprised. During his time at Base Two, he had spent most of his time alone in the laboratory, and his longest companion had been the base's central control AI, the Teletraan.

He was accustomed to its high intelligence and rich emotions.

Nodding, he flicked his hand, and a metal sphere was extracted from the Spherical Space. Placing it in a circular slot on Explorer 203's main body, accompanied by a tri-colored light – blue, white, and red – the Central Main Control AI from the New World Explorer Spaceship was awakened once again.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 693: Solus Prime (Part 1) 


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