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In DC World With Marvel Chat Group : Table of Content/Chapter List


After Superego had thrown Schiller out, a few Gods who shared the same Pope took their seats on the top of the high tower to enjoy the spectacle.

Their posture was reminiscent of old men sitting under a tree, enjoying the breeze after a meal, with the only thing missing being folding chairs and some sunflower seeds.

One of the defining characteristics of humanity is its short lifespan, and yet another is its ability to have fun while living briefly. Even if these Gods did nothing else, simply watching the chaos and freedom in Cat City Gotham amid the chaos was entertaining enough.

But don't forget that there were still unresolved grievances between two individuals, Lex and Moonlight Schiller.

Lex hoped this test would end here, but Moonlight Schiller couldn't tolerate being interrupted in the middle of his work. So, he wanted to drag Khonshu back to that room and settle the score with Lex.

Although it was a rare opportunity to witness Schiller's amusement, Khonshu was not willing to cooperate. He hesitated, making dream god Morpheus and Jormungandr all the more entertained by watching Moonlight Schiller chase Khonshu with an umbrella sword.

No one knew whether Khonshu regretted seeking the most formidable Pope, but undoubtedly, he had no advantage in Schiller's territory, his Temple of Thought, where his staff had once again been broken.

Just as Jormungandr was about to taunt him, a massive blade of light came rushing toward them. A genius youth who couldn't stand idly by had been released from the Asylum, resulting in both Gods who accompanied the most formidable Pope suffering the consequences without a fight.

Dream god wanted to intervene but hesitated, thinking it best not to get involved. Khonshu went back to repair his staff, and Jormungandr was pursued by Moonlight Schiller, leaving dream god alone at the top of the tower.

As the saying goes, it's lonely at the top. The others were fortunate enough to descend from the tower's peak, avoiding the embarrassment of falling off because they couldn't maintain their balance when the tower was raised in thought.

Of course, Morpheus was a dream god, and he wouldn't be caught in such an embarrassing situation. In the midst of the shaking, he soared into the air. However, there was another person busy working at the top of the tower: Schiller's Superego personality.

Maintaining the form of his Temple of Thought in other dream spaces was challenging. Moonlight Schiller chasing these Gods had already caused quite a commotion, and now there was suddenly a concert taking place right under the high tower.

With this sudden disturbance, Temple of Thought was nearly shaken apart. The Superego, who was working on the top floor, stumbled and fell to the ground.

He was unusually angry and controlled Temple of Thought to transmit his voice outward. "Stop the noise!"

At the same time, he had a way to deal with these annoying intruders who were disrupting his work, and that was to resort to his old tricks, starting with the Lamp Ring.

Marvel Schiller had created the Green Lantern Corps industry, which had its advantages. At least he had a deep understanding of the Lamp Ring. Even without the help of others, he could use some underhanded means to summon other Lamp Rings.

Just like dealing with the Laughter Demon of Fear earlier, when they sensed a call from the Dream Realm, these Lamp Rings didn't know how to enter the Dream Realm, but their unique attributes allowed them to know who was calling them...

So, this group of Lamp Rings came to Schiller's side. Just as before, since the call came from the Dream Realm, the Lamp Rings abandoned their physical forms and entered Schiller's consciousness space as energy.

Once inside, the Lamp Rings were perplexed because the consciousness space they entered did not contain the Temple of Thought but rather a bunch of Schillers standing there.

Although they were all Schillers, the Lamp Rings' safety mechanisms were reliable. They would respond to the personality that called them; the rest were irrelevant.

So, these Lamp Rings could only fly clumsily toward Superego. When this group of Schillers saw these Lamp Rings, they understood what their counterparts in the Temple of Thought were up to, so they set sail and chased after the Lamp Rings.

The Lamp Rings had reliable auto-navigation features, even in the Dreamland. They became the best compass for leading this group of Schillers to Cat City Gotham in Dreamland.

As the ship approached, this group of Schillers saw the giant dark Owl Cat floating in mid-air. Marvel Schiller, standing at the bow, didn't hesitate and ordered, "Hoist the sails and ram it!"

DC Schiller had a reason to tease Marvel Schiller. Marvel Schiller had only two attack methods: ramming with the sails or jumping into battle with lowered sails.

All the residents of Cat City watched as a massive ship, shrouded in a pitch-black fog, flew like an arrow in the sky. With a swift "whoosh," it collided with the enormous dark Owl Cat with a resounding crash.

"Lower the sails and engage in battle!" Marvel Schiller shouted again.

Upon contact, the Schillers leaped off. Even a single Schiller could strip the feathers off the Owl Cat, but it took some time. Meanwhile, while all the cats were in the air battle, the Schillers had already transformed back into their human forms and arrived on the stage.

Bat Cat was completely focused on Constantine's magic and didn't notice the large hands that appeared behind him. In an instant, his front paws were captured, and he was lifted off the ground.

Schiller flipped Bat Cat over, making him face his hands. He held Bat Cat's front paws under the armpits, first examining from a distance and then up close.

Bat Cat's fur stood on end as he snarled at Schiller, but he hadn't equipped any large weapons due to his need to enter the control room earlier. With only a cat's sharp teeth and claws, he couldn't break free.

However, in this position, Bat Cat's paws could still scratch Schiller's hand, and his mouth could reach Schiller's fingers. So, Schiller hesitated for a moment and then grabbed the nape of his neck.

