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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


"Mr. Chief Engineer, hello. I'm extremely grateful for your efforts in maintaining me. I feel much better now compared to the last awakening. And also, Teletraan, my friend, it's a pleasure to meet you!"

To Sun Cheng's surprise, Explorer 203, immediately after awakening, greeted them with a somewhat cheerful tone.

"Hello, Explorer 203. I'm also delighted to meet a fellow companion here."

Both artificial intelligences seemed genuinely interested in each other, quickly engaging in conversation.

Sun Cheng, not finding it boring at all, stood by with keen interest, listening to their discussion.

However, the AIs' conversation was rather dry, focusing on topics like designers, awakenings, and computational power.

Fortunately, the two AIs didn't chat as extensively as the human mechs did. After exchanging some data and understanding each other's information, they terminated their conversation.

It was only then that Sun Cheng spoke, "Explorer 203, in the time before the new Spaceship is constructed, you can stay here for now."

After all, Explorer 203 was the Central Main Control AI of a Cybertron Spaceship, containing a wealth of information that piqued his interest. Not making use of it would be a waste.

Furthermore, he wasn't entirely dishonest. Building a Spaceship might not have been a significant task during Cybertron civilization's peak. Still, Base Two currently didn't possess the scale of the Council of Primes era of Cybertron civilization. Even if an Explorer-class Spaceship was just a medium-sized Spaceship capable of carrying hundreds of thousands of tons, it would likely take one or two years to construct, given the majority of resources were allocated to it.

Explorer 203 had just exchanged data with Teletraan, another AI, and had a general understanding of Base Two's situation. Therefore, it didn't show any disappointment and responded very humanely, "Certainly, if there's anything I can assist with, please don't hesitate to ask!"

Sun Cheng didn't beat around the bush either. "Explorer 203, can you copy all the data you have stored and transmit it to Teletraan?"

"No problem, but I have a substantial Voyage Log stored, so the transmission might take some time. Are you sure you want to start it now?"

"Go ahead!"

Without hesitation, Sun Cheng made his decision. He had returned to Base Two on short notice because, after half a year of searching, they had finally located the New World Explorer Spaceship, which had crashed nearby long before the Golden Age. This Spaceship had the potential to propel Base Two into the spacefaring civilization, making it worthwhile for him to wait a few more days here.

Furthermore, arrangements on Terindad Island had only just begun. The Human factions that the Black Market planned to invite were likely still deliberating whether or not to approach them.

Staying here briefly for a few days shouldn't be an issue. The last time Sun Cheng returned hastily, there were many things he hadn't had the chance to deal with.

To avoid interfering with Explorer 203 and Teletraan, he left the laboratory after data transmission had commenced and returned to his private laboratory not far away.

Entering the laboratory with a password, Sun Cheng immediately saw, at the center of the spacious laboratory, a massive experiment table where the Heavenly Pride Hammer was absorbing energy.

Unlike Lord Fallen's weapon, the Requiem Blaster, which he had obtained from the Stellar Extraction Tower, the Heavenly Pride Hammer possessed a high level of intelligence, making it impossible for Sun Cheng to store it in the Spherical Space.

He had left this ancient weapon here the last time he returned to Base Two. During his absence, Teletraan had been responsible for its maintenance and monitoring.

The self-awareness of the Heavenly Pride Hammer had once told him that Solus Prime had imposed certain restrictions on it before her death. Only the Thirteen Primes could unleash the full potential of this weapon. In the hands of ordinary people, it was just a hammer with slightly greater destructive power.

At the time, Sun Cheng hadn't believed what the Heavenly Pride Hammer had said. He had attempted to forcibly analyze and master the weapon using the unique abilities of the Cybertronians.

Unfortunately, it encountered a special force within the hammer, an obstruction that rendered him completely incapable of breaking through.

At the time, Sun Cheng had indeed suspected that the limitations mentioned by the Heavenly Pride Hammer were restrictions left by Primus and Solus Prime before their deaths. However, during this period, the more he recalled, the more inconsistencies he found.

The claim that only the Primes could use Heavenly Pride Hammer raised suspicion, and its exceptionally high intelligence was somewhat unnerving.

Compared to it, the Requiem Blaster, although possessing self-awareness, could only express simple thought logic and emotions. It was nowhere near as intelligent as the Heavenly Pride Hammer, almost akin to a clever mechanical lifeform.

"What secrets are you hiding, I wonder..."

As the password-locked door behind him closed, Sun Cheng stepped forward to the experiment table where the Heavenly Pride Hammer was placed. He quietly observed it, as dozens of soft hoses continuously delivered high-purity energy fluid to the hammer. He murmured softly, his lips moving.

After a moment, he suddenly addressed the Heavenly Pride Hammer, "Heavenly Pride Hammer, I need your assistance!"

The hammer hummed lightly, and that familiar, cold, female mechanical voice spoke, "I'm sorry, Mr. Frenzy, but I'm afraid I cannot provide assistance."

Sun Cheng furrowed his brows as he looked at the Heavenly Pride Hammer on the experiment table. He asked, "Who are you really? Lord Fallen's weapon, the Requiem Blaster, is in my possession. I've been attempting to communicate with it all this time, even though it still resists me. But it certainly doesn't possess the level of intelligence you do!"

"Mr. Frenzy, I'm not sure what you're talking about," the same cold, female mechanical voice replied, now tinged with a hint of confusion.

"You once told me that you could sense the weapons forged by Solus Prime and Primus using you, and there seemed to be something blocking your connection with the one closest to me. But why haven't you mentioned it again since?" Sun Cheng inquired.

"Because indeed, something is blocking my connection with the weapons forged by that particular owner..."

Listening to this dialogue, which had shown no suspicious signs thus far, Sun Cheng's doubts grew even stronger.

He silently gazed at the Heavenly Pride Hammer, which explained itself with logical clarity and high intelligence. Suddenly, he couldn't help but chuckle.

"I'm such a fool!"

Sun Cheng mused, "I should have realized something was amiss when you displayed such high intelligence. Yet, it took me this long to figure it out!"

"Mr. Frenzy, I'm not sure what you're talking about," the Heavenly Pride Hammer continued to reply calmly, its tone filled with puzzlement.

Sun Cheng fell silent for a while, then suddenly asked, "Solus Prime and Primus, I'm curious about you, the legend that should have long perished. Why do you still possess self-awareness? Are all the Thirteen Primes playing this feigned death game like you?"

Without waiting for the Heavenly Pride Hammer's response, Sun Cheng pointed to a spot on his chest armor, where a massive claw mark remained.

The claw mark went three inches deep and precisely targeted the location of his Spark.

"This claw mark was left by a ghostly entity, much like a Ghost, at the graves of the six Primus figures on Earth, more than a month ago, when I was searching for the Leadership Module!"

Sun Cheng had intentionally left this claw mark as a reminder to himself, afraid that he might forget how close he had come to death at that moment.

This time, the Heavenly Pride Hammer finally fell silent. After a long pause, it calmly asked, "Where have you hidden the Requiem Blaster?"

Sun Cheng was pleasantly surprised, never expecting that he would be correct in his gamble.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 694: Solus Prime (Part II) 


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