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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


"The hammer... something even the Primuses covet in their dreams... Could it be that?"

Floating above the molten lava of an underground volcanic chamber, Sun Cheng excitedly gazed at the center of the magma. Atop an island reef there lay two massive weapons. A legendary artifact from Cybertron folklore, the Hammer of Heavenly Pride, flashed through his mind.

The Hammer of Heavenly Pride, as its name suggests, is the weapon from the tales of Cybertron, belonging to one of the thirteen Primuses, Solus Prime.

Solus Prime is one of the Thirteen Primes, and among them, she is the one most skilled in forging weapons and armor.

Ever since Sun Cheng learned that one of the Cybertron Thirteen Primes, Lord Fallen, was in slumber on the moon, he started gathering intelligence about them.

Frenzy's memories held limited information about the Thirteen Primes, given that he was born later, during the mid to late period of the first Cybertron civil war.

However, over the past year or so, Sun Cheng has accessed the memories of several Autobots and Decepticons. Among them, the memory of Decepticon elder, Skyfire, proved most enlightening.

Skyfire, born during the Council of Primes era, was a scholar and a renowned scientist, holding a teacher-student bond with Shockwave.

Due to his unique time and origins, Skyfire's memory core contained vast Cybertronian scientific knowledge and long-lost histories of the Council of Primes era, and even earlier periods when the Five-Faced Monsters ruled, including myths.

In Skyfire's memories, four of the thirteen Primuses were least known to him: The First Seer, The Sky Creator, Solus Prime, and Emperor Liege Maximo.

The First Seer had the most legends on Cybertron Planet, but paradoxically, had the least concrete records. Most Cybertronians only knew he was the earliest born among the Thirteen Primes. Much of what was passed down was mythological, though perhaps the royal Primus lineage knew more.

The Sky Creator was enigmatic, rumored to be the first leader of the Autobots before vanishing. Skyfire always suspected he might be the Titan Master residing in Autobot capital's Ironhide's Archive, but he never confirmed this before leaving Cybertron Planet. After the Decepticons won the war against the Autobots and took over Iron Fortress, Titan Master's whereabouts became unknown.

Emperor Liege Maximo was similarly mysterious, once the sage among the Thirteen Primes. Legend has it that the Primuses were able to fend off a formidable ancient evil, largely thanks to Liege Maximo's wisdom. However, for unknown reasons, he later fell from grace, causing chaos among the remaining Primuses, leading to great casualties. It's said that seven Primuses pursued the fallen Liege Maximo, leaving Cybertron, and all subsequently vanished, their fates unknown.

As for Solus Prime, Skyfire had scant information. Even though he was born during the Council of Primes era, the thirteen Primuses had already vanished. He only learned of Solus Prime from ancient texts, describing her as the only female among the thirteen. She was a master blacksmith, crafting weapons for almost every Primus, from the First Seer's Star Sword to Megatronus Prime's Requiem Blaster. Blessed with the gift of creation, Solus Prime made many powerful weapons.

Solus Prime's personal weapon was also of her own making: a massive forging hammer, which she named after herself - the Hammer of Heavenly Pride.

Sun Cheng's mind was instantly flooded with myriad bits of information. Excitedly, he gazed down at the colossal forging hammer on the little islet at the magma's core below. The long-lost excitement nearly made him lose control of himself in sheer exhilaration.

The Heavenly Pride Hammer — a weapon designed and crafted by Solus Prime herself.

Legend has it that this hammer could shatter any obstacles, a truly unparalleled artifact.

Of course, if some fool were to use it merely as a weapon, it would be a disgrace to this magnificent artifact.

On the planet Cybertron, in the tales about Solus Prime, her Heavenly Pride Hammer also possessed its master's divine power of creation. It could forge the rawest of materials into various components needed for weapons and armor, making it an incredible Sacred artifact capable of crafting other artifacts.

"No wonder Beast General said this was a Sacred artifact even the Primuses covet," Sun Cheng murmured, the ability of the Heavenly Pride Hammer to forge other artifacts certainly corroborated Beast General's words. Indeed, its allure was strong enough to tempt even the Primuses.

At the heart of the magma sea on the islet, between the two weapons leaning against each other, changes were starting to take place.

Bright blue arcs of electricity, appearing seemingly out of nowhere, danced between the two weapons, occasionally striking them.

Yet Sun Cheng didn't feel these arcs damaging the weapons. On the contrary, as the arcs continued to strike, a peculiar humming noise grew prominent in the vast and silent subterranean volcanic chamber.

Simultaneously, the Requiem Blaster, increasingly enveloped by the electric arcs, began emanating waves of an emotion resembling joy.

As more potent energy fluctuations began emanating from the Requiem Blaster, Sun Cheng couldn't help but exclaim softly.

Suddenly, he noticed countless tiny orange-yellow flames, the size of glass beads, swiftly emerging from the magma below. They soared towards the Requiem Blaster as if drawn by some force, being wholly absorbed by it.

Accompanying this flurry of tiny flames, the magma below Sun Cheng began changing visibly.

Initially, the magma, while dormant, still radiated intense heat. Gradually, its orange-yellow hue turned to dark red, then to a deeper shade, eventually matching the islet where the two weapons lay.

Twin beams shot out from Sun Cheng's eyes, briefly scanning the transforming magma, revealing the cause to him.

"The heat from the magma is being drained. The Requiem Blaster is replenishing its energy... Could it be that the Heavenly Pride Hammer can undo the control mechanism left by Solus Prime?"

This surprising discovery made Sun Cheng, who initially planned to retrieve both the Requiem Blaster and the Heavenly Pride Hammer, momentarily pause his actions.

After all, both artifacts were right there, with no one competing for them and nowhere for them to go.

If the Requiem Blaster, the artifact that once aided Lord Fallen in opposing six other powerful Primuses singlehandedly, regained its former might, then even without obtaining the Heavenly Pride Hammer, Sun Cheng would have struck gold.

An unrestrained Requiem Blaster was once responsible for creating the Sacred artifact known as the All Spark.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 648: The Hammer of Heavenly Pride (Part 2)  


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