The cat caught in this position had almost no room to struggle. Batman instantly transformed back into a human, and Constantine and Victor gathered around. Schiller lifted the cat up, and they all stared at it.

Batman reached out and took the cat, saying, "So, you're really Bat Cat? Disguised as a bat-themed cat?"

Clearly, he was uncertain about how to assess his doppelganger...

While the group was engrossed in studying Bat Cat, the Lamp Rings that Schiller had brought along earlier were flying back toward the high tower of thought. Unbeknownst to the Schillers with their backs to the high tower, Grey Mist had returned to the high tower under Superego's guidance, once again absorbing the energy of the Lamp Rings.

A chaotic mist gradually dissipated, emitting colorful lights that sensed the changes in Light. Schiller turned around and saw a gray dragon emerging from the mist, emitting a resounding roar.

Schiller found this dragon somewhat familiar. He thought for a moment; wasn't this the gray Lamp Beast he had conjured earlier to fight the Laughter Demon of Fear? Wasn't this supposed to be something Grey Mist could create by absorbing the energy of Lamp Rings? Why was it here?

But before he could ponder further, dream god suddenly flew out of the tower and gave Schiller a malevolent smile. In that moment, the dream scene changed, the high tower of thought returned to its place, the dream shattered, and Schiller abruptly sat up in his sickbed.

He clutched his head, feeling his thoughts were in disarray. He remembered that dream god had forcibly ended the Thousand Cats' Dream, returned his high tower of thought to its original place, and then kicked him out of the dream.

Why did dream god do this? Was it revenge for Schiller blowing up his house? It seemed like a rather ineffective form of revenge.

Schiller thought this and sighed. He lay back down on his bed because being forcibly ejected from the dream left him somewhat fatigued. He planned to get more rest and hoped he could talk to dream god later.

Schiller drifted back into slumber, and when he woke up again, he was jolted awake by the ringing of a telephone. Schiller rolled over, pulled the blanket over himself, opened his eyes, and looked at the telephone placed beside his bed.

The telephone was emitting a sharp, irritating ring, and Schiller, feeling a bit annoyed, grabbed it and answered, saying, "Hello? I need some rest right now. Can't this wait..."

"It's me," came Bruce's voice from the other end of the line. Schiller vaguely recalled the dream he had earlier and figured that Bruce's call couldn't be anything too urgent. So, he intended to hang up the telephone.

Then he heard Bruce on the other end say, "To celebrate our recent victory in the dream, Professor, I've prepared a gift for you..."

Schiller promptly hung up the telephone with a flick of his wrist. He muttered quietly, "Trying to scare me with my own words? Not happening."

With that, he turned over, rested his head on the pillow, and tried to go back to sleep. However, just as he was about to drift off, there was a knock at his room's door. In his groggy state, Bruce appeared before him.

Schiller lay on his bed, took a deep breath to clear his head, and sat up. He turned his head to Bruce and asked, "What are you here for? Don't you know I'm still a patient?"

Then, Bruce bent down and pulled out... a black cat from under his feet.

Schiller widened his eyes in disbelief. Bruce cradled the black cat's front paws with his hands, presenting it to Schiller as if it were a pet.

"This is the gift, how do you like it? Do you approve?" Bruce asked.

Schiller covered his forehead with his hand, shut his eyes tightly for a moment, and muttered under his breath, "Am I dreaming or something?"

"No, Professor, do you remember yesterday's battle?" Bruce let the black cat down, and it walked over to Schiller's sickbed and sat down, starting to meow. To Schiller's surprise, he could understand what the cat was saying.

The cat was asking, "Am I in another world? What's going on?"

"The principle is probably similar to how you created Aisha. The power of the Lamp Rings fused into a Lamp Beast and something that wasn't supposed to be in the real world became materialized."

Schiller paused for a moment, recalling that he had indeed seen the Lamp Beast of Grey Mist before being kicked out of the dream. But where did it come from? He hadn't summoned the Lamp Rings.

Suddenly, it dawned on him that this was Superego's conspiracy, and perhaps dream god was involved too.

Superego summoned the Lamp Rings, merged them into the Lamp Beast of Grey Mist, and just as the Lamp Beast appeared, dream god sent everyone back to reality. This replicated the process Schiller had used to bring Aisha into reality, and they had brought this black cat into reality as well.

Schiller reached out and picked up the cat. Face to face, man and cat stared at each other. Bruce spoke, "Yes, this is Bat Cat."

"Now that it's done, do you have a way to send him back? I certainly don't."

Schiller opened his mouth to speak, then hesitated and said, "Can't you take care of him yourself? It's just a cat..."

"I could have, but Aisha would pull his tail, and Alfred doesn't allow any cat hair in the Manor."

"I don't allow it either... I mean, my butler, Merkel, doesn't allow it..."

"Oh my! What's this?!" Merkel, who had come to visit Schiller upon hearing the news of his awakening, walked up quickly, took the cat from Schiller's hands, and said, "Sir, did you adopt a stray cat? It's so cute! Have you given it a name?"

Schiller turned his head, glared at Bruce, and then said, "He's called Owl Cat."

"Meow!" "No!"

"Let's call him Owl Cat!"

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Next Chapter>>Chapter 599: Who Can Do Destruction In Schiller Manor? (Part 1)


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