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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


"Are you sure it's Sound Nest?"

Optimus Prime's voice was deep and resonant. They had once collaborated with Sound Nest for over a year and had made many human friends there.

The Autobots held a deep respect for the deceased, and the people at Sound Nest should have known that.

If they knowingly violated this taboo, then perhaps they were better off without such friends.

Arcee immediately responded with certainty, "I can confirm it because I saw many familiar faces there, including William and the others."

Ironhide's voice erupted with anger, "William, those despicable humans! I've always said that these greedy Earthlings are untrustworthy. Leader, please allow me to take the lead!"

Ironhide had always been one of the Autobots' strongest voices against cooperating with the United States Government. In his view, the insatiable greed displayed by the government not only disgusted him but also harmed the interests of the Autobots. As Optimus Prime's deputy, he naturally opposed any collaboration with the United States Government.

Throughout the journey, the convoy had kept their speed at around a seemingly normal 100 miles per hour to avoid drawing human attention. Despite being a convoy consisting of dozens of different car makes and models, it still appeared highly conspicuous from a human perspective.

"Ironhide, don't act hastily," Optimus Prime's composure allowed him to temporarily control his anger and console Ironhide. "Let's pick up the pace a bit, Arcee, you keep monitoring the situation there. We'll be there soon."

As for the humans buying Decepticon remains, Optimus Prime couldn't control it, nor did he want to. Having learned about Earth's history and human greed, he knew that once humans discovered the existence of Cybertronians, they would go to great lengths to obtain extraterrestrial technology. Even if today's transaction were disrupted, what about tomorrow or the day after?

As long as the Skytiger Legion existed, the war between the Autobots and the Skytiger Legion would never end. Originating from a conflict of differing ideologies, it was even more brutal than political or religious wars. The Autobots couldn't guarantee victory every time or the disposal of Decepticon remains after each battle. So, as long as humans had the intention, they would always acquire some.

Technology from Cybertron, once researched by humans, could undoubtedly rapidly advance their technological capabilities. One could see this by comparing the technological gap between the United States and other countries on Earth. After collaborating with the United States Government, Optimus Prime had learned that they had secretly studied Megatron's mechanical body for over a century. Although they had only scratched the surface of the technology, it significantly advanced the planet's technological level.

"I hope that one day, humans will awaken and avoid treading the same path as us, leading to their own destruction."

Autobots quickly arrived at their destination after covering a distance of over thirty kilometers. Upon arrival, Ironhide led them to the sand pit he had hastily excavated in the nearby desert to bury fallen Autobot comrades. The area was now enclosed by colorful steel fences.

Several powerful CH-53 transport helicopters hovered above the steel fences, with cables dangling from the helicopters, as if they were busy lifting heavy objects.

The convoy was discovered just a few hundred meters from their destination.

An armed helicopter immediately flew directly towards them, and the sound of commands from above the aircraft began to echo.

"Warning, you have entered the joint exercise area of the United States and Egypt. Please turn back immediately, or we will initiate an attack!"

"Warning, you have entered the joint exercise area of the United States and Egypt. Please turn back immediately, or we will initiate an attack!"

"Warning, you have entered the joint exercise area of the United States and Egypt. Please turn back immediately, or we will initiate an attack!"

The warnings echoed three times as the Autobots' convoy continued to approach the area concealed by colorful steel fences.

The armed helicopter in the sky grew impatient, notifying its rear while activating its weapons system. The rocket launcher was locked onto the convoy below.

Ironhide's patience had worn thin. He transformed abruptly, leaping up to grab the AH-1 Cobra armed helicopter, which had been circling only twenty to thirty meters above the ground.

"You greedy humans have angered the Autobots!"

The AH-1 Cobra armed helicopter, weighing only a few tons, couldn't withstand the commanding strength of Ironhide. Amidst the crew's cries of alarm, Ironhide, along with the uncontrollable armed helicopter, plummeted from the sky toward the ground.


Optimus Prime also transformed into his combat form, attempting to thwart Ironhide's intention of crashing the helicopter into the colorful steel fence not far away.

One by one, the Autobots following him swiftly transformed. A team of dozens of Autobots appeared, causing the detectors of the Tombwind Unit to go haywire.

"Commander, we've detected a significant alien presence!"

A technician rushed out of a detection vehicle and reported to Colonel Williams. He was gazing uneasily beyond the colorful steel fence.

"I understand."

Colonel Williams responded calmly but with a tremor in his voice.

The armed helicopter that had just flown out to chase away the Autobots had already transmitted the information about the Autobots' presence back to them.

Colonel Williams now had no idea how to face these old friends from the past, let alone how to handle the unfolding events.

Thanks to the United States' leading global space surveillance system, the recent battle between Decepticons and Autobots in Egypt had been discovered and recorded by United States spy satellites.

Just a couple of days ago, after Sound Nest had finished recovering Decepticon and Autobot remains within Jordan's borders, greedy United States politicians had set their sights on the Autobot remains they had discovered in Egypt. That's why the special envoy sent by the United States didn't easily accept Egypt's proposal to negotiate a division of the spoils, taking only five intact Decepticon cannon fodder warrior remains and leaving behind some incomplete ones.

It was because they had already found the burial site of Autobot remains and planned to continue, using the pretext of a joint exercise with Egypt, to secretly dispatch a Tombwind Unit to unearth all the Autobot remains and then transport them to the U.S. Navy ships stationed over a hundred kilometers away in the Red Sea.

However, no one had expected that Optimus Prime, who had already been photographed as a victim of the Decepticons in previous surveillance footage, had miraculously come back to life. Moreover, they had collided with the Tombwind Unit sent to transport the Autobot remains. In that moment, Colonel Williams' mind was filled with countless thoughts.

Having interacted with the Autobots for over a year, he immediately realized one thing: this situation was about to go south!

The United States Government was likely to pay a steep price for their greed.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 637: Complete Rupture (Part 2) 


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