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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


The Hammer of Heavenly Pride did not deceive Sun Cheng. From its arm, countless liquid metal joints emerged.

These joints encased the Hammer of Heavenly Pride, and the hammer did not resist Sun Cheng's probing.

Soon, a torrent of information surged from the hammer into Sun Cheng's mind.

He frowned slightly, looking down at the hammer in silence, quietly digesting the information it had transmitted.

The Hammer of Heavenly Pride truly hadn't lied to Sun Cheng. At present, apart from Primus, no one else could wield this weapon. Perhaps this is why the ‘Beast General’, whose lifespan was nearing its end, had hidden it in magma.

The Beast General also couldn't wield the Hammer of Heavenly Pride, so what was the point of taking it?

The hammer had just transmitted a wealth of information to Sun Cheng, ensuring he was not left without insights.

With the gradual digestion of this information, he finally understood why the Hammer of Heavenly Pride was on Earth.

During the first cybertron civil war, with their immense military strength, the Skytiger Legion, under the command of Megatron, briefly captured the Autobots' headquarters—Iron Fortress.

It was in this battle that the Decepticon soldiers broke into the central region and began amassing forces in preparation to use Onslaught to worship the sacred hall of the cybertron Thirteen Primes.

The actions of the Decepticons eventually enraged the Titan Master, who always stayed within Ironhide's Archive and never took part in the conflicts between the Autobots and Decepticons.

The Titan Master personally went to defend the sacred hall. With the Autobot defenders outside the hall annihilated and the Decepticons charging, he sent several weapons belonging to the Thirteen Primes stored inside the hall to Outer Space, along with the lethal weapons of the Decepticons.

However, the Titan Master had underestimated the cunning of the Decepticons. Despite promptly returning to Ironhide's Archive, Megatron and Shockwave, who personally commanded the battle, managed to extract a lot of classified information from the Iron Fortress archives, even if the Titan Master had encrypted it.

Leaving that aside, after the Hammer of Heavenly Pride was launched into Outer Space, it followed a trajectory designed by the Titan Master, traveling several light years before finally landing on Earth.

Sun Cheng wasn't concerned about where the hammer had landed upon its arrival on Earth. After processing its information, his furrowed brow relaxed once more.

From the information he had just processed, Sun Cheng was surprised to find that the Hammer of Heavenly Pride wasn't the only relic of Primus sent to Outer Space and then to Earth by the Titan Master. He saw at least four different relics of Primus.

Holding the Hammer of Heavenly Pride, he contemplated for a moment before speaking, “Hammer of Heavenly Pride, the situation on Earth is currently chaotic. Although I am from the Decepticons, I do not advocate violence and war... I can provide you with energy for recovery and offer you protection, ensuring no evil forces find you..."

"But I need sufficient strength to protect all that I cherish, including my companions and people..."

"As a trade, I hope you can help me locate the other relics of Primus that were launched to Earth alongside you... I need them to confront the evil Lord Fallen!"

The sacred hall in the Iron Fortress appeared in Skyfire's memories as well. Constructed even before the Council of Primes era, it was a place built to honor the legendary relics of the cybertron Primus.

However, because it was built so long ago, and the builders were long lost to history, for a long period extending through the Council of Primes era and before the early stages of the first civil war, the sacred hall was simply considered a structure built by predecessors to commemorate the Thirteen Primes.

Thus, the Hammer of Heavenly Pride and other relics of Primus had always been placed within the temple, free from covetous eyes.

Sun Cheng now largely agreed with Skyfire's speculation. The Titan Master, who had long secluded himself in Ironhide's Archive, was likely one of the Thirteen Primes—possibly the Sky Creator.

For why this Primus chose to launch the relics of the Primus from the Sanctuary of the Sages to Earth, Sun Cheng remained baffled.

However, this didn't hinder Sun Cheng's quest to find other relics of the Primus, even if, like the Hammer of Heavenly Pride, they might be restricted to use by the Primus alone.

Weapons like the Requiem Blaster and the Hammer of Heavenly Pride consumed vast amounts of energy.

In the blink of an eye, nearly two years had passed since Sun Cheng could freely enter the ​transformers world​. Engaging with the cybertron civilization throughout, he now considered himself a scholar.

And he had always been dealing with politicians and schemers. Even when speaking, his words were now a blend of truth and deception, and he managed to do so without giving anything away.

This was the reason he felt confident in winning over the Hammer of Heavenly Pride. After all, it was merely a weapon. Could its wisdom surpass the intelligence of his supercomputer, Teletraan?

The Hammer of Heavenly Pride didn't remain silent for long this time. After what seemed like a moment of contemplation, it responded to Sun Cheng with a resonant hum.

"I can assist! But I can only vaguely sense the weapons forged by my master. The further they are, the more indistinct this sense becomes."

"That's sufficient!"

Sun Cheng replied with a smile. Just because he couldn't wield the relics of the Primus now didn't mean he'd never be able to.

With the Requiem Blaster and the Hammer of Heavenly Pride in hand, if he could secure another one or two relics and eventually decipher the control methods left by the Primus, possessing any one of them would drastically enhance his power.

Given the high level of consciousness the Hammer of Heavenly Pride demonstrated, Sun Cheng didn't plan to store it in the Spherical Space.

Having acquired what he sought, he also felt no inclination to linger in this subterranean volcanic chamber.

After some thought, he asked the Hammer of Heavenly Pride, "Can you tell me where the closest relic you can sense is located?"

The Hammer of Heavenly Pride hummed and vibrated. Sun Cheng could feel a peculiar electromagnetic wave emanating from it, pulsing outward.

After resonating for a few moments, it finally ceased.

"The closest weapon is very far from here. My connection with it is vague, as if something obstructs our link," it explained.

Dragging Sun Cheng, the hammer pointed in a direction. "All I can be certain of is that it's in that direction!"

Glancing where it indicated, Sun Cheng nodded. At the moment, he wasn't sure where that pointed direction would lead.

However, now that he had secured the weapon, there would be plenty of time to search.

With that thought, he hesitated no longer. He soared to the top of this underground volcanic chamber, lifted the hammer, and slammed it into the solid volcanic rock ceiling.

The Hammer of Heavenly Pride, living up to its artifact name, was formidable. Even if its powers were currently dormant and it was used simply as a conventional weapon, it was invincible.

In just a few moments, he carved out a passage, rushing towards the outside.


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Next Chapter >>Chapter 650: Swindle Compromises  


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