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Without hesitation, Sun Cheng detonated all the robots he had deployed here earlier, along with the twenty-four self-propelled howitzers. Explosions echoed along his path as Sun Cheng flew erratically away from Cairo towards the Mediterranean Sea.

The Cryogenic Bombs were not his only trump card; he had an even riskier ace up his sleeve that he hadn't revealed yet. If he were to use it, the losses to Sun Cheng would undoubtedly be incalculable.

At least the losses he was incurring now were within an acceptable range for him.

The distance from Cairo to the Mediterranean Sea was just over two hundred kilometers. Due to his less than optimal condition, Sun Cheng did not accelerate to supersonic speeds throughout the journey.

Nevertheless, it didn't take him long to reach the Mediterranean Sea. After carefully searching for a moment, he descended slowly onto a military vessel.


Thunder, Excavator, and Hynix had arrived here ahead of him and were joined by Forerunner. Sun Cheng had returned to his battle-ready form, looking much worse for wear than when he had separated from them earlier.

His mechanical body emitted thick white smoke from top to bottom, and a conspicuous gaping hole punctuated his left chest.

As he landed on the deck, Sun Cheng nearly stumbled and fell. His right leg had been broken in the previous battle, and in his combat form, his balance was severely compromised.

"I'm fine!"

Seeing Forerunner and Thunder rushing forward to help him, Sun Cheng waved them off. A medical spider descended from Forerunner and crawled onto Sun Cheng, eventually stopping at his chest. Its two front legs acted like welding tools as it began treating him.

Although Sun Cheng found the treatment uncomfortably similar to welding, he endured it because it would accelerate his recovery.

"This time, when I return to Base Two, it looks like I'll have to consider manufacturing a new mechanical body for myself!"

Creating a new mechanical body required a substantial amount of resources. Without significant power and influence, even Autobots from distant lands would struggle with such an endeavor. But Starscream and Sun Cheng were exceptions.

Starscream had seemingly been on Earth for over a century. During this time, he had accumulated vast resources by mining and breeding Decepticon warriors and engineers, making him largely independent from Humans and disinterested in cooperation with them.

In this aspect, Sun Cheng had an even greater advantage. He not only had the entire real world to support him but also the inner world of Humans within himself. This made him more willing to actively engage with the Human nations in the Transformers Universe through trade.

Through trade and the expansion of Base Two in South America, Sun Cheng had already accumulated a massive amount of resources, enough to sustain the consumption of his formed forces and even more.

"A new mechanical body..." Sun Cheng mused as he looked down at the medical spider diligently treating his wound. The idea was now firmly planted in his mind.

Sun Cheng's current mechanical body had only been in use for about a year. When designing it a year ago, the blueprint had partially drawn inspiration from Autobot Jazz and part from the mechanical body left behind by Onslaught.

Although Sun Cheng himself, along with his team of Decepticon engineers, had made numerous improvements in various technical aspects over the past year, the thought of having a brand new body intrigued him.

However, limited by the resources and technology he had at that time, the mechanical body he originally designed to be on par with a commander-level ended up with real combat strength only slightly better than a first-tier elite warrior.

Initially, because he deliberately avoided direct conflicts with the Autobots and the Skytiger Legion, Sun Cheng didn't feel that this mechanical body was too inadequate.

But recently, as he clashed directly with Starscream, Soundwave, Lord Fallen, and even Megatron, whom he had offended, Sun Cheng realized that the time might come when the true ruler, Megatron, returned.

His dissatisfaction with this mechanical body had been accumulating.

Perhaps it was time to consider designing a more powerful new mechanical body for himself. The battle with Lord Fallen had just provided the best reason for it.

Even with his super strength, super speed, and control of electromagnetic forces, Sun Cheng's proud energy weapons could only inflict limited damage on Lord Fallen.

Concentrating a large military force against him also couldn't kill him. Thus, as long as Sun Cheng didn't have the power to eliminate Lord Fallen, he would always live under the threat of the Cybertron Planet legend, one of the Thirteen Primes.

Requiem Blaster was something Sun Cheng had never considered returning.

Sitting on the deck, gazing up at the starry sky, he gradually sank into contemplation.

The Decepticons on board noticed that Sun Cheng, despite having taken some losses in the recent battle, didn't seem as defeated as they had expected.

They were curious about the details of the battle, especially Excavator. He had followed Starscream and had witnessed Lord Fallen's awakening, so he still vividly remembered the tremendous power of Primus.

Only Megatron had ever commanded the respect of someone as treacherous as Starscream, but even he had faced two recorded rebellions.

The more Excavator thought about it, the more curious he became. His eyes narrowed slightly as he interrupted Sun Cheng's thoughts.

"Frenzy, how did the battle turn out?"

Sun Cheng was in the midst of preliminary designs for his new mechanical body when he was abruptly interrupted. He raised an intrigued eyebrow.

"If I had lost, do you think I'd still be alive to come back, given Lord Fallen's personality?"

He looked with interest at Excavator, who had recently undergone a drastic change in behavior.

"Your sealed memories should be fully awakened by now, right?"

Having dealt with Decepticons for so long, Sun Cheng's personality had been influenced to some extent. He continued, "So, how should I address you now?"

Excavator's eyes flashed for a moment. He wasn't surprised that Sun Cheng had noticed his unusual behavior. After all, they had interacted for over half a year, and they had grown familiar with each other's personalities.

Moreover, ever since his previous life's memories had fully awakened, Excavator had felt an inexplicable affinity with Sun Cheng. It was no wonder, as in a distant past, he had a name—Swindle.

Excavator considered the pros and cons for a moment and then slowly spoke, "Swindle, my name used to be Swindle."

As the name was uttered, a brilliant blue light suddenly shone in Sun Cheng's eyes.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 624: Arms Dealer - Swindle 


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