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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List



The Requiem Blaster in his hand had awakened before it even had the chance to absorb Sun Cheng's internal energy, taking him completely by surprise.

After all, this was an artifact forged by Solus Prime, one of the cybertron Thirteen Primes, for Lord Fallen. The Artifact possessed a certain level of self-awareness, as Sun Cheng had previously experienced.

Yet, the last time he retrieved the Requiem Blaster from the Stellar Extraction Tower, the artifact radiated feelings of anger and resentment toward Sun Cheng.

It was as if the Requiem Blaster had realized that it had been abandoned by its master, Lord Fallen.

But now, the emotions it conveyed were those of excitement and exhilaration, leaving Sun Cheng somewhat puzzled.

"What's gotten into this thing?"

Held tightly in Sun Cheng's grip, the Requiem Blaster trembled violently, as if attempting to wrestle free from his clutches.

Sadly for it, it was still just a weapon. While it had self-awareness, it was designed to coordinate with its user in battle, and thus couldn't truly break free from his grip on its own.

However, because of its intense struggle, Sun Cheng had to continuously tighten his grip to ensure the Requiem Blaster didn't slip from his hands.

"What's wrong with the Requiem Blaster? Did it sense some energy and wants to draw power from the magma?"

Sun Cheng had recently acquired the Requiem Blaster and had intended to study it and understand its remaining capabilities.

Seeing the Requiem Blaster's relentless attempts to escape, Sun Cheng hesitated for a moment and then, still gripping it, floated above the magma.

As one end of the Requiem Blaster submerged into the magma, its silvery-gray body immediately began to change, with faint orange-red lines starting to appear.

While Sun Cheng was still not very familiar with the Requiem Blaster, he could vaguely feel it instinctively absorbing the heat energy from the magma and converting it to power.

Yet, its trembling did not cease.

On the contrary, upon contact with the magma, the Requiem Blaster's tremors became even more violent, making Sun Cheng feel as if it might break free any second.

Suddenly, a peculiar emotion manifested in his consciousness. Sun Cheng looked in astonishment at the struggling Requiem Blaster in his hand and murmured, "Hmm?"

Just now, this artifact, filled with resentment and anger, seemed to realize it couldn't escape from him. Remarkably, for the first time, it actively communicated with his consciousness, sending him a very basic and primal emotion.

"Release... go... there..."

There was something within the magma that was beckoning the artifact.

Sun Cheng squinted, piecing things together.

"Could it be the item hidden by Beast General?"

With that thought, he could barely restrain his curiosity.

However, Sun Cheng was not about to release the Requiem Blaster as it wished. He tightened his grip even more, wary of it escaping.

Holding the Requiem Blaster firmly, he tried to communicate, "Lead me to the place that's drawing you in, or I'll place you back where you were just now!"

Given the Requiem Blaster's self-awareness, he believed it would understand his threat.

Sure enough, after his words, the Requiem Blaster struggled even more violently, but Sun Cheng was already on guard.

After about two or three minutes of futile resistance, it seemed to resign itself to its fate.

Soon, another primal emotion was conveyed, "Fine!"

Sun Cheng smirked and, holding onto the Requiem Blaster, dove once more into the magma.

He didn’t know what was drawing the Requiem Blaster in, but as soon as he entered the magma, its reactions intensified.

“This direction? I see…”

Sun Cheng tried several directions, swimming some distance without the Requiem Blaster showing any reactions. Only after he selected a new direction did it begin to tremble fiercely.

Realizing he had found the correct path, he swiftly swam in that direction.

Within the thick magma, Sun Cheng quickly lost his sense of direction.

Fortunately, the Requiem Blaster constantly guided him. After changing directions and swimming for over forty minutes, he noticed the weapon in his hand began shaking even more violently. Its struggles were so intense that even Sun Cheng found it hard to hold on. Unexpectedly, it slipped from his grasp.

The Requiem Blaster shot out like a fired missile, swiftly soaring upwards and soon disappeared from his sight.


Having lost grip of it in the midst of the magma, Sun Cheng was taken aback.

Within the magma, he couldn’t use auxiliary power systems, and had to rely solely on swimming. Naturally, his speed couldn’t match the Requiem Blaster's. Even though the Requiem Blaster was now a devouring spear, it was, after all, Lord Fallen’s weapon. Sun Cheng intended to study it closely, hoping to use it as the core for the Stellar Extraction Tower to manufacture the All Spark, even if he couldn't wield it freely like Megatronus Prime did in days of old.

Fearful of losing it, Sun Cheng acted decisively. Activating his auxiliary power systems, jets protruded from his legs and the soles of his feet, propelling him rapidly through the magma, pursuing the direction where Requiem Blaster disappeared.

Only a few minutes later, he felt himself rushing out of the magma and into an underground volcanic chamber.

“Another underground volcano?”

Instinctively looking up at the chamber's ceiling, he found no familiar tunnel entrance. It became evident to Sun Cheng that he had ventured into another underground volcanic space.

This volcanic chamber was significantly larger than the one linked beneath the Terlindadi Peak. The magma here was calmer than in the previous space.

With the magma situated hundreds of meters below, Sun Cheng floated mid-air, instinctively scanning his surroundings. His gaze was instantly captured by a small island-like structure in the center of the chamber, seemingly an extension of the molten rock.

Referring to it as an island might be an overstatement; a reef would be a more accurate description.

In the center of the volcanic magma was a nearly circular reef, roughly twenty meters in radius, formed of cooled and solidified magma, its entirety a dark brown hue.

What captured Sun Cheng's attention wasn’t the reef itself, but rather the two uniquely shaped weapons resting on it. One, the familiar silver-grey long spear, was the Requiem Blaster that had escaped from his grip just minutes earlier. The other, resembling the forging hammers known on Earth.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 647: The Hammer of Heavenly Pride (Part 2)  


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