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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


In the skies above, the fiery exhaust from dozens of incoming missiles' tail thrusters, along with the resulting long columns of smoke, created a spectacular aerial display.

"Missiles from the humans?" Lord Fallen furrowed his brow as he gazed at the sky, still smarting from the two recent encounters he'd had.

The first time had been when he faced several dozen Electromagnetic Pulse Bombs. These electromagnetic weapons packed a much greater punch against mechanical life than ordinary missiles. Even some electronic components within his mechanical body had been damaged, causing a noticeable decrease in Lord Fallen's control over his own body compared to before the missile attack.

While Lord Fallen's formidable mechanical body allowed him to largely shrug off most weapon damage on Earth, it didn't mean he was invulnerable. The two previous waves of bombings had, according to his own diagnosis, increased his injuries by about 4% since he'd awoken months ago.

The fact that he, as mighty as Primus, had his injuries worsened by missiles created by the seemingly insignificant humans, filled him with an indignant rage. This frustration even rekindled thoughts of subjugating Earth and enslaving all its inhabitants.

As the missiles drew closer to the ground, a growing sense of urgency gripped Lord Fallen. These missiles evoked a sense of familiarity, and as he recalled, his expression underwent a sudden and dramatic change.

"So, it's you!" Lord Fallen finally remembered the hidden hand behind the first wave of missiles that had attacked him in the Jordan Petra Mountains not long ago.

"Unfortunately, you're too late!" He spotted hundreds of heavily armed assault robots swarming up from below toward him on the pyramid.

While missiles and rockets were still raining down, the ammunition-depleted assault robots began using their equipped heavy machine guns without any regard for conserving bullets. Once they reached Lord Fallen's vicinity, their core reactors would detonate.

Lord Fallen considered moving to deal with Sun Cheng, realizing that Sun Cheng had been controlling this vast swarm of robots, numbering in the thousands. Once he took care of Sun Cheng, these little toys would pose almost no threat to him.

However, Sun Cheng was aware of this as well. After realizing that the bullets from the long-range sniper robots couldn't penetrate Lord Fallen's armor, he diverted all of them to target Lord Fallen's eyes and head, relentlessly firing away.

Meanwhile, the remaining thirty-one aerial combat robots simultaneously redirected their barrels, relentlessly firing energy beams at Lord Fallen's head.

"Get lost, you disgusting puppets..." Lord Fallen muttered.

The energy weapons equipped on these aerial combat robots still posed a certain level of threat to Lord Fallen. The bullets specifically targeting his eyes were relentless, making it hard for him to defend himself.

His eyes weren't as resilient as his mechanical body, and in the chaos, a few specialized sniper rounds hit his eyes. Although they didn't destroy Lord Fallen's eyes, they temporarily robbed him of several seconds of vision.

In those few seconds, the thirty-one aerial combat robots in the sky fired one energy shot after another at his head.

This passive assault fueled Lord Fallen's fury. He descended from the sky to the pyramid, his right hand transforming into a large-caliber laser cannon, and he unleashed a barrage of fire towards the sky and Sun Cheng.


One by one, the aerial combat robots exploded in mid-air. Every energy projectile aimed at Sun Cheng was intercepted by the heavy assault robots guarding him.

Simultaneously, as Lord Fallen descended onto the pyramid, the nearly depleted ammunition-heavy assault robots received orders to charge at him recklessly. Once they got close enough, they would detonate, turning into high-explosive bombs.

Their sacrifice bought Sun Cheng the precious time he needed.

Finally, after flying thousands of kilometers from the southwest sky, the missiles landed on the nameless pyramid.

"Boom... Boom... Boom... Boom... Boom..."

Accompanying the sudden explosions were electromagnetic shockwaves that rendered Lord Fallen's enraged shouts almost inaudible.

The terrifying electromagnetic waves enveloped both Sun Cheng and Lord Fallen the moment the bombs detonated.

Even though his mechanical body had undergone anti-electromagnetic treatment and had an additional layer of anti-electromagnetic interference on its surface, when dozens of Electromagnetic Pulse Bombs exploded within the tiny area of the nameless pyramid, Sun Cheng lost all his senses in the first instant. His sense of hearing, touch, and sight—everything went dark.

He became like a blind man, unable to see, hear, or feel anything. Inside his body, all electronic components were swiftly disrupted by the shockwaves from the Electromagnetic Pulse Bombs. Smoke billowed from within him, making it appear as if he were on fire.

"Initiate self-repair..."

Sun Cheng continuously attempted to regain control of his body. He didn't know how long this process lasted until an energy projectile struck his chest, sending Sun Cheng tumbling down from the towering pyramid and crashing heavily onto the ground.

Afterward, he gradually felt his vision returning, and his consciousness regained mastery over his body.

"This is bad..."

Data feedback from the Core, akin to a series of alarming sirens, made Sun Cheng realize just how dire his current situation was. Over 90% of his electronic components were destroyed, severely limiting his mobility.

Even with full repairs, it would take at least half a month to fully recover.

But it was all worth it!

Struggling to stand up, his mechanical body swaying as if it might topple at any moment, Sun Cheng looked at the peak of the pyramid. There stood Lord Fallen, shrouded in thick white smoke, his body also staggering grotesquely as he gazed menacingly at Sun Cheng.

He grinned!

"Heavy firepower system, awakening!"

In three different directions, within the desolate terrain spanning twenty to thirty kilometers away, eight units of self-propelled howitzers, resembling the Russian Army's 2S19 series, hummed to life as if awakened. They simultaneously adjusted their barrels, aiming at Lord Fallen atop the nameless pyramid twenty kilometers away.

Amidst the deafening roar, specialized Depleted Uranium Penetrator Rounds were unleashed into the flames.

With speeds of 2000 meters per second, the twenty to thirty-kilometer distance vanished in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, Lord Fallen at the pinnacle of the pyramid had just endured the bombardment of numerous Electromagnetic Pulse Bombs, and like Sun Cheng, his mechanical body temporarily lost mobility due to the extensive damage to electronic components.

It was precisely then that the whistling projectiles arrived.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 622: Cryogenic Bombs  


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