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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


For a long time, Sun Cheng had been pondering a question. What if, for some reason, he had to confront or even battle against powerful beings like Megatron, Optimus Prime, Starscream, or Shockwave? How could he overturn the odds given the immense power gap?

The chasm created by this disparity in strength was not one that mere tactics could bridge. He had explored numerous methods, utilizing his computational abilities, as well as Base Two's super AI "Teletraan," to simulate various scenarios.

In the end, the only method Sun Cheng could come up with was employing massive armies and using vast resources to gain a slim chance at victory. That was precisely what he was doing now, even though he felt he was clearly underprepared.

"Damn reptile!"

When the first specialized Depleted Uranium Penetrator Round struck Lord Fallen at a speed exceeding Mach 5, it didn't easily penetrate and cause a massive explosion inside him, as it did when dealing with main battle tanks from various countries on Earth during tests.

However, the specialized Depleted Uranium Penetrator Rounds did manage to injure Lord Fallen eventually. The explosion's intense heat at the moment of impact made his mechanical body's surface armor momentarily less impervious. The projectile penetrated his mechanical body, albeit only by a few centimeters.

Then came the second... and the third...

Leveraging Sun Cheng's computational power, twenty-four heavy cannons, modified and upgraded from 2S19 self-propelled howitzers purchased from the Russians and operated by Base Two engineers, had achieved a remarkable increase in both power and accuracy.

The electromagnetic shockwaves from the Electromagnetic Pulse Bombs could damage electronic components in most Mechanical Life Forms. Sun Cheng had discovered this when testing the power of electromagnetic weapons. Once electronic components were damaged, even powerful Decepticon warriors could experience varying degrees of incapacitation.

This was why he had recently ordered three Yassen-class Attack Submarines to launch Electromagnetic Pulse Bombs, targeting Lord Fallen while he was engaged in combat with the Autobots. Although the Electromagnetic Pulse Bombs had caused significant harm to Lord Fallen, they had also impacted Sun Cheng and prevented him from avoiding subsequent U.S. bombings.

However, Sun Cheng hadn't expected that even the immensely powerful thermobaric bombs couldn't inflict severe damage on Lord Fallen. After being consecutively hit by a dozen Depleted Uranium Penetrator Rounds, Lord Fallen's incredible regenerative capabilities allowed him to overcome the effects of the Electromagnetic Pulse Bombs.

"Damn reptile, you've successfully provoked me..."

Quickly jumping from the top of the pyramid, Lord Fallen evaded the continuous onslaught of Depleted Uranium Penetrator Rounds and charged toward Sun Cheng. His face now appeared even more contorted and sinister due to his fury. However, with a dozen elongated depleted uranium warheads still lodged in his mechanical body, he looked somewhat disheveled.

Sun Cheng, too, was not holding back and was expending his internal energy to recover as quickly as possible.

The earlier Electromagnetic Pulse Bombs from the three Yassen-class Attack Submarines had not only harmed Lord Fallen and him but had also rendered all the deployed heavy assault robots here useless. However, Sun Cheng remained unfazed. He still had some cards up his sleeve.

"Do you think you've won?"

Sun Cheng smiled as he looked at Lord Fallen, who was getting closer and closer. He didn't attempt to retaliate. The damage from the Electromagnetic Pulse Bombs had been far worse for him than for Lord Fallen. Despite having reached quasi-commander-level combat capabilities, he still appeared particularly feeble against the now less-than-optimal condition Cybertronian Primus.

Lord Fallen kicked him away with a swift motion, his face contorted even more grotesquely than before as he looked at Sun Cheng. He wasn't going to kill this traitor who dared to steal his weapons and worsen his injuries so easily.

"...You want to challenge me? Perhaps in your next life."

He drew a bone staff and plunged it into Sun Cheng's chest, lifting him high and grinning down at him. "You should be proud. You managed to injure me with these means... and that makes me very angry."

