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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Though the Heavenly Pride Hammer was restricted by Solus Prime for Primus's exclusive use, it was, after all, a formidable weapon of Primus.

Even if just based on the material of the weapon itself, it could shatter anything it met.

The rocks at the top of the underground volcanic chamber were formed by cooled lava. Though they were hard, they crumbled like tofu in front of the Heavenly Pride Hammer.

Swinging the Heavenly Pride Hammer, Sun Cheng took just over twenty minutes to forcefully carve out a pathway, emerging from the base of a mountain.

"It's Terindad Island again... This is Danova Peak... So that's where I am..."

As he emerged from the volcanic chamber beneath Terindad Island with the Heavenly Pride Hammer, Sun Cheng found himself at the foot of a familiar small peak.

Over the past half a month, he had roamed Terindad Island a few times, familiarizing himself with its topography and peaks.

Now back on the surface, Sun Cheng recognized the mountain in front of him as Danova Peak, the highest point on Terindad Island at over 620 meters.

It was said that the peak was named after João Osar Danova, the Portuguese explorer who first discovered the island. The engineers had chosen to build their base on the second highest peak, Terindad Peak, instead of Danova because the latter was too close to the encampment of the Brazilian navy on the island.

In contrast, Terindad Peak, located in the northwest of the island, was further from the stationed troops and had a more complex terrain.

Given that the Heavenly Pride Hammer had a high degree of self-awareness, Sun Cheng didn't store it in the Spherical Space.

With this newly found weapon in hand, he quickly returned to the base on the island.

"Master, is this hammer the artifact you were seeking?"

Forerunner and the others greeted him with curiosity, their eyes fixed on the massive hammer-like weapon Sun Cheng carried.

"That's the one!"

Sun Cheng weighed the hammer in his hands, "The Heavenly Pride Hammer, the legendary weapon of Solus Prime Primus! During the first civil war, it was launched from the Holy Temple into Outer Space and somehow ended up on Earth!"

When dealing with creatures like Decepticon, there was no need for deceit or trickery. Might and force were far more intimidating.

This was a lesson Starscream had personally taught Sun Cheng.

Thus, even with Swindle alongside Forerunner and the others, Sun Cheng didn’t feel the need to hide anything.

Swindle had never heard of the Heavenly Pride Hammer. After all, even during the Council of Primes era on Cybertron Planet, some believed in the Thirteen Primes while others doubted their existence.

But he certainly understood the significance of a weapon belonging to a Primus.

Greed appeared in his eyes, the red light in them flashing, hinting at some nefarious idea.

Catching a glimpse of Swindle, Sun Cheng's expression quickly shifted to impatience.

"You disappoint me, Swindle!"

His voice turned icy, "I gave you over half a month to reflect. What I got in return was deceit. Very well..."

Sun Cheng admitted he might have underestimated Swindle. He initially thought that having been duped by Starscream and tortured by Megatron for so long, Swindle would have become exceedingly cautious, unwilling to act without clear benefits.

However, during the two days he spent in the underground volcanic chamber, Sun Cheng had plenty of time to reevaluate all of Swindle's actions since the latter had revealed his identity to him.

Suddenly, Sun Cheng realized he might have been fooled.

Perhaps Swindle did know someone named Lockdown, but it seemed he never genuinely considered contacting him from the start.

Swindle probably just wanted to keep benefiting from Sun Cheng and would prefer to do so without giving anything in return.

The more Sun Cheng pondered, the more suspicious he grew.

"You can leave," he told Swindle. "I won't harm you, but you're no longer welcome here..."

Being strung along by this guy for more than half a month, anyone would be in a foul mood upon realizing they might have been deceived.

Sun Cheng was especially irate. However, his decision to expel Swindle was a pure attempt to force him to make a choice.

Swindle's current situation was hardly better than Sun Cheng's. Having betrayed Starscream and sought refuge from Megatron, if even Sun Cheng would not harbor him, Swindle's only option would be to leave Earth and join the wanderers with Skytiger Legion.

As expected, Swindle was taken aback when Sun Cheng suddenly turned against him, issuing an immediate expulsion order.

Seeing the genuine look on Sun Cheng's face and the indications from Forerunner and Thunder, panic set in for Swindle.

"Frenzy Lord... No, Master Frenzy..."

From his tone, it was clear Swindle was truly panicked, so much so that he even changed the way he addressed Sun Cheng.

Sun Cheng merely looked at him with an icy stare, showing no signs of relenting.

Having been with Sun Cheng for some time, Forerunner seemed to understand something. Abruptly, he grabbed Swindle by the arm and impatiently said, "Go, you're no longer welcome here. Didn't you hear the Master's words?"

Lately, Thunder was becoming more ruthless, showing tendencies of reverting to a cold-blooded Decepticon warrior.

If Forerunner seemed to grasp Sun Cheng's intention, playing along with his act, Thunder was all about direct action.

He drew out his Plasma Cannon, aiming it squarely at Swindle's head.

"Leave now. This is your last warning!"

The chilling cannon was aimed right at Swindle's head, causing the deceitful being's mechanical body to tremble.

At that moment, any lingering doubt vanished from his mind.

Swindle finally realized that Sun Cheng had completely run out of patience and was determined to expel him. The mere thought of being hunted down by Starscream and the Skytiger Legion upon leaving Sun Cheng's protection made his Spark, the essence of his life, slow down.

After Starscream's second failed rebellion against Megatron, he seemed to have given up any plans for another uprising. But those Decepticons who knew him well were aware that he had just become more cautious and cunning.

Starscream was waiting for the right opportunity to overthrow Megatron's leadership of the Skytiger Legion completely.

Until that chance arose, he would appear even more loyal to Megatron than anyone else.

For someone like Swindle, who had once resisted Megatron and had been brainwashed to become a Vehicon and fight forever for the Skytiger Legion, Starscream would relish capturing him to present once again to Megatron, erasing all memories of their past alliance.

That existence of having only fabricated memories, dying in battle, being rebuilt with another frail mechanical body, only to perish in another skirmish was a fate Swindle dreaded to recall, feeling as if plunged into an icy abyss.

Seeing Forerunner and Thunder ready to forcibly eject him from the base, Swindle, faced with the choice of losing his protection or playing his final card, made a decision.

"Master Frenzy... No, Master... I will summon Lockdown to Earth right now... Master, Lord Frenzy... Please grant me one last chance..."

With his back turned, Sun Cheng's tense face finally broke into a faint smile.

Victory was his!

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 651: Above the Moon  


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