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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


After swimming for hundreds of kilometers in the depths of the Red Sea, Ironhide finally returned to land.

At this moment, there was no trace of his former vitality left on him.

The massive explosion that occurred within the Jordanian borders had covered the entire area where they had been fighting against the Decepticons and Lord Fallen.

Ironhide had indeed underestimated the power of the weapons created by many of the humans on Earth due to his disdain for them. However, as a weapons expert, he could roughly estimate the power of the bombs dropped by the U.S. military based on data he had captured, such as air temperature, wind patterns, and geological vibrations.

Without a doubt, all the Autobots, including his beloved Claudia, should be gone.

Losing his loved one, losing his comrades, losing his companions. Ironhide couldn't help but doubt whether all of this was worth it for an uncertain possibility.

However, he didn't linger in confusion for too long. As a commander, from the perspective of the entire Autobot camp, even a glimmer of hope to resurrect Leader Optimus Prime was worth sacrificing himself and more Autobots.

Without a Leader, the catastrophe for the Autobots would become a reality. Leaving aside other factors, just dealing with beings like Megatron and Lord Fallen, who were extraordinary entities, was beyond the capabilities of ordinary Autobot warriors.

On Cybertron Planet, whether Autobots or Decepticons, the Leader had always been synonymous with supreme command and the highest combat power of the Autobots and Decepticons.

With determination in his heart, Ironhide didn't delay on the shore. If the Leadership Module could bring Optimus Prime back to life, then there was a possibility for other sacrificed comrades and loved ones to be resurrected as well.

The top priority was to reach the corpse of Optimus Prime as soon as possible.

After arriving on Earth, Ironhide had already transformed one of his alternate forms into a heavy-duty pickup truck. When transforming into this type of vehicle, mechanical lifeforms like them could perfectly mimic all the functions of such a transportation vehicle and even surpass them.

Therefore, on the rough roads of Africa, Ironhide's traveling speed was not significantly affected.

Throughout the journey, he maintained a speed of over 300 kilometers per hour, heading towards Aswan, the southern stronghold of Egypt.

Aswan was the agreed meeting point between him and the Autobots from the Solia base.

The distance from Solia's Autobots base to Aswan was farther than Ironhide's journey from Jordan. However, considering that this route had mostly flat roads, and with the Autobots' speed, they should arrive earlier than Ironhide.

This was Ironhide's request because, to escort the corpse of Optimus Prime northward, all the Autobot warriors stationed at the base had to mobilize as long as they could still move. He knew that Lord Fallen and the Skytiger Legion were chasing after him, and he had to be prepared.

Ironhide had landed near the Suez Canal, and because he was in a hurry to get to Aswan after coming ashore, he had already arrived in the city of Nasser over an hour later, with just a few tens of kilometers left to reach Aswan.

He raced along the suburban road, and fortunately, it was already nighttime, which spared him a lot of trouble.

However, even so, many vehicles along the way noticed the heavy-duty pickup truck, which could rival supercars in speed.

When Ironhide was still more than twenty kilometers away from Aswan, he suddenly detected a familiar energy fluctuation. Soon after, a purple motorcycle appeared in his field of vision.

"Commander, sir..."

A familiar seductive voice emanated from the projection of the beautiful woman on the purple motorcycle, none other than the female Autobot Alita.

"Following your orders, we've already transported Leader's corpse to Aswan!"

"Thank you for your hard work!"

Ironhide suppressed the grief in his heart and replied in a deep voice, then said, "Lead the way quickly; I've already acquired the Leadership Module. Lord Fallen and the Decepticons are probably still tracking me. Only by resurrecting Leader do we have a chance to continue the fight against the Decepticons and Lord Fallen."

"Please follow me!"

Alita accelerated and moved ahead, guiding Ironhide along the route.

She was unaware of the events in Jordan and hadn't seen her sister Claudia, so she couldn't help but ask, "Why haven't we seen Bumblebee and the others? How much longer until Claudia and the rest arrive?"

Ironhide's response was silence. The situation for Bumblebee and the others couldn't be good. The power of the bombs made by humans, especially the dense coverage of over twenty bombs, was formidable and comparable to many high-powered energy weapons created by Cybertronians. Most Autobots were likely to have perished there, just as Sideswipe had sacrificed himself to hold off Lord Fallen, or like Shake, who had died in battle earlier.

Alita fell silent. Female Autobots were an extremely rare and special group on Cybertron Planet, and with each loss, their numbers diminished, especially when it was her sister, Claudia.

The two Autobots continued to race down the highway in silence until they approached Aswan. After a long period of silence, Alita suddenly turned into the desert outside the city.

They hadn't been in the desert for long when Ironhide began to sense a familiar energy fluctuation.

Before long, several heavily damaged cars appeared in their field of vision. "Commander, sir, we've already transported Leader's corpse here!"

Several Autobot warriors, both battle-hardened and ordinary, greeted him.

After making their way, Ironhide quickly arrived at a ruin deep in the desert. The building had been abandoned for at least several centuries, a common sight within Egyptian borders, either abandoned due to wars or, more likely, due to the spreading desert caused by the decrease in the Nile River's water levels.


"Commander, sir..."


As Ironhide approached, dozens of Autobot warriors, some bearing scars, greeted him. After Optimus Prime's death, he became the highest commander of all Autobots on Earth, an honor but also a heavy responsibility.

When he saw the Autobot Leader, Optimus Prime, lying among the ruins, appearing as if asleep, Ironhide's heavy expression changed abruptly, and he quickly transformed into his combat form.

Female Autobot Arcee had been quietly guarding Optimus Prime's corpse. Upon seeing Ironhide's arrival, she nodded slightly and stepped aside.

"Leader, I'm back!"

With a solemn expression, Ironhide bowed to Optimus Prime's corpse, then patted his own chest.

After a clinking sound of metal friction, a peculiar conical object appeared in the sight of all Autobots.

Ironhide picked it up, recalling what Ratchet and Sam had discussed earlier. Following their advice, he aimed the object at Optimus Prime's chest, where the Spark had already extinguished, and thrust it in.

Strangely, the Leadership Module, which had shown no response all along, suddenly emitted a blinding blue light after being thrust into Optimus Prime's chest.

Then, to the astonishment and excitement of all the Autobots, the mechanical body of Optimus Prime moved.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 617: The Legacy of the Leader  


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