Finally, Sun Cheng started to recover a bit and grasped the bone staff protruding from his own chest. There was no fear of death evident on his face. His eyes were glowing with an unprecedented intensity.

Protected within his thick armor, the Spark in his chest was burning more intensely than ever before, with unprecedented efficiency.

With a mere thought, another round of shells was on its way.

Lord Fallen was oblivious to the impending danger. Having recently suffered losses, he had already calculated the trajectory of the shells from the self-propelled howitzers dozens of kilometers away based on the shots he had just taken.

But when the calculations revealed that this volley was not aimed at him, Lord Fallen had no opportunity to dodge.

He charged toward Sun Cheng with his head aimed at him, violently colliding with him and shattering the metal above his head, sending shards flying in all directions.

Seeing the bone staff firmly grasped by Sun Cheng, Lord Fallen made no effort to pull it out. His other hand transformed into a laser cannon, aiming it at Sun Cheng's right leg.


An energy blast was fired, instantly shattering his right leg. Lord Fallen grinned and raised the energy cannon again, this time aiming at Sun Cheng's left leg.

However, he couldn't see the kind of fear and despair he liked on Sun Cheng's face. Sun Cheng had already seen the dawn of victory.

"Forget to tell you, this time it's not armor-piercing!"

Mechanical beings didn't experience pain like humans, but injuries were still uncomfortable for them. Lord Fallen raised an eyebrow in confusion. Just then, the sky was filled with a hail of projectiles.


"Boom... Boom..."

The dense barrage rained down around Sun Cheng and Lord Fallen, occasionally hitting Lord Fallen, but none of the projectiles could penetrate the surface armor of his mechanical body.

Lord Fallen sneered and was about to taunt Sun Cheng's feeble attempt when suddenly his expression changed. He looked down and in the direction where the shells had fallen, he saw "frost."

A dense white fog suddenly rose, absorbing the heat from the surrounding air after the projectiles landed, freezing the soft sand and everything, including his mech.

"Cryogenic Bombs... Hope you'll enjoy them..."

In the past, Sector Seven had discovered Megatron buried in the Arctic and had used liquid nitrogen to artificially create low temperatures, keeping him in a dormant state in their base for over a century. Sun Cheng's engineers had later studied this and found that under extremely low temperatures, Decepticons' Sparks and electronic components significantly slowed down their activity.

This meant that just as high temperatures could harm mechanical life, extremely low temperatures could do the same. Under Sun Cheng's orders, Base Two had been researching Cryogenic Bombs.

The batch of Cryogenic Bombs that had been sent along with other weapons due to Sun Cheng's greed for the Stellar Extraction Tower not long ago was now put to use.

Watching the frost gradually spreading over Lord Fallen's mechanical body, Sun Cheng coldly drew a battleship-cutting sword and swung it high, cutting off the bone staff embedded in his chest.

He leaped into the air and landed on the pyramid several dozen meters away. From there, he controlled the twenty-four self-propelled howitzers stationed dozens of kilometers away to launch all the Cryogenic Bombs.

"Hynix, two rounds of overlapping strikes..."

After sending his current coordinates to Hynix, who was over two hundred kilometers away, Sun Cheng struggled to transform his mechanical body back into its jet form. He didn't currently have enough firepower to kill Lord Fallen, but he could inflict severe damage, making Lord Fallen think twice about coming after him, which was one of his few options.

Of course, Sun Cheng wasn't going to let him off easily. A drone had already taken off with the coordinates of Lord Fallen's Stellar Extraction Tower, heading toward Solia. The Leadership Module seemed to have fallen into the hands of the Autobots, and if it was as mystical as the Cybertron legends claimed, their leader, Optimus Prime, should have already been revived.

Sun Cheng decided to leave this troublesome fellow, Lord Fallen, for Optimus Prime to deal with.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 623: The Desire for a New Mechanical Body 


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