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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


"All members of the Tombwind Unit, I command you to hold your fire without my permission!"

Feeling a growing sense of crisis, Colonel Williams suppressed his unease and issued orders to the entire Tombwind Unit through the command communicator strapped to his body.

"Yes, sir!"

Numerous voices responded, all of them from former Sound Nest unit members.

They had once cooperated with the Autobots and knew well that their team of just over a hundred soldiers would struggle to deal with even a few Decepticon cannon fodder, let alone an Autobots squad.

However, this time, the operation to transport Autobot remains involved more than just the Tombwind Unit. Transport planes and armed helicopters were temporarily reassigned from the Navy, and they didn't fall under Colonel Williams' command.

As a result, when they noticed one of their armed helicopters being attacked, the atmosphere among the troops from the Navy changed instantly.

"Batfish 04 calling Swordfish, Tombwind Commander has ordered no firing..."

"Ignore them. I'm applying to the command ship. Our SC (armed helicopter) Dragonfish 23 is under attack by extraterrestrial creatures. Do we have authorization to retaliate..."

"Repeat the request. Our SC Dragonfish 23 is under attack by extraterrestrial creatures. Do we have authorization to retaliate..."

Watching several armed helicopters above suddenly adjusting their altitude and flying towards the Autobots, Colonel Williams felt a sense of impending disaster. He quickly checked the communicator in his ear and shouted urgently at the Navy's support helicopters, "I am the Tombwind Unit Commander. Autobots are different from Decepticons; they are not aggressive. Cease your provocative actions immediately!"

Unfortunately, the Navy's armed helicopters provided no response, indicating that they were still awaiting orders from the command ship.

Colonel Williams glanced to the side, where an Autobot corpse, already bound by ropes and hanging beneath a CH-53 transport helicopter, was about to be airlifted.

He realized what was likely to happen next and, in his moment of urgency, his mind became clearer.

"I will go personally to meet the Autobots..."

He needed to avoid conflict with the Autobots as much as possible, not only to preserve the fragile relationship between the United States and the Autobots but also to prevent the total annihilation of his unit.

Before the Sound Nest unit disbanded, Colonel Williams had personally led them in dozens of operations alongside the Autobots to combat the Decepticons. Although most of the Autobots he was familiar with had died in the battles in Jordan and Egypt, the remaining Autobots were not a force that his small unit armed with only a few individual weapons could contend with. Moreover, the armed helicopters in the sky were not obeying his commands.

He called his adjutant over and instructed them to immediately contact the Navy command ship on his behalf. Then, he summoned an armed Humvee and, with a few soldiers, headed towards an exit in the colorful steel fence.

Soon after passing through the fence, Colonel Williams saw several familiar figures in the distance.

"Optimus Prime..."

His eyes widened; the energy fluctuations he had detected earlier were indeed accurate—it was the real Optimus Prime.

Colonel Williams vividly remembered receiving intelligence just a few days ago, confirming Optimus Prime's death in a battle between the Decepticons and Autobots within the borders of Egypt. It was because of this information that the United States Government had, without regard for the Autobots' lives, dropped cloud-bombs on the Jordan Petra Mountains and subsequently transported all Autobot remains, intending to analyze, dissect, and study them.

But now, confirming that Optimus Prime was alive and the Autobots still possessed considerable combat capability, Colonel Williams felt a bone-chilling cold in the sweltering late August weather, from head to toe.

"Today, it seems there's no way to resolve this peacefully!"

Before coming here, he had been given strict orders—even if they had to engage with the Egyptian military, they had to transport the Autobot remains back.

However, Optimus Prime was still alive, and attempting to steal the remains of one's comrades and kin in front of the Autobots' leader was nothing short of provocation.

The armed Humvee came to a halt just tens of meters away from Optimus Prime and his group. As Colonel Williams stepped out of the vehicle, all the Autobots fixed their gaze on him.

"Major, you disappoint me," Optimus Prime remarked, his tone calm yet filled with disappointment.

Seeing Ironhide gripping the Cobra-armed helicopter tightly with both hands, Colonel Williams began to sweat coldly on his forehead. "Optimus Prime, could you please ask Ironhide to release the helicopter?"

Ironhide snorted coldly and showed no intention of letting go of the helicopter. In fact, he exerted even more force, leaving deep handprints on the aircraft's tail fin.

"So, does Sound Nest now consider us Autobots as targets as well?" Arcee, a female Autobot, broke the tense silence and looked at Colonel Williams.

Colonel Williams remained silent, unable to answer Arcee's question because the Tombwind Unit's mission, established after Sound Nest's dissolution, was aimed at all extraterrestrials landing on Earth. Clearly, in the eyes of the United States Government, both Autobots and Decepticons were considered invaders.

After a prolonged silence, he shook his head and said, "Sound Nest no longer exists, Arcee..."

Colonel Williams looked at Optimus Prime, his eyes carrying a hint of sorrow. "Sound Nest was disbanded, and a new organization called Tombwind was established based on the original Sound Nest unit. A new commander will take over soon, and I have already applied for retirement. This is my final mission before I retire."

He subtly conveyed information about the Tombwind Unit to Optimus Prime and the Autobots. Unfortunately, this goodwill was met with an angrier response.

"Your final mission is to arrange for our friends to dig up the remains of our Autobot kin?" It was Ironhide, his eyes blazing with anger, and his hand gripping the Cobra-armed helicopter produced a constant metallic crunching sound as he damaged its tail fin.

Colonel Williams felt guilty and dared not look at Ironhide or the other Autobots. The gazes fixed on him at that moment felt as cold as ice, making this former friend of the Autobots shiver.

"I... I'm sorry, Optimus Prime. I'm just an ordinary soldier."

After a long while, he bowed slightly, expressing his apology to Optimus Prime.

Optimus Prime, who had been silent for quite some time, still held a glimmer of hope for the humans at this point.

"Ironhide, release the helicopter," he said calmly. "Major, have your people leave our comrades' remains and depart from here."

This was the greatest concession he could make to his former friends, but Colonel Williams felt a sinking feeling. After hesitating for a moment, he nodded. "I'll arrange the evacuation."

Colonel Williams felt Optimus Prime's goodwill, so he decided to defy orders one last time for these former Autobot friends. Unfortunately, before he could transmit the evacuation order through the communicator, the roaring engines of two CH-53 transport helicopters thundered to life.

Colonel Williams, with a sudden change in his expression, turned to look behind him and immediately saw two Navy transport helicopters, each of which had already secured an Autobot corpse, preparing to take off.

This move instantly reignited the previously easing tension, infusing the situation with an unmistakable air of gunpowder.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 638: A Complete Rift (End)  


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